16 research outputs found

    Multi-Mobile Robot Localization and Navigation based on Visible Light Positioning

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    We demonstrated multi-mobile robot navigation based on Visible Light Positioning(VLP) localization. From our experiment, the VLP can accurately locate robots' positions in navigation

    CGA-VLP: High Accuracy Visible Light Positioning Algorithm Using Single Square LED with Geomagnetic Angle Correction

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    Visible light positioning (VLP), benefiting from its high accuracy and low cost, is a promising technology for indoor location-based services. In this article, the theoretical limits and error sources of traditional camera-based VLP systems are analyzed. To solve the problem that multiple LEDs are required and auxiliary sensors are imperfect, a VLP system with a single square LED which can correct the geomagnetic angle obtained from a geomagnetic sensor is proposed. In addition, we conducted a static positioning experiment and a dynamic positioning experiment integrated with pedestrian dead reckoning on an Android platform to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. According to the experimental results, when the horizontal distance between the camera and the center of the LED is less than 120 cm, the average positioning error can be retained within 10 cm and the average positioning time on the mobile phone is 39.64 ms

    Universal and Effective Decoding Scheme for Visible Light Positioning Based on Optical Camera Communication

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    As a promising approach to implement indoor positioning, visible light positioning (VLP) based on optical camera communication (OCC) image sensor has attracted substantial attention. However, the decoding schemes of existing VLP systems still face many challenges. First, the transmission channel between transmitters and receivers can be easily affected by environmental changes, resulting in poor thresholding performance. Second, the inherently unsynchronized air transmission channel issue remains a big obstacle for decoding data. The above two problems limit the application of VLP systems, where various mobile devices are used as receivers and the properties of transmission channel are constantly changing with the movement of receivers. In this paper, a universal and effective decoding scheme named pixel-to-bit calculation (PBC) decoding algorithm for VLP systems is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. It includes a Staged Threshold Scheme which provides excellent thresholding performance for different transmission channel conditions, as well as a Synchronous Decoding Operation to automatically synchronize the clock between transmitters and receivers. A decoding rate of 95.62% at the height of 2.73 m is realized in a practical Robotic-based VLP system embedded with our proposed PBC decoding scheme. In addition, experimental results show that the average decoding rate of the proposed PBC decoding scheme reaches 99.9% when applying different transmitters and receivers

    A Tilt Visible Light Positioning System Based on Double LEDs and Angle Sensors

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    Visible light positioning (VLP) has been studied widely due to its high accuracy and low cost in the field of location-based services (LBS). However, many existing VLP systems have the requirements that the receiver should be placed horizontally and more than three LED lamps should be used, which are difficult to meet in practical scenarios. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a novel VLP algorithm for tilted conditions. An effective and simple VLP system while the receiver is tilted based on double-LED lamps is proposed in this paper. The vertical position can be determined by combining the information from angle sensors with geometric information. Through analyzing the imaging characteristics of the tilted state, we can utilize the relationship of similarity to calculate the location of the mobile receiver. Experimental results show that the positioning accuracy of our proposed algorithm can reach 5.48 cm

    Performance Enhancement Scheme for RSE-Based Underwater Optical Camera Communication Using De-Bubble Algorithm and Binary Fringe Correction

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    Optical camera communications (OCC) has been growing rapidly in recent years, which offers a flexible and low-cost way to achieve underwater wireless optical communication (UWOC). However, the existence of underwater bubbles and suspended impurities will greatly decrease the signal quality. In this paper, we propose a de-bubble algorithm and a sampling scheme based on binary fringes correction (BFC) to enhance the communication quality. The experimental results demonstrate that a robust transmission can be achieved in the harsh bubble environment by applying the proposed two algorithms

    Technology Report: Optical Bar Code for Internet Access Application based on Optical camera communication and Bluetooth Control

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    We demonstrate an internet access application based on optical camera communication and bluetooth. The app will access the website while the camera in the phone receives the optical signal. © 2022 The Author(s)</p