234 research outputs found

    Assessing student learning in designing instructional video: a case study

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    The study of student learning in ICT learning environment has always obtained the centre stage for cooperative learning, self-reflection, and creative thinking that enhance higher order thinking skills. Student learning will be improved if a teacher adopted strategies of learning theories and effective student assessment. A pre-experimental design study was carried out as a one shot case study. The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships of student-centred approach (strategies of instructions) that helps to stimulate self-regulation among students, metacognitive process towards student engagement. Quantitative and qualitative data collections have been adopted. A survey of 64 students was carried out at the end of the 12th week using a self-constructed questionnaire based on the previous related literatures. Qualitative data was based on discussion with other lecturer, blog entries from the students and personal journal entries. The triangulation was used to provide in depth understanding of the teaching process and their reflections on learning. The research provides information for further intervention in improving teaching strategies

    Measuring attitude towards learning science in Malaysian secondary school context: implications for teaching

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    The aim of education is to ensure a holistic development towards knowledge and well-being. Despite exhaustive effort on embedding twenty-first century skills in science teaching, students show lack of interest to learn and pursue their science careers. This present study has attempted to develop an instrument for measuring attitude towards science learning. The purpose was to ensure valid items were identified to measure all aspects of attitude namely affect, behaviour and cognitive. The study of attitude in science will determine the direction on how teaching strategies can be successful in promoting interest in learning. The study has been underpinned from the theories related to Theory of Reasoned Action, Constructivist learning and Connectivism. Samples from three secondary schools were selected based on proportionate stratified random sampling. 350 samples were targeted to respond to self-constructed questionnaires. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was employed to prove the hypothesised 5-factor measurement model. The results have supported a model fit with positive interactions between the factors are evident. The study has proven the theoretical contributions which embark on holistic development of an individual to ensure attitude is moulded. The emotional and spiritual aspects of learning are needed to ensure positive contribution to the social dynamic. In this paper, the discussions are elaborated from the standpoints of theories and practical importance. The results have contributed to a theoretical model of science teaching method

    A Predictive Study on Instructional Design Quality, Learner Satisfaction and Continuance Learning Intention with E-learning Courses: Data Screening and Preliminary Analysis

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    As E-learning initiatives are increasingly being deployed in educational and corporate training settings to revamp work-place productivity through life-long learning, concerns related to instructional design quality among stakeholders are equally growing. Thus, the overriding objective of the study was to carry out initial screening and preliminary analysis of the data related to the causal influence of instructional design quality on learner satisfaction and continuance learning intention. Based on the survey design, the quantitative data were collected from 837 students across ten CISCO Networking academies in Uganda. Descriptive statistics, multiple regression and factor analysis techniques were employed to address the purpose of the study. Primary attention was paid to the assumptions of response rate, missing data, outliers, data normality, multicollinearity, homoscedasticity and common method bias. The results of the initial screening and preliminary data analysis revealed non violation of prerequisite multivariate assumptions. The findings have provided empirical evidence on the psychometric study of which the instrument can be further used for future research. The steps taken for the analysis have provided a benchmark of audit trail in the methodology and statistical analysis for the replication of the stud

    Teacher trainees’ creativity and cognitive engagement in using mobile technology for video project: a case study

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    This research investigates the use of mobile technology namely the smart hand phone in developing instructional video project for language learning. The purpose of this study is to analyse students’ creativity and cognitive engagement when developing instructional video through the use of smart hand phone. Firstly, the research attempts to address the relationship between students’ creativity based on ICEDIP (inspiration, clarification, evaluation distillation, incubation and perspiration) and cognitive engagement in mobile learning environment.. Secondly, the research further examines each creativity process in contributing the effect on cognitive engagement. The study employed a mix method of quantitative and qualitative research. A survey using adapted questionnaire was carried out on a focus group of 52 first semester teacher trainees (Bachelor Degree in Education) specializing in English language. Semi structured interviews were carried out on three students in order to gain an in depth understanding of the students’ creativity and cognitive engagement. A correlation analysis was used to identify the relationship between creativity and cognitive engagement. Further analysis of Hierarchical Multiple regression was employed to identify the specific items for creativity process affecting cognitive engagement. The results from the correlation analysis indicate a significant relationship between creativity and cognitive engagement, which is also supported by the interviews. Student’s creativity has contributed to a meaningful learning when smart hand phone is used for learning. Further findings from the interviews show some indicators for the researchers to improve the instructional strategies in future. Implications and discussions are elaborated based on the contribution to the development and design of the curriculum

    Assessment of the Psychometric Properties of E-learning Instructional Design Quality

