422 research outputs found


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    Acacia catechu (L.F.) Willd commonly known as Khadira, has number of therapeutic properties and is also known as Catechu, Cachou and black cutch. Acacia catechu is an economically important plant for medicinal uses. Seeds are good source of protein namely mucilage. The Katha prepared from its heartwood, is an important constituent of Paan (Betel preparation). Khadira is described under Kashaya skandha, Kushthagna, Udardaprashamana gana by Charaka and Salsaradi gana by Sushruta. The plant contains tannin, catechin, epicatechin, kaemferol alkaloids, flavonoids and toxifolin. In Ayurvedic texts Khadira is considered as a Kushthaghna and single used drug for all types of skin disorders thoroughly internal and external mode. In addition, the heartwood extract is found to be an effective Antibacterial agent, Antimycotic, Anti-oxidant and Anti-diarrhoeal activity. The classical preparation of Khadira are Khadirarishta, Mahakhadira ghrita, Kanaka bindu arishta and Madhwasava have been indicated in skin disorders. Khadira therapeutically used in the various diseases like Kushtha, Medoroga, Krmi, and act as Raktashodhaka (blood purifier). The present article gives important information on therapeutic uses, traditional medicinal uses mentioned in various Samhitas and latest research updates in phytochemical and pharmacological properties


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    According to Ayurvedic literature, the potency and efficacy (Saviryata awadhi) of Ayurvedic classical preparations depend upon quality of each drug (having Rasa panchak), desh (region), Kal (time), Ritu (season), their preparation method and route of administration. But now a day, in modern science got after research these concepts molded and depend on chemical composition of each drug or preparation. Here we describe the claims of Vrahat dadimashtak choorna in various diseases especially in Gastro-intestinal ailments. As per Acharya Sharangdhar, Vrahat dadimashtak choorna is useful for the treatment of following disorders:-Atisaar (diarrhoea) Kshaya (phthisis), Gulma (abdominal tumor/abdominal lump), Grahani (sprue), Galagraha (pain in throat), Mandagni (Improper digestion), Peenus (rhinitis), Kas (cough). The all contents of Vrahat dadimashtak choorna have been evaluated according to the research done by various research scholars. The efficacy has been also tested according to the Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipaka described in Ayurvedic text. In this research paper we are try to establish the claims of old Ayurvedic text on the recent research parameters

    Antidiabetic claims of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers: critical appraisal and role in therapy

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    ABSTRACTCurrently, available conventional options for diabetes mellitus have certain limitations of their own, and options from medicinal plants with antihyperglycemic activities are being searched to meet the need. Antidiabetic properties of Tinospora cordifolia are highly appreciated in Ayurveda and even in recent modern researches. Several studies on its extracts (viz. immune- modulatory, anti-hyperglycemic, antioxidant, adaptogenic, hepatoprotective, hormone regulator etc.) and isolated phytoconstituents (like tinosporin, berberine, jatrorrhizine etc.) have reported that it is a preventive and curative antidiabetic herb, which are substantiated by clinical trials. Scattered information pertaining to antidiabetic potential of Tinospora is reported. Present review encompasses (i) in-depth information of reported antidiabetic activities of the plant in light of available experimental and clinical studies, and (ii) understanding on the possible mechanism of its action in combating the complex pathology of diabetes

    Presentation and management of bilateral fracture shaft humerus in a multiple myeloma patient: An extremely rare case report and review of literature

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignancy of plasma cells and the second most common hematologic malignancy (13%); these cellsaccumulate in bone marrow and overproduce a monoclonal protein. The bone disease develops in 80–90% of patients with MMincludes bone pain, pathologic fractures (40%), spinal cord compression (5%), and hypercalcemia. Pathological fractures can occurin extremities, but bilateral involvement is extremely rare. We report a case of 65-year-old male presented with a chief complaint ofspontaneous bilateral humerus shaft fractures. On subsequent workup, MM was confirmed. The patient was managed with internalfixation bilaterally and showed favorable union at 1-year follow-up

    A study on mutation in genes associated with rifampicin and isoniazid resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex using line probe assay

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    Background: The term tuberculosis describe a clinical illness, which is predominantly caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and less common by other species. Infection is transmitted by infected droplets through respiratory route. Early diagnosis and appropriate management is the only way to control the spread of infection. The available diagnostic tools include, smear microscopy, culture and molecular methods. Culture is the gold standard, but it takes around 2-8 weeks to get the result and smear microscopy having less sensitivity. Molecular technique especially Line probe assay can be better option because of high sensitivity and specificity, and directly clinical sample can be used, and result will be made available within same day with sensitivity pattern. Present study was designed to use of LPA for early diagnosis.Methods: Laboratory based observational study conducted in department of microbiology, IGIMS Patna and TBDC, Patna. Sputum specimens were collected from clinically suspected cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, and subjected to smear microscopy, culture and LPA.Results: During the study period, 2841 patients were diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis. Strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in, 12% (347) patients were rifampicin and isoniazid resistant, 4% (117) and 3% (86) patients were rifampicin and isoniazid mono-resistant respectively. We found that rpoB MUT3 was the most common mutation in gene associated with rifampicin resistant and katG MUT1gene associated with isoniazid resistant.Conclusions: Present study support the use of LPA for early diagnosis of smear positive as well as smear negative pulmonary tuberculosis cases. Resulting early diagnosis and appropriate management of patients

