54 research outputs found

    Full-Day Kindergarten in California: Lessons From Los Angeles

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    Analyzes the impact of full-day kindergarten on academic, grade retention, and English fluency outcomes through second grade by school and student characteristics, with a focus on the economically disadvantaged and English learners. Outlines implications

    Health Coverage and Care for Undocumented Immigrants: An Update

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    California policymakers continue to weigh strategies for making health insurance universal and health care accessible to all—including for undocumented immigrant residents. The state expanded Medi-Cal to undocumented children and young adults using mostly state funds, and budget negotiations are underway to expand coverage to older undocumented adults. While coverage for all undocumented immigrants has been on the legislative agenda for several years, COVID-19 has underscored how gaps in health insurance coverage for immigrants, fear and avoidance of health care systems, and lack of access to vaccines can have consequences for entire communities.This report updates PPIC's past work on health care and insurance coverage for undocumented immigrants, from presenting updated uninsured rates among immigrant groups to unpacking systematic differences in health care access by documentation status. We also examine aspects of how children in mixed-status families—where at least one member is undocumented—engage with the health care system.

    Mitochondrial metabolism of sexual and asexual blood stages of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum

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    BACKGROUND: The carbon metabolism of the blood stages of Plasmodium falciparum, comprising rapidly dividing asexual stages and non-dividing gametocytes, is thought to be highly streamlined, with glycolysis providing most of the cellular ATP. However, these parasitic stages express all the enzymes needed for a canonical mitochondrial tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, and it was recently proposed that they may catabolize glutamine via an atypical branched TCA cycle. Whether these stages catabolize glucose in the TCA cycle and what is the functional significance of mitochondrial metabolism remains unresolved. RESULTS: We reassessed the central carbon metabolism of P. falciparum asexual and sexual blood stages, by metabolically labeling each stage with (13)C-glucose and (13)C-glutamine, and analyzing isotopic enrichment in key pathways using mass spectrometry. In contrast to previous findings, we found that carbon skeletons derived from both glucose and glutamine are catabolized in a canonical oxidative TCA cycle in both the asexual and sexual blood stages. Flux of glucose carbon skeletons into the TCA cycle is low in the asexual blood stages, with glutamine providing most of the carbon skeletons, but increases dramatically in the gametocyte stages. Increased glucose catabolism in the gametocyte TCA cycle was associated with increased glucose uptake, suggesting that the energy requirements of this stage are high. Significantly, whereas chemical inhibition of the TCA cycle had little effect on the growth or viability of asexual stages, inhibition of the gametocyte TCA cycle led to arrested development and death. CONCLUSIONS: Our metabolomics approach has allowed us to revise current models of P. falciparum carbon metabolism. In particular, we found that both asexual and sexual blood stages utilize a conventional TCA cycle to catabolize glucose and glutamine. Gametocyte differentiation is associated with a programmed remodeling of central carbon metabolism that may be required for parasite survival either before or after uptake by the mosquito vector. The increased sensitivity of gametocyte stages to TCA-cycle inhibitors provides a potential target for transmission-blocking drugs

    In Vitro and In Vivo Efficacy of a Novel and Long-Acting Fungicidal Azole, PC1244, on Aspergillus fumigatus Infection

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    The antifungal effects of the novel triazole, PC1244, designed for topical or inhaled administration, againstA. fumigatushave been tested in a range ofin vitroandin vivostudies. PC1244 demonstrated potent antifungal activities against clinicalA. fumigatusisolates (N=96) with a MIC range of 0.016--0.25 μg/ml, whereas the MIC range for voriconazole was 0.25--0.5 μg/ml. PC1244 was a strong tight-binding inhibitor of recombinantA. fumigatusCYP51A and CYP51B (sterol 14α-demethylase) enzymes and strongly inhibited ergosterol synthesis inA. fumigatuswith an IC50of 8 nM. PC1244 was effective against a broad spectrum of pathogenic fungi (MIC ranged from <0.0078∼2 μg/ml), especially onAspergillus terreus,Trichophyton rubrum,Candida albicans,Candida glabrata,Candida krusei,Cryptococcus gattii,Cryptococcus neoformans and Rhizopus oryzaePC1244 also proved to be quickly absorbed into bothA. fumigatushyphae and bronchial epithelial cells, producing persistent antifungal effects. In addition, PC1244 showed fungicidal activity (MFC, 2 μg/ml), which was 8-fold more potent than voriconazole.In vivo, once daily intranasal administration of PC1244 (3.2 ∼ 80μg/mL) to temporarily neutropenic, immunocompromised mice 24h after inoculation with itraconazole-susceptibleA. fumigatussubstantially reduced fungal load in the lung, galactomannan in serum and circulating inflammatory cytokines. Furthermore, 7 days extended prophylaxis with PC1244 showed superiorin vivoeffects when compared against 1 day of prophylactic treatment, suggesting accumulation of the effects of PC1244. Thus, PC1244 has the potential to be a novel therapy for the treatment ofA. fumigatusinfection in the lungs of humans

    Guidance for the treatment and prevention of obstetric-associated venous thromboembolism

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    Sources of Insurance Coverage Among Children of Recent Welfare Recipients.

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    This issue brief analyzes the coverage sources of children of recent welfare recipients in Los Angeles County and examines the relationship between parents and children’s sources of coverage by addressing three primary policy questions. 1) How does the source of coverage of parents who were recent welfare recipients affect the source of coverage for their children? 2) Do parents who are off welfare and no longer covered by Medi-Cal maintain public insurance coverage for their children? 3) How do combinations of coverage sources for recent welfare recipients and their children differ by recipient employment outcomes

    Premium Assistance Programs for Recent Welfare Recipients

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    This issue brief discusses the possibility of a premium assistance program in California that targets recent welfare recipients by addressing three main policy questions.1) Are welfare recipients a good target population for a premium assistance program?2) Who would be elligible for premium assistance and where do they work?3) What are the challenges of premium assistance programs in California
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