82 research outputs found

    Design and Analysis of Double layer Microstrip patch antenna

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    Volume 2 Issue 1 (January 2014

    Wireless Controlled Door-Bell

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    Now-a- day\u27s wireless control of appliance is in practice, because of its advantage like no wire is needed, multiple controlling is less complicated. The controlling range of wireless doorbell is 100M. As the wireless doorbell is wireless based project, it is divided into two major section i.e. transmitter and receiver. Transmitter: This transmitter section is designed around oscillator transistor (BF194B) T2 followed by two transistor (BC148) T1 and T3. Transistor T2 generate special radio frequency determined by trimmer (variable capacitor) and coil. Transistor T1 is used as pulse generator. The output from transistor T3 is given to emitter of transistor T2 in order to get radio frequency from its collector. Trimmer VC1 is used to adjust the transmitter frequency. Receiver: The receiver section is further divided into two main sections i.e. RF amplifier section and bell trigger section. An aerial is used to receive the transmitted frequency from remote which is further amplified by amplifier and trigger circuit. The whole receiver circuit utilizes seven transistors

    Role Of Social & Psychological Factors In Drug Default In Patients Of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

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    Research Problem: What is the influence of social and psychological factors on drug default in patients of pul­monary tuberculosis? Objective: To assess the role of social and psychological factors in drug default in patients of pulmonary tubercu­losis. Study Design: Hospital - based study by questionnaire method Setting and Participants: Patients of pulmonary tubercu­losis attending Out Patient Department of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, J.N. Medical College Hospital, A.M.U., Aligarh. Sample Size: 136 defaulters and 86 treated cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. Study Variables: Social factors, psychological factors, drug default and pulmonary tuberculosis. Outcome Variables: Association of social and psycho­logical factors with drug default in pulmonary tuberculo­sis patients. Statistical Analysis: By chi - square test and significance at 5% level. Result: Important social factors influencing drug default were joint family (74.27%), lack of money (22.06%) and uncooperative family (11.7%). Psychiatric morbidity among defaulters was significantly high (68.39%). Conclusion: Patient compliance depends on many psy­chological (e.g. psychiatric morbidity, type of personal­ity), and sociological,factors (including economic status of patient, nature of family, its environment, interaction between patient and doctor and patient's own attitude and idea about his disease). Age, sex, residence, religion and education did not show any significant contribution towards drug default

    Surface Wear Studies in Some Materials Using α-induced Reactions

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    The radio-activity produced during the irradiation of 63,65Cu, 59Co, 93Nb and 121,123Sb targets with α-particles have been measured using activation technique. he yields of radioactive isotopic products 66,67,68 Ga, 61 Cu, 96g,mTc and 123,124,126I have been determined in the energy range ≈ 10-40 MeV using stacked foil Technique. Radioactive counting of samples was performed with a high-resolution gamma-spectrometer. As light ion beams produce an extremely narrow layer of activities in the surface of a material, these reactions may be useful for thin layer activation study

    Sol-gel synthesis, characterization of ZnO thin films on different substrates, and bandgap calculation by the Tauc plot method

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    The sol-gel spin coating method was used for the preparation of the Zinc Oxide which was coated over polymer, transparent, and glass translucent substrates and characterized with the help of a UV-Vis Spectroscope. The wavelength bandgap of those samples was found to be 296nm, 310.5nm, and 330nm respectively. The actual band gap of ZnO is 388nm. Similarly, their optical bandgap energy calculated by the Tauc Plot method were 3.641eV, 3.385eV, and 3.495 eV respectively. The transparent polymer slide has the lowest wavelength bandgap and the translucent glass slide has the highest. Further, the bandgap’s value differs from its actual value to the difference in the absorption process due to the presence of the substrate. These results suggest that the choice of substrate can significantly impact the optical properties and performance of the zinc oxide thin film. This result can be applied in developing and optimizing zinc oxide thin films for various purposes, such as in solar cells, sensors, and optoelectronics. By carefully selecting the substrate, it may be possible to tailor the bandgap energy and other optical properties of the thin film to better suit the specific application

    Prevalence and Genotypes of Mycobacterium Avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis in Large Ruminants of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, North India

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    Uttar Pradesh is the fourth largest, most populous and leading milk and meat producing state in India. Despite the huge livestock population, information on the status of paratuberculosis homogeneity and heterogeneity of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) isolates of eastern Uttar Pradesh is non-existent. Present study was aimed to estimate the presence of MAP in large ruminants (Cattle and Buffaloes) of eastern Uttar Pradesh. A total 108 fecal samples were collected from farmer's herds of large ruminants (cattle and buffaloes) from different geographical regions (Chandauli, Mughalsarai, Gazipur, and Naugarh) of eastern Uttar Pradesh and screened for the presence of MAP infection using microscopic examination, direct IS900 PCR and culture on Herrold egg yolk (HEY) medium. The isolates recovered on HEY medium were subjected to molecular identification and genotyping using IS900 PCR and IS1311 PCR-REA method, respectively. Of the 108 fecal samples, 25 (23.14%) and 11 (10.18%) samples were positive for the presence of acid-fast bacilli and growth on HEY medium, respectively. Species-wise, 17.5, 7.5% and 26.5, 11.7% fecal samples from cattle and buffaloes were found positive for the presence of acid-fast bacilli and growth on HEY medium, respectively. Isolates recovered on HEY medium with mycobactin J were positive for IS900 sequence and genotyped as Bison Type using IS1311 PCR-REA method. Present study is the first report on the presence of MAP infection and ‘Bison Type' genotype of MAP in eastern Uttar Pradesh. These findings will be useful for the intervention of effective control measures in order to reduce the prevalence of MAP infection in domestic livestock species and prevent its spread to the human population in the regions

    Micro-fabrication of Carbon Structures by Pattern Miniaturization in Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Gel

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    A simple and novel method to fabricate and miniaturize surface and sub-surface micro-structures and micro-patterns in glassy carbon is proposed and demonstrated. An aqueous resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF) sol is employed for micro-molding of the master-pattern to be replicated, followed by controlled drying and pyrolysis of the gel to reproduce an isotropically shrunk replica in carbon. The miniaturized version of the master-pattern thus replicated in carbon is about one order of magnitude smaller than original master by repeating three times the above cycle of molding and drying. The micro-fabrication method proposed will greatly enhance the toolbox for a facile fabrication of a variety of Carbon-MEMS and C-microfluidic devices.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Post-outburst evolution of bonafide FUor V2493 Cyg: A Spectro-photometric monitoring

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    We present here the results of eight years of our near-simultaneous optical/near-infrared spectro-photometric monitoring of bonafide FUor candidate `V2493 Cyg' starting from 2013 September to 2021 June. During our optical monitoring period (between October 16, 2015 and December 30, 2019), the V2493 Cyg is slowly dimming with an average dimming rate of \sim26.6 ±\pm 5.6 mmag/yr in V band. Our optical photometric colors show a significant reddening of the source post the second outburst pointing towards a gradual expansion of the emitting region post the second outburst. The mid infra-red colors, on the contrary, exhibits a blueing trend which can be attributed to the brightening of the disc due to the outburst. Our spectroscopic monitoring shows a dramatic variation of the Hα\alpha line as it transitioned from absorption feature to the emission feature and back. Such transition can possibly be explained by the variation in the wind structure in combination with accretion. Combining our time evolution spectra of the Ca II infra-red triplet lines with the previously published spectra of V2493 Cyg, we find that the accretion region has stabilised compared to the early days of the outburst. The evolution of the O I λ\lambda7773 \AA~ line also points towards the stabilization of the circumstellar disc post the second outburst.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Ap