391 research outputs found

    Narratives on Facebook: the impact of user-generated content on visiting attitudes, visiting intention and perceptions of destination risk

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    © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. Through an experiment, this paper investigates the impact of online page popularity and message valences of user-generated content in social media on pro-Iran visiting attitudes and behavioural intention as well as perceptions of destination risk. Moreover, the mediating role of perceived risk and visiting attitudes in the effect of page popularity and message valences on visiting intention is examined. Six different versions of pro-Iran visiting community Facebook pages with three different message valences and two levels of popularity were created. One hundred twenty participants were randomly exposed to one of the six Facebook pages and then asked to complete a questionnaire that assessed demographic data; visiting attitude; visiting intention; travel risk type; and perceived risk index. The perceived risk index was developed by this study through conducting online open-ended interviews. The findings show that success stories and high popularity lead to more positive attitude, higher level of intention to visit, and lower perceptions of destination risk than failure stories and low popularity. Popularity dampens the negative effect of failure stories on users’ visiting attitudes. Moreover, perceived risk underlies the pathway of page popularity and message valences to individuals’ visiting attitude and intention

    A systematic review of structural equation modelling in nursing research

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    Background A growing number of nursing studies have used structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis. However, there is little research assessing the use of SEM analysis in nursing research. Aim To present a systematic review of nursing research that uses SEM. Discussion The review revealed poor reporting of information about the determination of sample size, missing data, normality and outliers. Most studies neither computed composite reliability nor assessed convergent and discriminant validity. There was a lack of consistency in performing the analysis. Some of the studies conducted exploratory factor analysis before performing confirmatory factor analysis, without discussing its necessity. Although most studies declared the estimation method and software used, there were many that did not. Conclusion Little information about the different steps of conducting SEM analysis was provided in the studies. Several weaknesses and areas of improvement for future empirical SEM studies were identified. Implications for practice When conducting SEM, there are many issues that should be addressed. Overlooking these issues may invalidate findings. The results of this review provide nurse researchers with best practice guidelines for conducting SEM and pave the way for researchers to adopt this method in their studies

    Islamic VS Conventional Commercial Banking: The Resilience Avant-Garde

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    This paper aims to examine the differences in financial resilience of Islamic and Conventional Commercial banks with respect to the short term and long-term perspectives to pliability. The selected banks are compared on their resilience quotient exhibited by Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and Z-Scores. This study evaluates cross country panel data of 157 listed and non-listed licensed Islamic banks located in 22 countries and same number of their conventional commercial counterparts, through a period of 1998 to 2018. The data were collected through BANKSCOPE database and World Bank publications. Ratio analysis and Multiple Regression analysis were applied on data to analyze the extent of resilience of both Islamic and Conventional banks.The findings suggest that there are considerable differences in short term and long term resilience quotient of Islamic and Conventional commercial banks. Where Islamic banks have relatively enervated position than Commercial banks on liquidity frontier, they hold a more resilient position with respect to z-score. ROE and Capital adequacy are two important factors that have a significant impact on bank resilience.This research is different from all past researches with respect to methodological, aeon and acclimatization perspective. Resilience is a relatively new phenomenon adopted from complex adaptive ecosystems and most studies in this area are of theoretical nature. Moreover, the fact that this research has considered not only the long term but also short-term resilience perspective, adds to its overall value and originality

    Qualitative online research in tourism – a systematic review of the literature

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    © 2019, Emerald Publishing Limited. Purpose: This paper aims to present a systematic review of tourism articles using qualitative online methods. By focussing on tourism journals, this work explores the paradigmatic beliefs, methodological approaches and methods underpinning tourism qualitative online research. Design/methodology/approach: This review was conducted systematically by following the reporting checklist of the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. Findings: Overall, this systematic review indicates that the ontological and epistemological beliefs guiding online research are not clearly expressed by tourism scholars. It also shows that the possibility of using the internet for more interactive and participatory forms of research has not been fully explored by tourism scholars. Research limitations/implications: This paper expands tourism scholars’ awareness of the range of qualitative approaches/methods available by suggesting additional research instruments that could replace or complement the traditional ones. However, by selecting only indexed journal papers, other sources of publications, such as papers published in non-Scopus and non-Web-of-Science journals, books, book chapters and conference papers, were not included in the current review. Originality/value: This work emphasizes the important role of cyberspace in facilitating virtual interactions between researchers and participants in the co-construction of qualitative empirical material