    Delivery of Bull Dog Calf from a Hydroallantoic Murrah Buffalo

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    An 8 years old Murrah buffalo in its 5th party was presented with the history of 9 month of gestation and sudden bilateral abdominal distension since last 25 days. Animal was 7 anorectic with pale mucus membrane and had staggering gait. Per vaginum examination revealed closed cervix with intact cervical seal. By transrectal palpation only the fluid in the uterus could be palpable. Based on history and clinical examination findings, it was diagnosed as hydroallantois. Parturition was induced using cloprostenol and dexamethasone. Beside this an intracervical injection of closprostenol was also given on 6 o’clock and 12 o’clock position (250 µg each) of external os to hasten the cervical dilation. A dead bulldog calf was removed with manual traction after 26 hours of initial treatment. It was concluded that the cloprostenol and dexamethasone are effective for the induction of parturition in animals suffering from hydroallantois provided fluid from the allantoic sac is removed slowly.

    Genomic Dissection and Expression Profiling Revealed Functional Divergence in Triticum aestivum Leucine Rich Repeat Receptor Like Kinases (TaLRRKs)

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    The leucine rich repeat receptor like kinases (LRRK) constitute the largest subfamily of receptor like kinases (RLK), which play critical roles in plant development and stress responses. Herein, we identified 531 TaLRRK genes in Triticum aestivum (bread wheat), which were distributed throughout the A, B, and D sub-genomes and chromosomes. These were clustered into 233 homologous groups, which were mostly located on either homeologous chromosomes from various sub-genomes or in proximity on the same chromosome. A total of 255 paralogous genes were predicted which depicted the role of duplication events in expansion of this gene family. Majority of TaLRRKs consisted of trans-membrane region and localized on plasma-membrane. The TaLRRKs were further categorized into eight phylogenetic groups with numerous subgroups on the basis of sequence homology. The gene and protein structure in terms of exon/intron ratio, domains and motifs organization were found to be variably conserved across the different phylogenetic groups/subgroups, which indicated a potential divergence and neofunctionalization during evolution. High-throughput transcriptome data and quantitative real time PCR analyses in various developmental stages, and biotic and abiotic (heat, drought and salt) stresses provided insight into modus operandi of TaLRRKs during these conditions. Distinct expression of majority of stress responsive TaLRRKs homologous genes suggested their specified role in a particular condition. These results provided a comprehensive analysis of various characteristic features including functional divergence, which may provide the way for future functional characterization of this important gene family in bread wheat


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    In the Ayurvedic text all skin diseases were included under the Kushtarog. Which is classified in two divisions i.e. Mahakushta and Kshudrakushta. Vicharchika is described under Kshudrakushta. The clinical presentation of Vicharchika similar to Eczema in modern dermatology. Eczema (also called atopic dermatitis) is characterized by dry itchy skin with areas of poorly demarcated erythema and scale. In the acute phase eczema may be vesicular and oozing, in the chronic phase it may become hyperpigmented and lichenified (thickened). Excoriations (scratch marks) are frequently seen. The modern science has greatly advanced, particularly in dermatology but there is no specific medicaments for sure cure of eczema but symptomatic treatments like steroids are used, but they produce serious side effects like nephrotoxicity, osteoporosis, skin cancer etc. Modern pharmacology whole body. It brings a balance of body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda believes that All Dosha in balance is essential for well-being. offers treatment for the symptom of eczema. However, it does not provide treatment for the root. Therefore, recurrence is very common. Ayurveda offers treatment for the root of eczema by cleansing vitiated Dosha and balancing the Dosha and Dhatus


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    In Ayurvedic literature all skin ailments are mostly concludes in the title under Kushtha and Kshudra Roga. The primary meaning of Kushtha is Twak vaivarnta (disscolouration of skin). Vyanga is Kshudraroga with Painless, small and blackish in colour features. Melasma is an acquired pigmentary disorder characterized by common clinical finding like hyper-pigmented macules on face. In its pathogenesis various factors like genetic predisposition, UV rays, cosmetics and hormonal drugs are play important role. In Ayurveda this condition is similar to Vyang which is mentioned in Kshudra rogadhikar. According to Ayurveda it is occur due to excessive anger and hard work. So as the results vitiated Doshas mainly Pitta along with Vaata produce blakish patches on face which is called Vyang. Vyang is a Rakta pradoshja vikar and in its probably Doshas involved are Udaan vaayu, Bharajak pitta and Dushya Ras and Rakta dhatu, As this condition disturbed our mental and physical state. A good physical appearance and natural colour show us healthy. So for this purpose in Ayurveda line of treatment like Shodhan (purification), Shaman chikitsa and various numbers of Lepa, medicated oil and ointment for external application are also mentioned. All accessory factors are also important during management of disease e.g. psychological condition, cosmetics, OCP, some drugs etc. This article review attempts to understand the Vyang with modern view of Melasma and to help in treatment of it.
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