7 research outputs found

    Investigation on moisture transport through polyester/cotton fabrics

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    419-425The wettability characteristics of different cotton, polyester and multi-layered cotton/polyester fabrics have been studied to manage human perspiration well. The vertical capillary action behavior of these fabrics has been compared by measuring the capillary height as a function of time. Wicking coefficients in multi-layered fabrics are found to be much better than in other fabrics of 100% cotton. The yarn and the bonding weave between the two layers are very important for the capillary rise

    Controlling wettability of the each side of the PLA fabric through orientation of the working gases (O2 and CH4) during cold plasma treatment

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    This study aimed to obtain a bifunctional fabric from the point of view of hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity for biomedical applications. To achieve this, both sides of a fabric of polylactic acid (PLA) were subjected to a plasma treatment. While in a side the oxygen was introduced to the other side, simultaneously, was added methane. The plasma treatment was performed at 100 W, 1.8 mbar, during 30 minutes. By Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) morphological analysis, it became evident that the fabric side facing the oxygen inlet showed micropittings, while the reverse side had smooth surfaces. Analysis by X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) revealed an increase in the amount of oxygen in the surface of the PLA on both sides of the fabric. The surface function was characterized by measurements of water absorption rate, where it was determined that one fabric side was more hydrophilic than the other side. The results indicated achievement of a bifunctional fabric through orientation of working gases during a plasma treatment.The authors are acknowledging to financial support supplied by CAPES - Brasília/Brazil through of the CAPES/IGC program - CGCI n° 055/2010