    A systematic review of systematic reviews in tourism

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    © 2019 CAUTHE - COUNCIL FOR AUSTRALASIAN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY EDUCATION Traditional literature reviews and more advanced systematic reviews have been a focal point in assessing the epistemological progress of any field. However, studies assessing the nature and quality of the systematic review papers published in tourism and hospitality literature are scarce. Considering the items of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, this study reviews how tourism and hospitality scholars have operationalised systematic reviews. All systematic reviews published across 34 tourism journals until 2017 were considered for this review and the results of the study portray multiple limitations in the design, organization and execution of current systematic reviews

    Organisational context and citizenship behaviour: exploring the moderating effects of role ambiguity

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of organisational context on the organisational citizenship behaviour. The study also aimed at finding out the moderating effect of the role ambiguity on the relationship between organisational context (i.e. structure) and the organisational citizenship behaviour. Data from 280 respondents were used in the statistical analysis. Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modelling was used to test the hypotheses. The study revealed that structure has a significant positive effect on organisational citizenship behaviour. The interaction of organisational structure and role ambiguity has a significant positive effect on organisational citizenship behaviour. Statistical analysis confirmed that role ambiguity is a significant moderator of the relationship between organisational structure and organisational citizenship behaviour

    Spiritual Well-Being, Social Support, and Financial Distress in Determining Depression: The Mediating Role of Impact of Event During COVID-19 Pandemic in Iran

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    This study investigates the relationship between spiritual well-being, social support, and financial distress with depressive symptoms due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A path analysis was used to analyze data collected from 1,156 Iranian participants via an online survey. The results showed that spiritual well-being and social support were negatively related to depressive symptoms and financial distress. The impact of COVID-19 events showed negative associations with depressive symptoms. In addition, the link between spiritual well-being and financial distress with depressive symptoms was partially mediated by the impact of events. Copyright © 2021 Sharif Nia, Gorgulu, Naghavi, Robles-Bello, Sánchez-Teruel, Khoshnavay Fomani, She, Rahmatpour, Allen, Arslan and Pahlevan Sharif

    Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Pregnant Women

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    الغرض من البحث: الغرض من هذا البحث هو دراسة حالات التهاب المجاري البولية نتيجة استعمال صوندة الادرار اثناء اجراء  العمليات القيصرية وكذلك تشخيص مختلف انواع الجراثيم التي تسبب هذا الالتهاب ووضع توصيات حول نوع العلاج والطريقة الصحيحة لوضع صوندة الادرار لغرض  تقليل حالات الالتهابات ومضاعفاتها . العينة وطريقة البحث: دراسة مقطعية أجريت لمرضى تم اختيارهن عشوائيا واللواتي  يرتادون مستشفى النسائية والاطفال  في مدينة الحلة . 2015 البيانات تم الحصول عليها عن طريق الاستبيانات البسيطة وهي تحليل الادرار العام مع فحص الزرع والتحسس لا يجاد المضاد الحيوي الملائم . النتائج: ان نتائج البحث كشفت الانواع التالية من البكتريا المسببة للالتهابات وهي اشريشيا كولاي حوالي  9 مريضة أي بنسبة ((13.84%)..والكليبسيللا حوالي 32 مريضة بنسبة (49.23%) ونوع البروتيوس عدد المصابات بها هو3مريضات وبنسبة (4.61%).  وكذلك نوع السيودوموناص حوالي 2 مريضات ونسبتهن حوالي(3.07%). ونوع ستافيللوكوكس اوريوس عدد المصابات 3 مريضات وبنسبة (4.61%).   ونوع البيتاهيموليتك بكتريا مريضة واحدة وبنسبة (1.53%) ومثلها بكتريا الستاف البس. كذلك ووجدنا ان8 مريضات  استعملن المضاد الحيوي من مجموع النساء ووضعت لهن صوندة الادرار لم يصبن باي التهابات بينما 9 مريضات مع صوندة الادرار بدون مضاد حيوي لم يصبن باي التهابات في المجاري البولية اما بالنسبة للعمر فمن العمر 20-30 سنة بلغ عددهن 42 مريضة (64.62%) والبقية من عمر 31-40 سنة كان عددهن 23 مريضة ((35. 38% الاستنتاجات : لقد وجدنا ان هناك تأثير كبير لصوندة الادرار في أحداث ألتهاب ألمجاري البولية لدى النساء وهذا يستدعي اتباع طرق علمية ومعقمة في أدخال صوندة الادرار ويجب ان يقوم بالعملية كادر متدرب وذو خبرة في هذا المجال. The  urinary tract infection attributed to the use of an indwelling urinary catheter is one of the most common infections acquired by patients in health care facilities. Catheter-acquired urinary infection is the source for about 20% of episodes of health-care acquired bacteremia in acute care facilities, and over 50% in long term care facilities. The most important interventions to prevent bacteriuria and infection are to limit indwelling catheter use and, when catheter use is necessary, to discontinue the catheter as soon as clinically feasible.  Aim of Study: The aim of this research is to study the urinary tract infection after catheterization and to characterize the various types of microorganisms that are associated with this process. Recommendations concerning the type of treatment and the  appropriate ways of catheterization, that help in minimizing urinary tract infection and its complications. Conclusions : about 74% of these 65 patients for whom the urinary catheterization is used  developed urinary tract infections from different kinds of bacteria ,the most common types are Klebsiella pneumoniae (49.23%), also Escherichia coli (13.84%) , Proteus spp. (4.61%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (3..07%), staphylococcus aureus (4.61%), β- hemolytic streptococci (1.53%) and Staphylococcus albus (1.53%)

