1,801 research outputs found

    Exploring the Activeness of Professional Online Community Members

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    With the rapid development and advancement of virtual communities and collaboration, it raises both opportunities and challenges for the online community members. Professional online communities have formed and flourished rapidly with the proliferation of network access in the past two decades. This study aims to explore the activeness of professional online community members by proposing a framework that built upon the Self-Determination Theory. Extant studies on motivation of online community members activeness mostly focus on extrinsic motivation in terms of rewards. We investigate users’ behavior with their intrinsic motivation from the prospective of individuals’ immanent psychological needs. Specially, we investigate the consistency between community discussion topics and the user’s interests, and define it as attraction level. We believe that higher attraction level will lead to higher user activeness. Empirical data will be tested in the future

    Silencing of two insulin receptor genes disrupts nymph-adult transition of alate brown citrus aphid

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    Insulin receptors play key roles in growth, development, and polymorphism in insects. Here, we report two insulin receptor genes (AcInR1 and AcInR2) from the brown citrus aphid, Aphis (Toxoptera) citricidus. Transcriptional analyses showed that AcInR1 increased during the nymph-adult transition in alate aphids, while AcInR2 had the highest expression level in second instar nymphs. AcInR1 is important in aphid development from fourth instar nymphs to adults as verified by dsRNA feeding mediated RNAi. The silencing of AcInR1 or/and AcInR2 produced a variety of phenotypes including adults with normal wings, malformed wings, under-developed wings, and aphids failing to develop beyond the nymphal stages. Silencing of AcInR1 or AcInR2 alone, and co-silencing of both genes, resulted in 73% or 60%, and 87% of aphids with problems in the transition from nymph to normal adult. The co-silencing of AcInR1 and AcInR2 resulted in 62% dead nymphs, but no mortality occurred by silencing of AcInR1 or AcInR2 alone. Phenotypes of adults in the dsInR1 and dsInR2 were similar. The results demonstrate that AcInR1 and AcInR2 are essential for successful nymph-adult transition in alate aphids and show that RNAi methods may be useful for the management of this pest

    A Kind of Change Management Method for Global Value Chain Optimization and Its Case Study

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    Any successful change in an organization requires an appropriate change management method and a process for involved staff and department to accept the change and become engaged in order to achieve its success. It is even more important and difficult to adopt a novel change management method to bring multiple organizations across the business value chain into the change implementation. This research does not focused on change management within a single organization but rather emphasizes a change management method, including an appropriate change framework, well-defined critical success factors (CSFs), and related tools for implementing change in multiple organizations. This article introduces one kind of change management method to support a process change through global value chain (GVC) in multiple organizations, and the method is used in a case study to achieve a successful change. In order to succeed in optimizing GVC performance, this research applies the proposed change management method to the case GVC, to support technical change by obtaining the staff's full commitment and engagement. The achieved results from the case study prove that successful change comes not only through technical solutions implemented in the problem process throughout the GVC but also through strong support and engagement from all organizations and involved staff. The proposed change management method not only helped the case GVC to implement change successfully but also can help the relevant multiple organizations to improve the GVC performance and add value by optimizing their problem process.©2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Assessing the Quality of Reports about Randomized Controlled Trials of Acupuncture Treatment on Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the reports' qualities which are about randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of acupuncture treatment on Mild Cognitive Impairment (MIC). METHODS: Nine databases including the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL,2010), PUBMED (1984-5/2010), EMbase (1984-5/2010), MEDLINE (1984-5/2010), CINAL (1984-5/2010), China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI, 1980-5/2010), China Biomedicine Database disc (CBMdisc, 1980-5/2010), VIP (a full text issues database of China, 1989-5/2010) were searched systematically. Hand search for further references was conducted. Language was limited to Chinese and English. We identified 14 RCTs that used acupuncture as an intervention and assessed the quality of these reports against the Consolidated Standards for Reporting of Trials (CONSORT) statement and Standards for Reporting Interventions in Controlled Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA). RESULTS: In regard to the items in the CONSORT statement, 13(92.86%) RCTs described baseline demographic and clinical characteristics in each group. 7 (50.0%) mentioned the method of generating the random sequence, only 2 (14.3%) RCTs had adequate allocation concealment. No RCTs used blinding. RCTs reported the sample size calculation. In regard to the items in STRICTA, 10 (71.43%) mentioned the depths of insertion, 6 (42.86%) reported acupuncture response, 11 (78.57%) mentioned the technique of acupuncture, 12 (85.71%) recorded the time, and only 3 (21.43%) RCTs reported the numbers of needles inserted. No RCTs reported the background of the acupuncture practitioners and professional title of practitioners. CONCLUSION: The reporting quality of RCTs of acupuncture for mild cognitive impairment was moderate to low. The CONSORT statement and STRICTA should be used to standardize the reporting of RCTs of acupuncture in future

    EGTSyn: Edge-based Graph Transformer for Anti-Cancer Drug Combination Synergy Prediction

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    Combination therapy with multiple drugs is a potent therapy strategy for complex diseases such as cancer, due to its therapeutic efficacy and potential for reducing side effects. However, the extensive search space of drug combinations makes it challenging to screen all combinations experimentally. To address this issue, computational methods have been developed to identify prioritized drug combinations. Recently, Convolutional Neural Networks based deep learning methods have shown great potential in this community. Although the significant progress has been achieved by existing computational models, they have overlooked the important high-level semantic information and significant chemical bond features of drugs. It is worth noting that such information is rich and it can be represented by the edges of graphs in drug combination predictions. In this work, we propose a novel Edge-based Graph Transformer, named EGTSyn, for effective anti-cancer drug combination synergy prediction. In EGTSyn, a special Edge-based Graph Neural Network (EGNN) is designed to capture the global structural information of chemicals and the important information of chemical bonds, which have been neglected by most previous studies. Furthermore, we design a Graph Transformer for drugs (GTD) that combines the EGNN module with a Transformer-architecture encoder to extract high-level semantic information of drugs.Comment: 15 pages,4 figures,6 table
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