46 research outputs found

    Automated removal of cross site scripting vulnerabilities in web applications

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    Cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability is among the top web application vulnerabilities according to recent surveys. This vulnerability occurs when a web application uses inputs received from users in web pages without properly checking them. This allows an attacker to inject malicious scripts in web pages via such inputs such that the scripts perform malicious actions when a client visits the exploited web pages. Such an attack may cause serious security violations such as account hijacking and cookie theft. Current approaches to mitigate this problem mainly focus on effective detection of XSS vulnerabilities in the programs or prevention of real time XSS attacks. As more sophisticated attack vectors are being discovered, vulnerabilities if not removed could be exploited anytime. To address this issue, this paper presents an approach for removing XSS vulnerabilities in web applications. Based on static analysis and pattern matching techniques, our approach identifies potential XSS vulnerabilities in program source code and secures them with appropriate escaping mechanisms which prevent input values from causing any script execution. We developed a tool, saferXSS, to implement the proposed approach. Using the tool, we evaluated the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed approach based on the experiments on five Java-based web applications. Our evaluation has shown that the tool can be applied to real-world web applications and it automatically removed all the real XSS vulnerabilities in the test subjects

    Mining input sanitization patterns for predicting SQL injection and cross site scripting vulnerabilities

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    Static code attributes such as lines of code and cyclomatic complexity have been shown to be useful indicators of defects in software modules. As web applications adopt input sanitization routines to prevent web security risks, static code attributes that represent the characteristics of these routines may be useful for predicting web application vulnerabilities. In this paper, we classify various input sanitization methods into different types and propose a set of static code attributes that represent these types. Then we use data mining methods to predict SQL injection and cross site scripting vulnerabilities in web applications. Preliminary experiments show that our proposed attributes are important indicators of such vulnerabilities

    Security slicing for auditing XML, XPath, and SQL injection vulnerabilities

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    XML, XPath, and SQL injection vulnerabilities are among the most common and serious security issues for Web applications and Web services. Thus, it is important for security auditors to ensure that the implemented code is, to the extent pos- sible, free from these vulnerabilities before deployment. Although existing taint analysis approaches could automatically detect potential vulnerabilities in source code, they tend to generate many false warnings. Furthermore, the produced traces, i.e. data- flow paths from input sources to security-sensitive operations, tend to be incomplete or to contain a great deal of irrelevant infor- mation. Therefore, it is difficult to identify real vulnerabilities and determine their causes. One suitable approach to support security auditing is to compute a program slice for each security-sensitive operation, since it would contain all the information required for performing security audits (Soundness). A limitation, however, is that such slices may also contain information that is irrelevant to security (Precision), thus raising scalability issues for security audits. In this paper, we propose an approach to assist security auditors by defining and experimenting with pruning techniques to reduce original program slices to what we refer to as security slices, which contain sound and precise information. To evaluate the proposed pruning mechanism by using a number of open source benchmarks, we compared our security slices with the slices generated by a state-of-the-art program slicing tool. On average, our security slices are 80% smaller than the original slices, thus suggesting significant reduction in auditing costs

    Scalable malware clustering through coarse-grained behavior modeling

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    Anti-malware vendors receive several thousand new malware (malicious software) variants per day. Due to large volume of malware samples, it has become extremely important to group them based on their malicious characteristics. Grouping of malware variants that exhibit similar behavior helps to generate malware signatures more efficiently. Unfortunately, exponential growth of new malware variants and huge-dimensional feature space, as used in existing approaches, make the clustering task very challenging and difficult to scale. Furthermore, malware behavior modeling techniques proposed in the literature do not scale well, where malware feature space grows in proportion with the number of samples under examination. In this paper, we propose a scalable malware behavior modeling technique that models the interactions between malware and sensitive system resources in a coarse-grained manner. Coarse-grained behavior modeling enables us to generate malware feature space that does not grow in proportion with the number of samples under examination. A preliminary study shows that our approach generates 289 times less malware features and yet improves the average clustering accuracy by 6.20% comparing to a state-of-the-art malware clustering technique

    Search-driven string constraint solving for vulnerability detection

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    Constraint solving is an essential technique for detecting vulnerabilities in programs, since it can reason about input sanitization and validation operations performed on user inputs. However, real-world programs typically contain complex string operations that challenge vulnerability detection. State-of-the-art string constraint solvers support only a limited set of string operations and fail when they encounter an unsupported one; this leads to limited effectiveness in finding vulnerabilities. In this paper we propose a search-driven constraint solving technique that complements the support for complex string operations provided by any existing string constraint solver. Our technique uses a hybrid constraint solving procedure based on the Ant Colony Optimization meta-heuristic. The idea is to execute it as a fallback mechanism, only when a solver encounters a constraint containing an operation that it does not support. We have implemented the proposed search-driven constraint solving technique in the ACO-Solver tool, which we have evaluated in the context of injection and XSS vulnerability detection for Java Web applications. We have assessed the benefits and costs of combining the proposed technique with two state-of-the-art constraint solvers (Z3-str2 and CVC4). The experimental results, based on a benchmark with 104 constraints derived from nine realistic Web applications, show that our approach, when combined in a state-of-the-art solver, significantly improves the number of detected vulnerabilities (from 4.7% to 71.9% for Z3-str2, from 85.9% to 100.0% for CVC4), and solves several cases on which the solver fails when used stand-alone (46 more solved cases for Z3-str2, and 11 more for CVC4), while still keeping the execution time affordable in practice

    Security slicing for auditing common injection vulnerabilities

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    Cross-site scripting and injection vulnerabilities are among the most common and serious security issues for Web applications. Although existing static analysis approaches can detect potential vulnerabilities in source code, they generate many false warnings and source-sink traces with irrelevant information, making their adoption impractical for security auditing. One suitable approach to support security auditing is to compute a program slice for each sink, which contains all the information required for security auditing. However, such slices are likely to contain a large amount of information that is irrelevant to security, thus raising scalability issues for security audits. In this paper, we propose an approach to assist security auditors by defining and experimenting with pruning techniques to reduce original program slices to what we refer to as security slices, which contain sound and precise information. To evaluate the proposed approach, we compared our security slices to the slices generated by a state-of-the-art program slicing tool, based on a number of open-source benchmarks. On average, our security slices are 76% smaller than the original slices. More importantly, with security slicing, one needs to audit approximately 1% of the total code to fix all the vulnerabilities, thus suggesting significant reduction in auditing costs

    Mining patterns of unsatisfiable constraints to detect infeasible paths

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    Detection of infeasible paths is required in many areas including test coverage analysis, test case generation, security vulnerability analysis, etc. Existing approaches typically use static analysis coupled with symbolic evaluation, heuristics, or path-pattern analysis. This paper is related to these approaches but with a different objective. It is to analyze code of real systems to build patterns of unsatisfiable constraints in infeasible paths. The resulting patterns can be used to detect infeasible paths without the use of constraint solver and evaluation of function calls involved, thus improving scalability. The patterns can be built gradually. Evaluation of the proposed approach shows promising results