    Evaluating the effectiveness of text messaging and phone call reminders to minimize no show at pediatric outpatient clinics in Pakistan: protocol for a mixed-methods study

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    Background: Missing health care appointments without canceling in advance results in a no show, a vacant appointment slot that cannot be offered to others. No show can be reduced by reminding patients about their appointment in advance. In this regard, mobile health (mHealth) strategy is to use text messaging (short message service, SMS), which is available on all cellular phones, including cheap low-end handsets. Nonattendance for appointments in health care results in wasted resources and disturbs the planned work schedules.Objectives: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the current text messaging (SMS) and call-based reminder system and further explore how to improve the attendance at the pediatric outpatient clinics. The primary objectives are to (1) determine the efficacy of the current clinic appointment reminder service at pediatric outpatient clinics at Aga Khan University Hospital, (2) assess the mobile phone access and usage among caregivers visiting pediatrics consultant clinics, and (3) explore the perception and barriers of parents regarding the current clinic appointment reminder service at the pediatric outpatient clinics at Aga Khan University Hospital.Methods: The study uses a mixed-method design that consists of 3 components: (1) retrospective study (component A) which aims to determine the efficacy of text messaging (SMS) and phone call–based reminder service on patient’s clinic attendance during January to June 2017 (N=58,517); (2) quantitative (component B) in which a baseline survey will be conducted to assess the mobile phone access and usage among parents/caregivers of children visiting pediatrics consultant clinics (n=300); and (3) qualitative (component C) includes in-depth interviews and focus group discussion with parents/caregivers of children visiting the pediatric consultancy clinic and with health care providers and administrative staff. Main constructs will be to explore perceptions and barriers related to existing clinic appointment reminder service. Ethics approval has been obtained from the Ethical Review Committee, Aga Khan University, Pakistan (4770-Ped-ERC-17).Results: Results will be disseminated to pediatric quality public health and mHealth communities through scientific meetings and through publications, nationally and internationally.Conclusions: This study will provide insight regarding efficacy of using mHealth-based reminder services for patient’s appointments in low- and middle-income countries setup. The finding of this study will be used to recommend further enhanced mHealth-based solutions to improve patient appointments and decrease no show

    Percutaneous Absorption of Salicylic Acid after Administration of Trolamine Salicylate Cream in Rats with Transcutol® and Eucalyptus Oil Pre-Treated Skin

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    Purpose: This study was conducted to assess the effect of skin pre-treatment with Transcutol® and eucalyptus oil on systemic absorption of topical trolamine salicylate in rat. Methods: Pharmacokinetic parameters of salicylic acid following administration of trolamine salicylate on rat skin pre-treated with either Transcutol® or eucalyptus oil were determined using both non-compartmental and non-linear mixed effect modeling approaches and compared with those of control group. Results: Median (% of interquartile range/median) of salicylic acid AUC0-8hr (ng/mL/hr) values in Transcutol® or eucalyptus oil treated rats were 2522(139%) and 58976(141%), respectively as compared to the 3023(327%) of the control group. Skin pre-treatment with eucalyptus oil could significantly decrease extravascular volume of distribution (V/F) and elimination rate constant (k) of salicylic acid. Conclusion: Unlike Transcutol®, eucalyptus oil lead to enhanced transdermal absorption of trolamine salicylate through rat skin