14,082 research outputs found

    A triangle of dualities: reversibly decomposable quantum channels, source-channel duality, and time reversal

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    Two quantum information processing protocols are said to be dual under resource reversal if the resources consumed (generated) in one protocol are generated (consumed) in the other. Previously known examples include the duality between entanglement concentration and dilution, and the duality between coherent versions of teleportation and super-dense coding. A quantum feedback channel is an isometry from a system belonging to Alice to a system shared between Alice and Bob. We show that such a resource may be reversibly decomposed into a perfect quantum channel and pure entanglement, generalizing both of the above examples. The dual protocols responsible for this decomposition are the ``feedback father'' (FF) protocol and the ``fully quantum reverse Shannon'' (FQRS) protocol. Moreover, the ``fully quantum Slepian-Wolf'' protocol (FQSW), a generalization of the recently discovered ``quantum state merging'', is related to FF by source-channel duality, and to FQRS by time reversal duality, thus forming a triangle of dualities. The source-channel duality is identified as the origin of the previously poorly understood ``mother-father'' duality. Due to a symmetry breaking, the dualities extend only partially to classical information theory.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Time's Barbed Arrow: Irreversibility, Crypticity, and Stored Information

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    We show why the amount of information communicated between the past and future--the excess entropy--is not in general the amount of information stored in the present--the statistical complexity. This is a puzzle, and a long-standing one, since the latter is what is required for optimal prediction, but the former describes observed behavior. We layout a classification scheme for dynamical systems and stochastic processes that determines when these two quantities are the same or different. We do this by developing closed-form expressions for the excess entropy in terms of optimal causal predictors and retrodictors--the epsilon-machines of computational mechanics. A process's causal irreversibility and crypticity are key determining properties.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    A General Information Theoretical Proof for the Second Law of Thermodynamics

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    We show that the conservation and the non-additivity of the information, together with the additivity of the entropy make the entropy increase in an isolated system. The collapse of the entangled quantum state offers an example of the information non-additivity. Nevertheless, the later is also true in other fields, in which the interaction information is important. Examples are classical statistical mechanics, social statistics and financial processes. The second law of thermodynamics is thus proven in its most general form. It is exactly true, not only in quantum and classical physics but also in other processes, in which the information is conservative and non-additive.Comment: 4 page

    Configurational entropy of network-forming materials

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    We present a computationally efficient method to calculate the configurational entropy of network-forming materials. The method requires only the atomic coordinates and bonds of a single well-relaxed configuration. This is in contrast to the multiple simulations that are required for other methods to determine entropy, such as thermodynamic integration. We use our method to obtain the configurational entropy of well-relaxed networks of amorphous silicon and vitreous silica. For these materials we find configurational entropies of 1.02 kb and 0.97 kb per silicon atom, respectively, with kb the Boltzmann constant.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Measuring the effective complexity of cosmological models

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    We introduce a statistical measure of the effective model complexity, called the Bayesian complexity. We demonstrate that the Bayesian complexity can be used to assess how many effective parameters a set of data can support and that it is a useful complement to the model likelihood (the evidence) in model selection questions. We apply this approach to recent measurements of cosmic microwave background anisotropies combined with the Hubble Space Telescope measurement of the Hubble parameter. Using mildly non-informative priors, we show how the 3-year WMAP data improves on the first-year data by being able to measure both the spectral index and the reionization epoch at the same time. We also find that a non-zero curvature is strongly disfavored. We conclude that although current data could constrain at least seven effective parameters, only six of them are required in a scheme based on the Lambda-CDM concordance cosmology.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, revised version accepted for publication in PRD, updated with WMAP3 result

    Near-Extreme Black Holes and the Universal Relaxation Bound

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    A fundamental bound on the relaxation time \tau of a perturbed thermodynamical system has recently been derived, \tau \geq \hbar/\pi T, where TT is the system's temperature. We demonstrate analytically that black holes saturate this bound in the extremal limit and for large values of the azimuthal number m of the perturbation field.Comment: 2 Pages. Submitted to PRD on 5/12/200

    Lossless quantum data compression and variable-length coding

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    In order to compress quantum messages without loss of information it is necessary to allow the length of the encoded messages to vary. We develop a general framework for variable-length quantum messages in close analogy to the classical case and show that lossless compression is only possible if the message to be compressed is known to the sender. The lossless compression of an ensemble of messages is bounded from below by its von-Neumann entropy. We show that it is possible to reduce the number of qbits passing through a quantum channel even below the von-Neumann entropy by adding a classical side-channel. We give an explicit communication protocol that realizes lossless and instantaneous quantum data compression and apply it to a simple example. This protocol can be used for both online quantum communication and storage of quantum data.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    When do generalized entropies apply? How phase space volume determines entropy

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    We show how the dependence of phase space volume Ω(N)\Omega(N) of a classical system on its size NN uniquely determines its extensive entropy. We give a concise criterion when this entropy is not of Boltzmann-Gibbs type but has to assume a {\em generalized} (non-additive) form. We show that generalized entropies can only exist when the dynamically (statistically) relevant fraction of degrees of freedom in the system vanishes in the thermodynamic limit. These are systems where the bulk of the degrees of freedom is frozen and is practically statistically inactive. Systems governed by generalized entropies are therefore systems whose phase space volume effectively collapses to a lower-dimensional 'surface'. We explicitly illustrate the situation for binomial processes and argue that generalized entropies could be relevant for self organized critical systems such as sand piles, for spin systems which form meta-structures such as vortices, domains, instantons, etc., and for problems associated with anomalous diffusion.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Information Content of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking

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    We propose a measure of order in the context of nonequilibrium field theory and argue that this measure, which we call relative configurational entropy (RCE), may be used to quantify the emergence of coherent low-entropy configurations, such as time-dependent or time-independent topological and nontopological spatially-extended structures. As an illustration, we investigate the nonequilibrium dynamics of spontaneous symmetry-breaking in three spatial dimensions. In particular, we focus on a model where a real scalar field, prepared initially in a symmetric thermal state, is quenched to a broken-symmetric state. For a certain range of initial temperatures, spatially-localized, long-lived structures known as oscillons emerge in synchrony and remain until the field reaches equilibrium again. We show that the RCE correlates with the number-density of oscillons, thus offering a quantitative measure of the emergence of nonperturbative spatiotemporal patterns that can be generalized to a variety of physical systems.Comment: LaTeX, 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl