7 research outputs found

    Optimizing Finerenone Therapy: A Comprehensive Review Using the “Finerenone Pentad”

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a pressing global health concern, often intertwined with comorbid conditions such as type 2diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular complications. Managing CKD in T2DM patients requires a multifaceted approach,and emerging therapeutic options are increasingly essential. Finerenone, a selective nonsteroidal mineralocorticoid receptorantagonist, has shown considerable promise in addressing the intricate cardiorenal needs of these patients. To maximize theeffectiveness of this therapy, we propose the approach of “Finerenone Pentad” which can be utilized as a checklist while startingand subsequently monitoring the finerenone therapy. This structured approach offers guidance on patient selection, monitoringand outcome evaluation, ensuring a holistic approach to the care of individuals with T2DM and CKD.&nbsp

    Rational Renometrics

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    The precise evaluation of renal function and structure is indispensable clinical medicine. This is required not only to screen,diagnose and monitor kidney disease, but also to allow accurate choice of drugs and their dosages while treating individuals.Traditional methods, exemplified by glomerular filtration rate (GFR) calculations and urinalysis, have long served as pillarsof nephrology. However, their inherent limitations introduce diagnostic ambiguities, raising concerns for both health careproviders and patients. This comprehensive review introduces the concept of "Rational Renometrics", a transformativeapproach that harmonizes various tests and factors to provide a holistic assessment of renal health. It focuses on correcturine sample collection, mitigates false positives in urinalysis and embraces the concept of permissive hypercreatinemia.The evidence-based, data-driven perspective of rational renometrics empowers health care providers and patients, leadingto more accurate diagnoses, individualized treatment strategies and improved therapeutic outcomes. Rational renometricsallows accurate risk assessment and institution of preventive interventions, reinforcing its pivotal role in preserving renalhealth and optimizing patient care. We describe the principles, advantages, challenges and potential clinical applications ofrational renometrics, emphasizing the need for continued research and validation of this concept

    Innovative Urinals with Proteinuria Detection: A Potential Screening Tool for Diabetic Kidney Disease

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) poses a considerable health challenge, particularly in populations with high-risk factorssuch as diabetes and hypertension. This article proposes a novel and cost-effective approach to address this concern byintegrating proteinuria detection technology into urinals. We suggest the installation of these innovative ‘smart’ urinals inhomes of individuals with diabetes, offering a convenient and proactive means of monitoring kidney health. Furthermore,the deployment of such ‘smart’ urinals in public places could serve as accessible screening facilities, enabling early detectionof CKD in a broader population. The potential cost-benefit ratio of this approach is highlighted, emphasizing the long-termeconomic benefits associated with early intervention. We argue that the proposed technology has the potential to revolutionizeCKD screening, providing a valuable tool for individuals at risk and contributing to the global effort to mitigate the impactof CKD on public health. Further research and pilot programs are warranted to explore the feasibility and effectiveness ofthis innovative screening strateg

    Status of Urinalysis in Nigeria: Way Forward

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    Urinalysis serves as a diagnostic procedure employed to assess the condition of a patient\u27s urinary system, encompassingthe examination of physical, chemical and microscopic attributes within a urine sample. In Nigeria, urinalysis stands asa frequently utilized diagnostic modality, widely accessible within health care facilities and is generally cost-effective.Nevertheless, despite its widespread availability, certain obstacles persist that hinder its effective utilization. Through thisreview, we aim to emphasize the significance of urinalysis in the diagnosis of kidney diseases within low-income nations,while also addressing the impediments that hinder its proper application. We also propose a range of requisite measuresfor enhancement

    The Ramayana: Lessons for Health

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    Impacto de la transformación digital en el bienestar de los académicos: un estudio con el papel de moderador en universidades públicas y privadas en la India

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    Aquesta investigació identifica i compara l'impacte de la transformació digital en el benestar dels acadèmics en universitats índies públiques i privades. Per iniciar la investigació, es va identificar un constructe exogen anomenat "transformació virtual en l'educació superior" i dos constructes endògens anomenats "benestar al lloc de treball" i "benestar psicològic" dels acadèmics. Les dades es van recopilar de 395 enquestats segregades en acadèmics de 213 universitats índies públiques i 182 privades. Es desenvolupen hipòtesis de recerca per trobar la diferència significativa entre acadèmics d'universitats públiques i privades quant a l'impacte pel benestar en la transformació virtual. S'ha fet servir la tècnica d'anàlisi multigrup (MGA) de PLS-SEM per investigar-ne el resultat. S'ha revelat que, encara que l'associació general és negativa entre la transformació virtual i el benestar dels acadèmics, aquesta associació negativa també té una diferència significativa quan es compara entre universitats públiques i privades a l'Índia.This research is identifying and comparing the impact of digital transformation on academicians’ wellbeing in public and private universities. The significant difference among academician’s wellbeing of public and private universities in India has been analyzed. To initiate the research, one exogenous construct namely ‘virtual transformation in higher education’ and two endogenous constructs called ‘workplace wellbeing’ and ‘psychological wellbeing’ of academicians have been identified. The data has collected from 395 respondents segregated into academicians from 213 public and 182 private institutions/universities. Research hypotheses are developed to find the significant difference among academicians of public and private universities with regards to impact of virtual transformation on their wellbeing. Multigroup Analysis (MGA) technique of PLS-SEM has been used to investigate the result. It has been revealed that although the overall association is negative between virtual transformation and academicians’ wellbeing, but this negative association also have a significant difference when compared among public and private universities in India.Esta investigación identifica y compara el impacto de la transformación digital en el bienestar de los académicos en universidades indias públicas y privadas. Para iniciar la investigación, se identificó un constructo exógeno llamado "transformación virtual en la educación superior" y dos constructos endógenos denominados "bienestar en el lugar de trabajo" y "bienestar psicológico" de los académicos. Los datos se recopilaron de 395 encuestados segregadas en académicos de 213 universidades indias públicas y 182 privadas. Se desarrollan hipótesis de investigación para encontrar la diferencia significativa entre académicos de universidades públicas y privadas en cuanto al impacto de la transformación virtual en su bienestar. Se ha utilizado la técnica de análisis multigrupo (MGA) de PLS-SEM para investigar el resultado. Se ha revelado que aunque la asociación general es negativa entre la transformación virtual y el bienestar de los académicos, esta asociación negativa también tiene una diferencia significativa cuando se compara entre universidades públicas y privadas en la India

    Pattern of Glomerulonephritis in Nigeria and Challenges Faced in Treating It

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    Glomerulonephritis is one of the leading causes of chronic kidney disease in Nigeria. The pattern of glomerulonephritisis said to be different from other parts of the world which can be attributed to the prevalence of APOL1 gene in the blackpopulation and prevalence of tropical diseases. Treating glomerulonephritis in Nigeria can be challenging due to poorawareness and understanding of the disease, limited access to health care facility and lack of trained nephrologist. Possiblesolutions to this problems include creating awareness and education of the populace, partnering with NGOs to subsidizetreatment and training of Nephrologist