190 research outputs found

    Hall Thruster Plume Diagnostics Utilizing Microwave Interferometry

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    The fatigue behavior of two woven SiC-SiNC ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) was investigated at 1300 °C in laboratory air and in steam. The first composite (C1) consists of a PIP SiNC matrix reinforced with Sylramic (Syl) fibers woven in a five-harness satin weave fabric and coated with a proprietary dual-layer interface. The second composite (C2) consists of a modified PIP SiNC matrix reinforced with Sylramic-iBN (Syl-iBN) fibers woven in a five-harness satin weave fabric and coated with a proprietary dual-layer interface. The tensile stress-strain behavior was investigated and the tensile properties measured at 1300°C. Tension-tension fatigue behavior was studied for fatigue stresses ranging from 100 to 180 MPa at 1300 °C in air and in steam. The presence of steam caused noticeable degradation in fatigue performance of both composites at 1300°C. The fatigue limit of the composite C1 (based on a run-out condition of 2 x 105 cycles) was 100 MPa (53% UTS at 1300°C) in both air and steam. The fatigue limit of the composite C2 was 160 MPa (66% UTS) in air and 140 MPa (58% UTS) in steam. The retained strength and modulus of all specimens that achieved run-out were characterized. Specimens of both composites tested in air retained 100% of their tensile strength, while the specimens of both composites tested in steam retained only about 90% of their tensile strength

    Vangl2 as a key regulator of cell behaviour within the developing cardiac outflow tract :elaborating specific roles in second heart field and neural crest cells

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    PhD Thesisii Abstract Vangl2 is a key member of the multi-protein planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. Previous studies using the loop-tail (Lp) mouse, which carries a mutation in the Vangl2 gene, have shown that PCP is required for normal development of the cardiac outflow tract. The main cell types involved in development of the outflow tract are neural crest cells (NCC) and cells derived from the second heart field (SHF). The PCP pathway plays important roles in polarisation of cells within tissues and in directional cell movements. I hypothesised that PCP signalling is required for efficient movement of progenitor cells into the developing heart and that an abnormality in these processes is sufficient to cause common outflow tract defects. Whilst loss of Vangl2 in NCC has no affect on outflow tract development, deletion of Vangl2 from SHF cells (using Vangl2flox crossed with Isl1-Cre mice) recapitulates the shortened outflow tract and malalignment defects seen in Lp mice. The cellular distribution of Vangl2 changes as SHF cells pass from a progenitor state, still expressing Isl1 protein, to differentiated myocardium. When Vangl2 is lost from the cells derived from the SHF, the cells within the distal walls of the outflow tract show altered localisation of polarised molecules such as β-catenin, fibronectin and laminin, as well as PCP proteins including Dvl2 and Celsr1, suggesting disrupted cellular polarity. The expression of PKCζ and E-cadherin is also altered in the distal outflow tract walls of Vangl2flox/flox;Isl1-Cre embryos, supporting the idea that Vangl2 may regulate the polarity of this tissue. Together, these studies suggest that Vangl2 plays a role in imparting polarity on SHF cells as they contribute to the outflow and that this is important for its lengthening. Confirmation of the importance of the PCP pathway in regulating the polarity of the cells in the distal outflow tract, and its importance for outflow tract development, was obtained by examining upstream components (Wnt5a and Ror2) and downstream targets (Rac1 and ROCK) of the pathway, showing outflow defects and a similar expression pattern of polarised molecules

    N-grams Based Supervised Machine Learning Model for Mobile Agent Platform Protection against Unknown Malicious Mobile Agents

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    From many past years, the detection of unknown malicious mobile agents before they invade the Mobile Agent Platform has been the subject of much challenging activity. The ever-growing threat of malicious agents calls for techniques for automated malicious agent detection. In this context, the machine learning (ML) methods are acknowledged more effective than the Signature-based and Behavior-based detection methods. Therefore, in this paper, the prime contribution has been made to detect the unknown malicious mobile agents based on n-gram features and supervised ML approach, which has not been done so far in the sphere of the Mobile Agents System (MAS) security. To carry out the study, the n-grams ranging from 3 to 9 are extracted from a dataset containing 40 malicious and 40 non-malicious mobile agents. Subsequently, the classification is performed using different classifiers. A nested 5-fold cross validation scheme is employed in order to avoid the biasing in the selection of optimal parameters of classifier. The observations of extensive experiments demonstrate that the work done in this paper is suitable for the task of unknown malicious mobile agent detection in a Mobile Agent Environment, and also adds the ML in the interest list of researchers dealing with MAS security

