303 research outputs found

    Thyroid hormones And [<SUP>14</SUP>C] glucose metabolism in bacteria

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    The effects of triiodothyronine and thyroxine on metabolism and growth of bacteria were studied. It was observed that over a certain range of concentration thyroxine and triiodothyronine produced increase in 14CO2 release from [14C]-labeled glucose and also stimulated bacteria growth

    Tribological Effects of Mineral-Oil Lubricant Contamination with Biofuels: A Pin-on-Disk Tribometry and Wear Study

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    Use of biodiesel produces engine oil dilution because of unburned biodiesel impinging on cold walls of the combustion chamber, being scrapped to the oil pan, and leading to changes of oil friction, wear and lubricity properties. In this paper, mixtures of SAE 15W-40 oil, which were contaminated by known percentages of the biodiesels from canola oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, and chicken fat, were tested in a pin-on-disk tribometer. A contact was employed of AISI 1018 steel disk and AISI 316 stainless-steel ball for pin material, and friction force and specific wear were measured. Wear on the disk surfaces showed that any degree of mineral-oil dilution by the tested biodiesels reduces the wear protection of engine oil even at small mixture percentages. However, these reductions were not substantially different than those observed for same percentages of dilution of mineral oil by fossil diesel. The tested mixture of oil contaminated with animal fat feedstock (e.g., chicken fat) biodiesel showed the best wear behavior as compared to those for the other tested mixtures (of mineral oil with vegetable feedstock biodiesel dilutions). Obtained results are discussed as baseline for further studies in a renewable energy multidisciplinary approach on biofuels and biolubes

    Quantum phase space distributions in thermofield dynamics

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    It is shown that the the quantum phase space distributions corresponding to a density operator ρ\rho can be expressed, in thermofield dynamics, as overlaps between the state âˆŁÏ>\mid \rho > and "thermal" coherent states. The usefulness of this approach is brought out in the context of a master equation describing a nonlinear oscillator for which exact expressions for the quantum phase distributions for an arbitrary initial condition are derived.Comment: 17 pages, revtex, no figures. number of pages were incorrectly stated as 3 instead of 17. No other correction

    Geometric approach to nonlinear coherent states using the Higgs model for harmonic oscillator

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    In this paper, we investigate the relation between the curvature of the physical space and the deformation function of the deformed oscillator algebra using non-linear coherent states approach. For this purpose, we study two-dimensional harmonic oscillators on the flat surface and on a sphere by applying the Higgs modell. With the use of their algebras, we show that the two-dimensional oscillator algebra on a surface can be considered as a deformed one-dimensional oscillator algebra where the effect of the curvature of the surface is appeared as a deformation function. We also show that the curvature of the physical space plays the role of deformation parameter. Then we construct the associated coherent states on the flat surface and on a sphere and compare their quantum statistical properties, including quadrature squeezing and antibunching effect.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figs. To be appeared in J. Phys.

    Cisplatin resistant spheroids model clinically relevant survival mechanisms in ovarian tumors

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS 11 (2016): e0151089, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151089 .The majority of ovarian tumors eventually recur in a drug resistant form. Using cisplatin sensitive and resistant cell lines assembled into 3D spheroids we profiled gene expression and identified candidate mechanisms and biological pathways associated with cisplatin resistance. OVCAR-8 human ovarian carcinoma cells were exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of cisplatin to create a matched cisplatin-resistant cell line, OVCAR-8R. Genome-wide gene expression profiling of sensitive and resistant ovarian cancer spheroids identified 3,331 significantly differentially expressed probesets coding for 3,139 distinct protein-coding genes (Fc >2, FDR < 0.05) (S2 Table). Despite significant expression changes in some transporters including MDR1, cisplatin resistance was not associated with differences in intracellular cisplatin concentration. Cisplatin resistant cells were significantly enriched for a mesenchymal gene expression signature. OVCAR-8R resistance derived gene sets were significantly more biased to patients with shorter survival. From the most differentially expressed genes, we derived a 17-gene expression signature that identifies ovarian cancer patients with shorter overall survival in three independent datasets. We propose that the use of cisplatin resistant cell lines in 3D spheroid models is a viable approach to gain insight into resistance mechanisms relevant to ovarian tumors in patients. Our data support the emerging concept that ovarian cancers can acquire drug resistance through an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.This work was funded by the NIH NCRR supplement grant P41 RR001395-27S1 (J.W.H.), NSF DBI-1005378 “REU Site: Biological Discovery in Woods Hole”, faculty startup funds from the Office of Research at Oklahoma State University (W.C.), and the Mary Kay Foundation (A.S.B.)

    Representations of Coherent and Squeezed States in a ff-deformed Fock Space

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    We establish some of the properties of the states interpolating between number and coherent states denoted by ∣n>λ| n >_{\lambda}; among them are the reproducing of these states by the action of an operator-valued function on ∣n>| n> (the standard Fock space) and the fact that they can be regarded as ff-deformed coherent bound states. In this paper we use them, as the basis of our new Fock space which in this case are not orthogonal but normalized. Then by some special superposition of them we obtain new representations for coherent and squeezed states in the new basis. Finally the statistical properties of these states are studied in detail.Comment: 13 pages, 4 Figure

    Generally Deformed Oscillator, Isospectral Oscillator System and Hermitian Phase Operator

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    The generally deformed oscillator (GDO) and its multiphoton realization as well as the coherent and squeezed vacuum states are studied. We discuss, in particular, the GDO depending on a complex parameter q (therefore we call it q-GDO) together with the finite dimensional cyclic representations. As a realistic physical system of GDO the isospectral oscillator system is studied and it is found that its coherent and squeezed vacuum states are closely related to those of the oscillator. It is pointed out that starting from the q-GDO with q root of unity one can define the hermitian phase operators in quantum optics consistently and algebraically. The new creation and annihilation operators of the Pegg-Barnett type phase operator theory are defined by using the cyclic representations and these operators degenerate to those of the ordinary oscillator in the classical limit q->1.Comment: 21 pages, latex, no figure

    An algebraic approach to the Tavis-Cummings problem

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    An algebraic method is introduced for an analytical solution of the eigenvalue problem of the Tavis-Cummings (TC) Hamiltonian, based on polynomially deformed su(2), i.e. su_n(2), algebras. In this method the eigenvalue problem is solved in terms of a specific perturbation theory, developed here up to third order. Generalization to the N-atom case of the Rabi frequency and dressed states is also provided. A remarkable enhancement of spontaneous emission of N atoms in a resonator is found to result from collective effects.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Observation of a red-blue detuning asymmetry in matter-wave superradiance

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    We report the first experimental observations of strong suppression of matter-wave superradiance using blue-detuned pump light and demonstrate a pump-laser detuning asymmetry in the collective atomic recoil motion. In contrast to all previous theoretical frameworks, which predict that the process should be symmetric with respect to the sign of the pump-laser detuning, we find that for condensates the symmetry is broken. With high condensate densities and red-detuned light, the familiar distinctive multi-order, matter-wave scattering pattern is clearly visible, whereas with blue-detuned light superradiance is strongly suppressed. In the limit of a dilute atomic gas, however, symmetry is restored.Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev. Let