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    With the ever-growing adoption of E-learning as an alternative mode for instructional delivery, and indeed as part of the strategic plan by higher learning institutions to foster open and distance learning, the development of empirically tested guidelines to evaluate E-learning instructional quality is timely. The purpose of the study was three-fold, that is to, explore the underlying structure of the E-learning instructional design quality construct, test the adequacy of its psychometric properties in terms of common method bias, reliability, convergent and discriminant validity, and cross validate the consistency of the measurement model across samples. The quantitative data was collected from a stratified random sample of 837 students undertaking CISCO E-learning courses at ten different institutions of higher learning in Uganda. A 38-item self-reported questionnaire to measure E-learners’ perceptions on E-learning instructional design quality served as the research instrument. The collected data were analysed using Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, with SPSS version 20.0 and AMOS version 22.0 softwares. The study results revealed that E-learning instructional design quality is a multidimensional construct with the sub dimensions of content quality, interface design quality, instructional strategies, content interactivity and E-learning feedback. Moreover, the measurement model was found to be free from common method bias and demonstrated adequacy in its validity and reliability. However, the results of cross validation indicated that the measurement model was not consistent across the three samples as shown by the variations in the model fit indices. The results are valuable to enable E-learning stakeholders to take strategic and evidence-based decisions regarding the integration of E-learning interventions for quality learning outcomes and enhanced future research in the domain of E-learning instructional design quality. Specifically, this study has successfully validated an E-learning instructional design quality questionnaire that educationists can use in evaluating E-learning courses regarding instructional design soundness

    Communication privacy management in Social Network Sites: the influence of parental involvement and social on information disclosure

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    The trend of research in Social Network Sites have focused on privacy disclosure and its effect on motivation and security . Nevertheless, privacy disclosure needs further attention to address adolescence well being and positive behavior. This study seeks to investigate factors related to parental involvement and social influence on privacy disclosure that influence adolescences' well being. Underpinning the framework of Petronio‘s theory of Privacy Management,the study extended the factors of culture, social and motivation to explain the behavior of privacy disclosure. Using Structural Equation modeling analysis, this study estimated the relationships of privacy management influential factors and well being. The implications of the study included the intervention of parents, schools and universities to educate students formally and informally

    The use of social networks sites (SNSs) among university students: how far do they learn

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    The study investigated the pedagogical affordances of SNS and its relationship on student engagement. A sample of 300 students responded to this quantitative research using a self constructed questionnaire. The hypothesized model has been tested to determine the relationships between pedagogical affordances and student engagement. This model underpins the theory of constructivist of interactions that promote learning; connectivity and collaboration through Web 2.0 technology. Using Multiple Regression Analysis, the model is able to explain the significant relationships of connectivity, assessment and feedback and collaboration in predicting student engagement when learning via SNS. The implications of the study are discussed based on theory, practical importance and methodology of research

    Replication of a Malaysian Strain Avian Influenza A Virus H5N1 in Madin-Darby Canine Kidney and African Green Monkey Kidney cells

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    The use of cell lines such as Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) and African Green Monkey Kidney (Vero) cells in influenza vaccine production is much advocated presently as a safer alternative to chicken embryonated eggs. It is thus essential to understand the influenza virus replication patterns in these cell lines prior to utilizing them in vaccine production. The infectivity of avian influenza A virus (A/Chicken/Malaysia/5858/2004) H5N1 in MDCK and Vero cell lines was first assessed by comparing the cytopathic effect (CPE) caused by the virus infection. The viral loads in both of the infected media and cells were also compared. The results showed that both of the MDCK and Vero cells began to exhibit significant CPE (p<0.05) after 48 h post-infection (h p.i). The MDCK cell line was more susceptible to the virus infection compared to Vero cell line throughout the incubation period. A higher viral load was also detected in the host cells compared to their respective culturing media. Interestingly, after reaching its maximum titer at 48 h p.i, the viral load in MDCK cells declined meanwhile the viral load in Vero cells increased gradually and peaked at 120 h p.i. Overall, both cell lines support efficient H5N1 virus replication. While the peak viral loads measured in the two cell lines did not differ much, a more rapid replication was observed in the infected MDCK samples. The finding showed that MDCK cell line might serve as a more time-saving and cost-effective cell culture-based system compared to Vero cell line for influenza vaccine production

    Chief Executive Officer/ Managing Director succession and value relevance of accounting numbers

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    Apart from Board of Director, top management, including Chief Executive Officer or Managing Director is also considered as an important governance mechanism of the firm. CEO plays a major role in managing and controlling business operations, thus his/her succession may significantly affect firm performance. This study aims to examine the effect of top management succession on share price. Past studies, which used the event-study methodology to evaluate immediate investors’ reactions towards top management succession had their observations done over limited time frame (window periods). Succession may impact the share price beyond the window period because the investors may use information obtained from financial statements to evaluate new top management capabilities. This study contributes to the literature by examining the effects of top management succession on share price at the end of financial years. Book value of equity per share (BE) and earnings per share (EPS) on share price is regressed at three different points of time; year of top management change (TMC), a year after top management change (TMC_1) and post occurrence years of top management change (TMC_C). Findings indicate that BE and EPS are value relevant. Findings also indicate that top management succession is not significantly related to changes in share price over a short period of time (transition year and a post transition year). However, over the longer period of time (TMC_C), our study indicates the top management succession is value relevant. Findings indicate that investors take a longer time to appreciate the new top management on their decision makings. Further analysis indicates that BE is regarded as value relevant by the investors after incorporating firm with outside successor; while EPS is value relevant for the firm with inside successor. This study supports the limited studies in Malaysia which indicate succession events have an implication on share price. Findings in this study may contribute towards strategic decision making in corporate management of public listed companies in Malaysia, specifically when board of directors are considering the top management replacement