8 research outputs found
White Shark microsatellite genotypes
microsatellite genotypes of white shark individuals sampled in South Africa (SA) and the Northwest Atlantic (NWA
Multi-locus genetic diversity for each sampling location (sample size N) and overall.
<p>H<sub>e</sub> expected heterozygosity over all loci. H<sub>o</sub>: observed heterozygosity over all loci. A: Allelic Richness (mean number of alleles per locus adjusted for sample size).</p
Genetic diversity for each microsatellite locus over all sample locations described through allelic richness and heterozygosity.
<p>T<sub>a</sub>: Annealing temperatures. K: number of alleles. H<sub>e</sub>: expected heterozygosity. H<sub>o</sub>: observed heterozygosity.</p
M-ratio calculated for all loci and sample location and overall sample locations.
<p>M-ratio calculated for all loci and sample location and overall sample locations.</p
Inbreeding coefficient F<sub>IS</sub> for all sample locations per microsatellite locus.
<p>Inbreeding coefficient F<sub>IS</sub> for all sample locations per microsatellite locus.</p
Pairwise comparison of mean Internal Relatedness (IR) values per bay.
<p>Bolded values on the diagonal are the mean IR values of individuals sampled at the designated location, p-values of pairwise t-test are shown above the diagonal and significance level before Bonferroni correction is below the diagonal.</p>*<p>p<0.05.</p>**<p>p<0.01.</p><p>NS = not significant.</p
Estimated effective number of breeders (N<sub>b</sub>) and 95% CI for all sample locations.
<p>Estimated effective number of breeders (N<sub>b</sub>) and 95% CI for all sample locations.</p
Pairwise F<sub>ST</sub> for all sample locations.
<p>F<sub>ST</sub> values are given above the diagonal and p-values are presented below the. Significant values before Bonferroni correction are indicated. Indicative adjusted nominal level (5%) for multiple comparisons is: 0.0033.</p>*<p>(p<0.05).</p>**<p>(p<0.01).</p