13,908 research outputs found

    Generalized Hurst exponent and multifractal function of original and translated texts mapped into frequency and length time series

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    A nonlinear dynamics approach can be used in order to quantify complexity in written texts. As a first step, a one-dimensional system is examined : two written texts by one author (Lewis Carroll) are considered, together with one translation, into an artificial language, i.e. Esperanto are mapped into time series. Their corresponding shuffled versions are used for obtaining a "base line". Two different one-dimensional time series are used here: (i) one based on word lengths (LTS), (ii) the other on word frequencies (FTS). It is shown that the generalized Hurst exponent h(q)h(q) and the derived f(α)f(\alpha) curves of the original and translated texts show marked differences. The original "texts" are far from giving a parabolic f(α)f(\alpha) function, - in contrast to the shuffled texts. Moreover, the Esperanto text has more extreme values. This suggests cascade model-like, with multiscale time asymmetric features as finally written texts. A discussion of the difference and complementarity of mapping into a LTS or FTS is presented. The FTS f(α)f(\alpha) curves are more opened than the LTS onesComment: preprint for PRE; 2 columns; 10 pages; 6 (multifigures); 3 Tables; 70 reference

    Light Element Synthesis in High Entropy Relativistic Flows Associated with Gamma Ray Bursts

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    We calculate and discuss the light element freeze-out nucleosynthesis in high entropy winds and fireballs for broad ranges of entropy-per-baryon, dynamic timescales characterizing relativistic expansion, and neutron-to-proton ratios. With conditions characteristic of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) we find that deuterium production can be prodigious, with final abundance values 2H/H approximately 2%, depending on the fireball isospin, late time dynamics, and the effects of neutron decoupling- induced high energy non-thermal nuclear reactions. This implies that there potentially could be detectable local enhancements in the deuterium abundance associated with GRB events.Comment: 14 pages 3 figure

    Optimizing information flow in small genetic networks. I

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    In order to survive, reproduce and (in multicellular organisms) differentiate, cells must control the concentrations of the myriad different proteins that are encoded in the genome. The precision of this control is limited by the inevitable randomness of individual molecular events. Here we explore how cells can maximize their control power in the presence of these physical limits; formally, we solve the theoretical problem of maximizing the information transferred from inputs to outputs when the number of available molecules is held fixed. We start with the simplest version of the problem, in which a single transcription factor protein controls the readout of one or more genes by binding to DNA. We further simplify by assuming that this regulatory network operates in steady state, that the noise is small relative to the available dynamic range, and that the target genes do not interact. Even in this simple limit, we find a surprisingly rich set of optimal solutions. Importantly, for each locally optimal regulatory network, all parameters are determined once the physical constraints on the number of available molecules are specified. Although we are solving an over--simplified version of the problem facing real cells, we see parallels between the structure of these optimal solutions and the behavior of actual genetic regulatory networks. Subsequent papers will discuss more complete versions of the problem

    Entropy and Entanglement in Quantum Ground States

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    We consider the relationship between correlations and entanglement in gapped quantum systems, with application to matrix product state representations. We prove that there exist gapped one-dimensional local Hamiltonians such that the entropy is exponentially large in the correlation length, and we present strong evidence supporting a conjecture that there exist such systems with arbitrarily large entropy. However, we then show that, under an assumption on the density of states which is believed to be satisfied by many physical systems such as the fractional quantum Hall effect, that an efficient matrix product state representation of the ground state exists in any dimension. Finally, we comment on the implications for numerical simulation.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    Universal geometric approach to uncertainty, entropy and information

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    It is shown that for any ensemble, whether classical or quantum, continuous or discrete, there is only one measure of the "volume" of the ensemble that is compatible with several basic geometric postulates. This volume measure is thus a preferred and universal choice for characterising the inherent spread, dispersion, localisation, etc, of the ensemble. Remarkably, this unique "ensemble volume" is a simple function of the ensemble entropy, and hence provides a new geometric characterisation of the latter quantity. Applications include unified, volume-based derivations of the Holevo and Shannon bounds in quantum and classical information theory; a precise geometric interpretation of thermodynamic entropy for equilibrium ensembles; a geometric derivation of semi-classical uncertainty relations; a new means for defining classical and quantum localization for arbitrary evolution processes; a geometric interpretation of relative entropy; and a new proposed definition for the spot-size of an optical beam. Advantages of the ensemble volume over other measures of localization (root-mean-square deviation, Renyi entropies, and inverse participation ratio) are discussed.Comment: Latex, 38 pages + 2 figures; p(\alpha)->1/|T| in Eq. (72) [Eq. (A10) of published version

    Optimizing information flow in small genetic networks. II: Feed forward interactions

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    Central to the functioning of a living cell is its ability to control the readout or expression of information encoded in the genome. In many cases, a single transcription factor protein activates or represses the expression of many genes. As the concentration of the transcription factor varies, the target genes thus undergo correlated changes, and this redundancy limits the ability of the cell to transmit information about input signals. We explore how interactions among the target genes can reduce this redundancy and optimize information transmission. Our discussion builds on recent work [Tkacik et al, Phys Rev E 80, 031920 (2009)], and there are connections to much earlier work on the role of lateral inhibition in enhancing the efficiency of information transmission in neural circuits; for simplicity we consider here the case where the interactions have a feed forward structure, with no loops. Even with this limitation, the networks that optimize information transmission have a structure reminiscent of the networks found in real biological systems

    Connecting Alaskans: A Book Review and Commentary on Universal Service in the Broadband Age

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