5,317 research outputs found

    Safe Harbor for Officer Reliance: Comparing the Approaches of the Model Business Corporation Act and Delaware’s General Corporation Law

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    Balotti and Shaner discuss the duties of and potential for imposing liability on corporate officers. The fiduciary duties of officers is addressed, in differing degrees, under Delaware law, the law frequently applied to corporate-governance disputes, and under the Model Business Corporation Act (MBCA). In discharging their fiduciary duties, directors under both the MBCA and the General Corporation Law are generally protected from personal liability if, in making business decisions, they reasonably rely on the reports and records of officers, employees, advisors, and experts of the corporation

    Scab of Wheat and Barley

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    During the past 15 years, scab has severely damaged soft red winter wheat crops in several Corn Belt states, hard red spring wheat and spring barley in the Red River Valley of the northern plains, and soft white wheats in Michigan, New York, and Ontario. In Indiana, scab was a major problem in 4 of the past 10 years: 1986, 1990, 1991, and 1995. Scab is not a new disease. J. C. Arthur, the first plant pathologist at Purdue, described the disease in 1891. He said the disease was new to science but was familiar to farmers as scab. Until the last decade, scab was regarded as a sporadic disease that might be seen only once in 1 0 or 15 years, and then only in scattered fields. It is now regarded as a chronic disease in the eastern half of the US and one of the most critical problems for production of quality wheat and barley. Development of scab is sensitive to weather. Several fungi of the genus Fusarium cause scab, but the principal pathogen is Fusarium graminearum. This fungus is a pathogen of corn (Gibberella ear and stalk rot) as well as wheat and barley. The main site for infection of wheat and barley is the anthers just after flowering. If weather is wet and warm when the crop is flowering, and there is a local source of abundant fungal inoculum, a high incidence of infection will result

    Herbicide-resistant crops in resistant weed management : An industrial perspective

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    Parmi les premiers produits issus de la biotechnologie à atteindre le marché se trouvent les cultures résistantes aux herbicides. L'industrie envisage le développement de cultivars résistants aux herbicides comme une façon d'accroître la disponibilité d'herbicides éprouvés pour une gamme de cultures plus vaste. Cependant, le développement de cultures résistantes aux herbicides requiert une attention particulière envers certaines questions environnementales, à savoir l'utilisation des herbicides, la sélection de biotypes de mauvaises herbes résistants et la transmission de gènes de résistance entre ces cultures et des espèces sauvages. L'industrie tente activement de répondre à ces préoccupations pendant le processus de développement. Un développement adéquat et une utilisation judicieuse des cultures résistantes aux herbicides, dans le cadre de programmes de lutte intégrée contre les mauvaises herbes, procureront aux producteurs agricoles une flexibilité et une efficacité accrues, ainsi qu'une diminution des coûts associés à la répression des mauvaises herbes, sans augmenter le risque d'obtenir des mauvaises herbes résistantes aux herbicides. De plus, les cultures résistantes aux herbicides devraient constituer des outils précieux dans la gestion des mauvaises herbes résistantes aux herbicides.Some of the first products of biotechnology to reach the marketplace have been herbicide-resistant crops. Industry sees the development of herbicide-resistant varieties as a way to increase the availability of proven herbicides for a broader range of crops. However, the development of herbicide- resistant crops requires special attention to potential environmental questions such as herbicide usage, selection of resistant weed biotypes and spread of resistance from the resistant crop to wild species. Industry is actively addressing these concerns during the process of development. Proper development and use of herbicide-resistant crops in integrated weed management programs will provide farmers with increased flexibility, efficiency, and decreased cost in their weed control practices without increasing the risk of herbicide-resistant weeds. Furthermore, herbicide-resistant crops should prove to be valuable tools in managing herbicide- resistant weeds

    Blue Octopot

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    Technology Transfer: From Researchers to Users

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    A book review of Technology Transfer: From Researchers to Users by Herbert F. Lionberger and Paul H. Gwin

    Born This Way: Transgender Student Access to School Bathrooms

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    Literacy Strategies For Secondary Social Studies Classrooms Website

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    Multiple experts agree that using literacy in secondary classrooms can be a gateway in multiple content areas (Alvermann, Phelps, & Ridgeway, 2007; Kottler & Gallavan, 2008; Schneider, 1994) and this project is focused on integrating different literacy strategies into secondary social studies classrooms. The website project is focused on three main categories of literacy: Reading (pre-reading, during reading, and post-reading), Writing (formal and informal), and Speaking and Listening (discussions and debating). The website is designed with over 25 literacy strategies, each of which has its own web page with a detailed explanation of how to integrate and use the strategy within a social studies classroom as well as examples of the use of the strategy in a middle school and a high school for applicable strategies. Each web page also has an estimated preparation time for teachers, how to differentiate the activity for English Language Learners or students with lower reading levels, and has blank templates in word and Google Doc format for easy download for users. The goal of the project is to develop a website resource that can be accessed by any social studies teachers so they can utilize different activities and strategies that have a literacy focus but will increase student learning of social studies content
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