461 research outputs found

    Green Startups and Economic Development in India

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    The vast population of India depends on agricultural activities for various purposes which include the contribution of the agricultural sector in the GDP of the country, providing food to the population, generating revenue for the government, generation of employment, etc. An organic farming method used by the agricultural sector is revolutionized by the green start-ups which help in the economic development of India through the path of sustainable development. The government's intention and initiative to promote start-ups in India have helped in creating jobs, improving the standard of living, and the overall development of the nation. Green start-ups are being prioritized by the population who is related to agricultural work. The paper primarily focuses on the research work done to study the need and growth of green start-ups in India. The paper also focuses on the economic factors that are influenced by the growing green start-ups in India

    Electrochemical studies of lateral flow assay test results for procalcitonin detection

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    In this study, the lateral flow assay (LFA) has been developed for the detection of bacterial infection (BI) by specific biomarker procalcitonin (PCT), without a need for complicated instrumentations and technical expertise. For the development of the assay, gold nanoparticles (AuNP) and their conjugates with antibodies specific to the model antigen PCT are assessed. Polyclonal antibody (pAb) labelled with gold nanoparticles (AuNP) to obtain the AuNP-pAb complex and the specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) have been dropped at the test zone. This complex is placed over the conjugate line of the LFA strip. In the absence of PCT or the presence of other biomarkers, the test line remained colourless, which revealed the specificity of assay towards PCT among a pool of various analytes. Herein, observations have been made through two different platforms for quantitative and qualitative analysis for the detection of PCT biomarker. The qualitative analysis has been performed on the basis of appearance red color in the test band, while for quantitative analysis, a novel approach has been adopted. Herein, the nitrocellulose membrane (paper strip) is cut out from the LFA strip and used for electrochemical studies under similar solution conditions. Different paper strips presented different cyclic voltammograms (CV) that could be correlated to varying PCT concentrations captured at the test line of the paper strip. The qualitative detection limit for PCT using this LFA was determined to be 2 ng ml-1 and the quantitative detection limit was 1 ng ml-1. The electrochemical response studies of the paper strip by CV technique revealed the sensitivity value of 0.695 mA ml ng-1

    Inflammatory pseudotumour of nasal cavity and sinuses: a case report with review of literature

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    Inflammatory pseudotumor (IPT) is a benign non-neoplastic rare mass lesion clinically and radiologically simulating neoplasm thus generally requiring a biopsy to exclude malignancy. It occurs almost anywhere all over the body with most common locations being lungs and orbit with only 15% of it occurs in head and neck non-orbital region. Here we are describing a case of 52-year-old female patient having bleeding from left nostril with swelling, redness of left side of nose and face, initially painless. Radiological imaging was highly suspicious of malignancy. HPE showed inflammatory lesions. The fungal culture report of nasal specimen was showing ‘no growth’. Blood examination was within normal limits; blood sugar levels was within normal limits. Systemic steroids were started which showed drastic improvements. Most of the IPTs in head and neck region shows a benign course, but cases related to paranasal sinuses seems to be of highly aggressive behaviour, with poor response to surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy; showing recurrences and fatal outcome. In such cases corticosteroid therapy generally shows good outcome. Tumors for which complete resection would result in morbidity may be treated with corticosteroids conservatively and close follow up. Understanding of natural history and pathophysiologic features of IPTs is helpful in differential diagnosis and may prevent unnecessary surgeries

    Are we assessing them right? A study on the content validity of undergraduate pathology question papers and role of blueprinting in assessment

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    Background: Assessment forms a very essential and critical part of the learning process in medical education. Written examinations are widely used to test the knowledge component of learning. For a written examination to be valid, it should match the contents of the course and should provide proportional weightage to each of the content. A periodic evaluation of question papers to examine the weightage of each topic and the use of blue printing is necessary to ensure the validity of the written assessments.Methods: The ten year question papers (2007-2016) of II MBBS summative written examinations in Pathology conducted by Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS) were analysed and the appropriateness of weightage given to content areas was examined in relation to the syllabus.Results: The syllabus distribution in Paper 1 and Paper 2 was highly skewed with extreme concentration of topics in Paper 1 (due to clubbing of both general and systemic pathology) which led to under-representation of many topics despite their high Impact and Frequency. There was also evidence of paper setter’s bias leading to disproportionate (over/under) representation of many topics. An ideal blueprint for paper 1 and 2 was prepared with appropriate syllabus distribution and allotment of marks as per weightage of each topic according to its impact and frequency score.Conclusions: Frequent analysis should be carried out to provide feedback and to ensure that the assessments are aligned with the learning objectives. A blueprint is a vital component and helps us to plan written assessments in a rational and balanced manner

    Normative Study on Motor Fitness Test for University Boys

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    The purpose of the study was to construct a motor fitness test for identification and selection of talent at university level. Various test items were selected in the initial phase which was finally reduced to a four test item battery after scientific evaluation of the items selected. The study involved 258 college boys between the age group of 17-25years belonging to various colleges of Delhi NCR, India. Percentile norms were constructed for the evaluation of motor fitness level, which could be used as standard criteria for identification and selection of potential talent at the university level. Keywords: Motor fitness, physical fitness, motor abilities, university


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    The present review is a push to recognize a bearing toward result based training with the support of the current writing in physical instruction. The review tries to survey articles identified with physical training appraisal, examine papers with guidelines advancement and shows curricular viewpoints secured by existing curricular structures. This is planned to give a course toward the result based training for the Indian physical instruction. A thorough writing pursuit of research articles from the year 1995 to 2016 (31 year time frame) utilizing the Google researcher, Academia, Books, National and International Journals was the system embraced to separate the current data.  Article visualizations

    Proposed T-Model to cover 4S quality metrics based on empirical study of root cause of software failures

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    There are various root causes of software failures. Few years ago, software used to fail mainly due to functionality related bugs. That used to happen due to requirement misunderstanding, code issues and lack of functional testing. A lot of work has been done in past on this and software engineering has matured over time, due to which software’s hardly fail due to functionality related bugs. To understand the most recent failures, we had to understand the recent software development methodologies and technologies. In this paper we have discussed background of technologies and testing progression over time. A survey of more than 50 senior IT professionals was done to understand root cause of their software project failures. It was found that most of the softwares fail due to lack of testing of non-functional parameters these days. A lot of research was also done to find most recent and most severe software failures. Our study reveals that main reason of software failures these days is lack of testing of non-functional requirements. Security and Performance parameters mainly constitute non-functional requirements of software. It has become more challenging these days due to lots of development in the field of new technologies like Internet of things (IoT), Cloud of things (CoT), Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, robotics and excessive use of mobile and technology in everything by masses. Finally, we proposed a software development model called as T-model to ensure breadth and depth of software is considered while designing and testing of software.

    Sports Competitions: Pre-Competition Anxiety – Does It Matters?

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    The purpose of the present study was to examine the pre-competition anxiety among women athletes. The sample consisted of 48 women athletes who had represented their university in sports competitions. The participants of the study were from various universities. SCAT pre-competition anxiety tool developed by Rainer Marten was used. To analyze the data percentage and ANOVA tools were used. The results show that the women athletes have average level (50%) pre-competition anxiety. Pre-competition anxiety among women of various universities does not differ (F=2.44). ANOVA (0.05) was the statistical method used. The results could assist in designing a common program countering precompetitive anxiety for university women athletes. Keywords: Pre-Competition, Anxiety