39 research outputs found

    Many-body synchronization of interacting qubits by engineered ac-driving

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    In this work we introduce the many-body synchronization of an interacting qubit ensemble which allows one to switch dynamically from many-body-localized (MBL) to an ergodic state. We show that applying of π\pi-pulses with altering phases, one can effectively suppress the MBL phase and, hence, eliminate qubits disorder. The findings are based on the analysis of the Loschmidt echo dynamics which shows a transition from a power-law decay to more rapid one indicating the dynamical MBL-to-ergodic transition. The technique does not require to know the microscopic details of the disorder.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Dispersive Response of a Disordered Superconducting Quantum Metamaterial

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    We consider a disordered quantum metamaterial formed by an array of superconducting flux qubits coupled to microwave photons in a cavity. We map the system on the Tavis-Cummings model accounting for the disorder in frequencies of the qubits. The complex transmittance is calculated with the parameters taken from state-of-the-art experiments. We demonstrate that photon phase shift measurements allow to distinguish individual resonances in the metamaterial with up to 100 qubits, in spite of the decoherence spectral width being remarkably larger than the effective coupling constant. Our simulations are in agreement with the results of the recently reported experiment.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Coulomb blockade of chiral Majorana and complex fermions far from equilibrium

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    We study charge transport in a single-electron transistor implemented as an interferometer such that the Coulomb blockaded middle island contains a circular chiral Majorana or Dirac edge mode. We concentrate on the regime of small conductance and provide an asymptotic solution in the limit of high transport voltage exceeding the charging energy. The solution is achieved using an instanton-like technique. The distinctions between Majorana and Dirac cases appears when the tunnel junctions are unequal. The main difference is in the offset current at high voltages which can be higher up to 50%50\% in Majorana case. It is caused by an additional particle-hole symmetry of the distribution function in the Majorana case. There is also an eye-catching distinction between the oscillations patterns of the current as a function of the gate charge. We conjecture this distinction survives at lower transport voltages as well.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Cavity-QED simulation of a quantum metamaterial with tunable disorder

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    We explore experimentally a quantum metamaterial based on a superconducting chip with 25 frequency-tunable transmon qubits coupled to a common coplanar resonator. The collective bright and dark modes are probed via the microwave response, i.e., by measuring the transmission amplitude of an external microwave signal. All qubits have individual control and readout lines. Their frequency tunability allows to change the number N of resonantly coupled qubits and also to introduce a disorder in their excitation frequencies with preassigned distributions. While increasing N, we demonstrate the expected N1/2^{1/2} scaling law for the energy gap (Rabi splitting) between bright modes around the cavity frequency. By introducing a controllable disorder and averaging the transmission amplitude over a large number of realizations, we demonstrate a decay of mesoscopic fluctuations which mimics an approach towards the thermodynamic limit. The collective bright states survive in the presence of disorder when the strength of individual qubit coupling to the cavity dominates over the disorder strength