    System Integration & Programming of EHD 3D printer

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    This project is the base for Electro Hydro Dynamics (EHD) & Air Focusing Flow (AFF) 3D printer. Electro Hydo Dynamics (EHD) is the study of dynamics of electrically charged fluids and motions of ionized particles or molecules and their interactions with electric fields and the surrounding fluid. In order to study and work on EHD, this is the first phase. Before going to 3D printing or Manufacturing of the components, it's better to test the machine and evaluate its performance in a virtual environment. First, we took food printer and converted into a simple 3D printer. Then we took a high precision Semprex KL-series table to work on the EHD. With our project outlined, we had to choose a design, source the parts, build the printer, and get the printer to work with NI's software and hardware which has not yet been done before. The nozzle and base both are not stationary. The base lies on the XY-axis while the nozzle is fixed on the Z-axis. The LabVIEW has to be designed so that it can integrate MACH3 as well as Slicer with an integration of temperature and pressure control. For this project we are using NI LabVIEW 2016, which is the latest version.M.S., Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics -- Drexel University, 201

    Industrial Application of Induction Heated System

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    A high frequency resonant mirror inverter based induction-heated device has been evolved with helical formed heating coil in its primary. To reduce the pores and skin effect loss & proximity loss, the heating coil is manufactured from litz twine. The coil inductance & a.c resistance were decided the usage of analytical method below on load situations. With the specific secondary metallic gadgets in its secondary the determined values of inductance & a.c resistance have been found to alternate substantially. For industrial programs stainless nevertheless is preferred due to its excessive permeability and resistivity. The lab prototype of induction heated gadget is experimented with water as fluid & stainless nevertheless plates as secondary metal object and for exceptional frequencies efficiencies were acquired. eventually to decide the load shape the system is examined with single layer, double layer & triple layer metal sheets made of different metallic mixtures

    Haemodynamic response to endotrachial intubation: direct versus video laryngoscopy

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    Background: Laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation is an integral part of general anesthesia. Endotracheal intubation involving conventional laryngoscopy produces a haemodynamic changes associated with increased heart and blood pressure. The aim of the present study was to compare the hemodynamic changes that occur during and after endotracheal intubation with either a conventional (Macintosh) laryngoscope or a video laryngoscope in patients who are ASA grade I and II.Methods: After getting approval from ethics committee and consent form from each patients 120 patients with age between 18-65 years of ASA-I, II grade were included in the study. They were divided into two groups. Group A was underwent with tracheal intubation with the Macintosh blade (size 3 blade and size 4) and group B with AWS (Pentax) video laryngoscope. The time taken to perform endotracheal intubation and haemodynamic changes associated with intubation were noted in both the groups at different time points.Results: The duration of laryngoscopy and intubation was significantly longer in group B (video laryngoscopy) when compared to group A patients. However, haemodynamic changes did not showed any significant differences between the groups.Conclusions: Video laryngoscopy did not offer any advantages in terms of haemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and intubation in patients when compared with conventional ones

    Congenital malaria presenting as late-onset sepsis in infant with mother treated with antimalarial therapy: A case report

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    Incidence of congenital malaria has been reported to be in the range between 0.3% and 30% in both the endemic and non-endemic areas. Malaria in pregnancy and congenital malaria are epidemiologically less investigated in India. Timely intervention and awareness are necessary for desirable outcome and prevention of the condition and to prevent perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality. Herein, we report a case of a 1-month-old male baby, presenting with high-grade fever, feeding difficulty, and hepatosplenomegaly on examination. Mother had a history of chills and rigors in her first trimester and was found to be smear positive for Plasmodium vivax. Investigations of the child revealed thrombocytopenia, raised C-reactive protein and positive peripheral smear for P. vivax. She was treated with Inj. artesunate and cured. Thus, congenital malaria should be considered as a differential diagnosis in newborn presenting with clinical features of sepsis even when mother has been adequately treated
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