23,780 research outputs found

    Numerical Models of Spin-Orbital Coupling in Neutron Star Binaries

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    We present a new numerical scheme for solving the initial value problem for quasiequilibrium binary neutron stars allowing for arbitrary spins. We construct sequences of circular-orbit binaries of varying separation, keeping the rest mass and circulation constant along each sequence. The spin angular frequency of the stars is shown to vary along the sequence, a result that can be derived analytically in the PPN limit. This spin effect, in addition to leaving an imprint on the gravitational waveform emitted during binary inspiral, is measurable in the electromagnetic signal if one of the stars is a pulsar visible from Earth.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to the Proceedings of the "X Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity" in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 20-26 (2003

    Critical Temperature for α\alpha-Particle Condensation within a Momentum Projected Mean Field Approach

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    Alpha-particle (quartet) condensation in homogeneous spin-isospin symmetric nuclear matter is investigated. The usual Thouless criterion for the critical temperature is extended to the quartet case. The in-medium four-body problem is strongly simplified by the use of a momentum projected mean field ansatz for the quartet. The self-consistent single particle wave functions are shown and discussed for various values of the density at the critical temperature

    Dark energy: a quantum fossil from the inflationary Universe?

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    The discovery of dark energy (DE) as the physical cause for the accelerated expansion of the Universe is the most remarkable experimental finding of modern cosmology. However, it leads to insurmountable theoretical difficulties from the point of view of fundamental physics. Inflation, on the other hand, constitutes another crucial ingredient, which seems necessary to solve other cosmological conundrums and provides the primeval quantum seeds for structure formation. One may wonder if there is any deep relationship between these two paradigms. In this work, we suggest that the existence of the DE in the present Universe could be linked to the quantum field theoretical mechanism that may have triggered primordial inflation in the early Universe. This mechanism, based on quantum conformal symmetry, induces a logarithmic, asymptotically-free, running of the gravitational coupling. If this evolution persists in the present Universe, and if matter is conserved, the general covariance of Einstein's equations demands the existence of dynamical DE in the form of a running cosmological term whose variation follows a power law of the redshift.Comment: LaTeX, 14 pages, extended discussion. References added. Accepted in J. Phys. A: Mathematical and Theoretica

    Bulk Viscosity in Neutron Stars from Hyperons

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    The contribution from hyperons to the bulk viscosity of neutron star matter is calculated. Compared to previous works we use for the weak interaction the one-pion exchange model rather than a current-current interaction, and include the neutral current nnnΛnn \leftrightarrow n\Lambda process. Also the sensitivity to details of the equation of state is examined. Compared to previous works we find that the contribution from hyperons to the bulk viscosity is about two orders of magnitude smaller.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in Physical Review

    Magnetic fields generated by r-modes in accreting millisecond pulsars

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    In millisecond pulsars the existence of the Coriolis force allows the development of the so-called Rossby oscillations (r-modes) which are know to be unstable to emission of gravitational waves. These instabilities are mainly damped by the viscosity of the star or by the existence of a strong magnetic field. A fraction of the observed millisecond pulsars are known to be inside Low Mass X-ray Binaries (LMXBs), systems in which a neutron star (or a black hole) is accreting from a donor whose mass is smaller than 1 MM_\odot. Here we show that the r-mode instabilities can generate strong toroidal magnetic fields by inducing differential rotation. In this way we also provide an alternative scenario for the origin of the magnetars.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings conference "Theoretical Nuclear Physics", Cortona October 200

    Head-on collisions of binary white dwarf--neutron stars: Simulations in full general relativity

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    We simulate head-on collisions from rest at large separation of binary white dwarf -- neutron stars (WDNSs) in full general relativity. Our study serves as a prelude to our analysis of the circular binary WDNS problem. We focus on compact binaries whose total mass exceeds the maximum mass that a cold degenerate star can support, and our goal is to determine the fate of such systems. A fully general relativistic hydrodynamic computation of a realistic WDNS head-on collision is prohibitive due to the large range of dynamical time scales and length scales involved. For this reason, we construct an equation of state (EOS) which captures the main physical features of NSs while, at the same time, scales down the size of WDs. We call these scaled-down WD models "pseudo-WDs (pWDs)". Using pWDs, we can study these systems via a sequence of simulations where the size of the pWD gradually increases toward the realistic case. We perform two sets of simulations; One set studies the effects of the NS mass on the final outcome, when the pWD is kept fixed. The other set studies the effect of the pWD compaction on the final outcome, when the pWD mass and the NS are kept fixed. All simulations show that 14%-18% of the initial total rest mass escapes to infinity. All remnant masses still exceed the maximum rest mass that our cold EOS can support (1.92 solar masses), but no case leads to prompt collapse to a black hole. This outcome arises because the final configurations are hot. All cases settle into spherical, quasiequilibrium configurations consisting of a cold NS core surrounded by a hot mantle, resembling Thorne-Zytkow objects. Extrapolating our results to realistic WD compactions, we predict that the likely outcome of a head-on collision of a realistic, massive WDNS system will be the formation of a quasiequilibrium Thorne-Zytkow-like object.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, matches PRD published version, tests of HRSC schemes with piecewise polytropes adde

    Accretion disks around binary black holes of unequal mass: GRMHD simulations near decoupling

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    We report on simulations in general relativity of magnetized disks onto black hole binaries. We vary the binary mass ratio from 1:1 to 1:10 and evolve the systems when they orbit near the binary-disk decoupling radius. We compare (surface) density profiles, accretion rates (relative to a single, non-spinning black hole), variability, effective α\alpha-stress levels and luminosities as functions of the mass ratio. We treat the disks in two limiting regimes: rapid radiative cooling and no radiative cooling. The magnetic field lines clearly reveal jets emerging from both black hole horizons and merging into one common jet at large distances. The magnetic fields give rise to much stronger shock heating than the pure hydrodynamic flows, completely alter the disk structure, and boost accretion rates and luminosities. Accretion streams near the horizons are among the densest structures; in fact, the 1:10 no-cooling evolution results in a refilling of the cavity. The typical effective temperature in the bulk of the disk is 105(M/108M)1/4(L/Ledd)1/4K\sim 10^5 (M/10^8 M_\odot)^{-1/4} (L/L_{\rm edd})^{1/4} {\rm K} yielding characteristic thermal frequencies 1015(M/108M)1/4(L/Ledd)1/4(1+z)1Hz\sim 10^{15} (M/10^8 M_\odot)^{-1/4} (L/L_{\rm edd})^{1/4}(1+z)^{-1}{\rm Hz} . These systems are thus promising targets for many extragalactic optical surveys, such as LSST, WFIRST, and PanSTARRS.Comment: 29 pages, 23 captioned figures, 3 tables, submitted to PR

    On the Running of the Cosmological Constant in Quantum General Relativity

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    We present arguments that show what the running of the cosmological constant means when quantum general relativity is formulated following the prescription developed by Feynman.Comment: 5 page