494 research outputs found

    Accounting\u27s uses in exploitative human engineering: Theorizing citizenship, indirect rule and Britain\u27s imperial expansion

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    This historical study starts from the argument that financial economic quantification using accounting concepts and analysis has always been an essential and integral part of effective policies and activities for Britain\u27s empire building. Theories of citizenship are used in particular to examine the close association between accounting and imperial policies during British indirect rule in Fiji. Through an examination of archival data and other relevant source materials, the paper highlights the ways in which accounting helped translate imperial forms of oppression and injustice into everyday work practice. Indirect rule generally required the separation and subordination of the native population as subjects, and their exploitation within imperial hegemonic structures. This research is about a British regime of specific and deliberate power construct through which the indigenous population of subjects were oppressed and excluded from citizenship and from civil society. Focus is on the social, economic and institutional relations that determined a unique pattern of inequality and the way in which accounting was effectively mobilized to serve the aims of British imperialism through indirect rule

    Some interesting morphological features of liver lobes in Mumbai population

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    Introduction: Liver is the largest gland in the body mainly situated in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Abnormalities of liver are rare. Common abnormalities are irregularities in form, occurrence of one or more accessory lobes, fissures or abnormal ligaments. Rare abnormalities include atrophy, or complete absence of one of the lobes. Although the segmental anatomy of the liver has been extensively researched, very few studies have dealt with the surface variations of the liver. Accessory lobe may be confused with tumour. Accessory fissure may mimic internal trauma at the time of the post-mortem study. Aim: Present study was carried to find out the morphological variations of liver lobes occurring in Mumbai population. Methods & Materials: The materials used for present study comprised of formalin fixed 50 adult livers. Results & conclusion: In the present study we found accessory liver lobes in 3 cadavers i.e. 6 %, atrophy of left lobe in 15 cadavers i.e. 30 %, accessory fissures in 21 cases i.e.42%.There is also abnormal connection between left lobe and quadrate lobe in 14% cases. The findings of study may be helpful to radiologist and surgeons respectively, to avoid possible errors in interpretations and subsequent misdiagnosis, and for planning appropriate surgical approaches

    Pengintegrasian Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup Membentuk Karakter Peduli Lingkungan di Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to explore the strategy of integrating the environment in shaping the character of environmental care in the Bhayangkara Elementary School. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. Techniques of collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis uses data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. Validity checks data using source triangulation, technique, and time. The results showed that teachers in planning learning include habituation, exemplary and learning while doing. The steps taken by the teacher include: using learning media and environment as a place of learning. Teachers in conducting assessments focus more on affective judgments. Supporting factors such as the performance of teachers, principals and gardeners in guiding students and the existence of learning media that allows students to understand the value of environmental care. Inhibiting factors such as lack of learning time and family role in instilling environmental caring value

    Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

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    Taman Muda IbuPawiyatanYogyakarta Vision is to be a quality school, arts-based cultural and educational noble character. Therefore, any learning activity seeks to implement the values of character and concepts ketamansiswaan, including on science learning (IPA). Translating that vision relevant to the purposes of science education that not only emphasizes the development of students\u27 knowledge of science, but also help the development of students into well-rounded individual with good character. This study aims to explore the implementation of character value through the development of science process skills for students with special needs, values character of the development of science process skills and the factors that influence its implementation. This study is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. Mechanical analysis of data through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Testing the credibility of both the source and use triangulation techniques, the extension of observation, and check data providers (member check). Implementation of character value through the development of science process skills for students with special needs high class Taman Muda IP Yogyakarta had walked though not maximized, both in terms of planning, implementation, and assessment. The values of character can be extracted including gender, honest, independent, responsibility, willpower, and appreciate nature. Its success is influenced by the family environment, school, and community

    Profil Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa dalam Mengembangkan Pembelajaran Sets Terintegrasi Kearifan Lokal

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    The demand of KKNI curriculum in the 21st century is the equality of learning achievement including attitudes and values, work ability, scientific mastery, authority and responsibility. For that, PGSD graduate of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University (UST) Yogyakarta is expected to be able to design the learning according to the development of science and technology while maintaining the culture of Indonesia. The embodiment of the graduate's competence is the ability to develop elementary school learning based on Science Environment Technology and Society (SETS) and integrated with local wisdom. The purpose of this research is to describe the skills of critical thinking skills of PGSD students in developing SETS-based learning integrated with local wisdom and indicators that appear in each skill aspect. This type of research includes quantitative descriptive research with non-test data collection techniques, observation, and documentation. While the maininstrument in the form of Student Worksheet (LKM), the observation sheet relating to the indicators of critical thinking skills. Data analysis techniques through descriptive statistics interpreted with very good criteria, good, enough, less, and very less then continued with the presentation in the form of tables. The results showed that the average critical thinking ability ofPGSD UST students was 69.24% with good criteria. Indicator of every aspects of critical thinking skills has emerged even though some achievements have not been maximized
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