581 research outputs found


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    我實在很喜歡寫作。於是,前我知道二年級有創作課的時候,日盼夜思希望能成功選修。希望沒有落空,課上獲益良多,敘事角度的運用、如何佈局、結樽安排、心理描寫......。就是這樣,寫了第一個短篇小說。早在創作班的時候,便想寫個關於老人的故事。我知道,我會很喜歡這個小說。當時,故事藍本在腦裏,主人公的輪廓巨大概已有,只是寫得好並不容易,我不想這個小說成為初試牛刀的犧牲品,便擱置了這個念頭。幸運地,今年的畢業論文首次可撰寫文學創作,決定以一篇小說作畢業論文時,我便知道這個故事要誕生。 這個小說真可形容為十月懷胎才誕生的心血結晶。慶幸的是有經驗豐富的婦產科醫生(相信梁教授不會介意我作這個比喻)教我怎樣照顧胎兒。透過超聲波看到胎兒手腳逐漸形成,我很高興。他教我吃些甚麼才能令胎兒吸收足夠的養份,使之健全成長。吸煙、酗酒等惡習必須戒掉,以免影響胎兒的健康。否則,也許會胎死腹中,或成了畸形兒。當然,分娩之際,醫生在旁催生,十分擔心嬰兒的安危。在他鼓勵之下,嬰兒可謂順利出生,雖不是個美人胚子,但總算十分健康。 在此,衷心感謝梁教授的悉心指導與鼓勵! 小說講述一個老人故事,夾有現實與回憶,故事可說橫跨了數十年光景。全篇小說可以用一個「變」字形容。嘉芙離家的時帳,祖父胖胖的。三年後回來,祖父變得廋骨嶙峋,由行動自如至失禁失憶。隨著時代的轉變,酒樓食肆吃的東西不同了,裝潢不同了。沙田也逐漸在變,甚至人與人的親情也變質了。就是小說的敘事角度也隨時在變。小說運用了多種敘事角度,以分節片斷的形式來敘說這個老人的故事。有些片斷是孫老爺的回憶、獨白,有些從小孩的觀貼出發,描寫靈堂氛圍的時候則用全知觀點。章節都沒有點明確實時間,這是小說的特點,跳躍性十分強。初讀的時候,因時空的突然跳轉可能感到少許混亂,只要細看,便看出其肌理。 小說的人物有老至八十歲,也有剛學會說話的孩子。於是人物的行為、語言、心理也得有適當的模仿,把他們安放在甚麼場景,與那個人物產生化學作用。舉個例子:人們說童言無忌,小孩子的說話是最真摯、不經修飾的,所以我安排綽綽在一個本來充滿童稚的場景,把殘酷的事實(「公公醜,公公尿尿,醜醜。」) 告訴姑姑,告訴公公,也告訴讀者。又如, 描寫靈堂裏人物的一舉一動都盡量不帶情感批判,以第十六至十七節為例,由百合花的消隱,紙人呆呆站著,以至演默劇的子孫是寫人與人的疏離。另一方面,小說有些章節精簡地寫了孫老爺對阿妹的眷戀,嘉芙、堯叔等對聽孫老爺的孝心與關懷。 老人總愛緬懷過去,小說中孫老爺是個不便於行,記憶力差的八十老人。小說預先安排孫老爺重複問嘉芙同一個問題,或是把年輕時發生的事誤以為仍在進行,令小說結尾更自然。小說結尾,孫老爺把夢境與現質混淆,產生幻覺。我特意運用急促的語氣、跳躍的句子寫孫老爺神智不清。重復又重複的語句,現實與幻像,真假交錯纏繞。除此以外,小說裏有少許的超現實主義。十九個章節中,三次出現蝴蝶的意象,或有意或無意。我不知道蝴蝶是否也跟蛇一樣有一特定象徵意義,或能以弗氏心理分析去解釋,只是認為章節裏加上這樣一個意象,能為小說增添額外的情意。 小說最難寫的是孫老爺內心獨自的部份。對於一個剛過二十的小丫頭來說,要模仿八十歲老人的思維,揣摩他說話的語氣實在困難。心裏掙扎很久,都不敢下筆,怕寫得怪模怪樣,或是寫成娘娘腔。初稿交給梁教授看,正如所料,寫得不太成功。拿回的時候足有三十隻烏黑的蒼蠅伏在上面,很多字被省去。(那份稿子我仍保存著呢。)梁教授要我注意,男性說話比較直截了當,要寫得利落,不像女性般忸怩纖細。經多次修改及梁教授的鼓勵,現在的版本好多了。 現在小說裏,孫老爺的妻子「阿妹」在第九節裏被水淹死。原來,我的構思並非這樣安排的。「阿妹」沒有死,但寫完初稿之後,發現「阿妹」出場的次數太少。而且在中國傳統家庭觀念裏,丈夫有病,身為妻子的卻不在身邊侍候,是說不過去的。後來想到,若是「阿妹」死了,孫老爺欠伴兒,爺孫倆的感情的建立來得更順理成章。拍照的時候,念著早喪的「阿妹」也能增加小說的悲劇性,便決定修改。 為了寫靈堂、喪禮,除了靠自身體驗以外,我到關書館翻閱有關喪葬禮儀、死亡禁忌、中國死亡習俗等書籍,更特意致電紅磡曲街一家殯儀用品老商號,打算作一個簡短訪問。可惜老闆並不友善,我被拒絕了。為了把紙紮公仔寫得更全神,我冒昧走訪屯門一家衣紙店,幸而這家店的老闆樂於問答我的問題,使描寫靈堂與喪葬禮儀掌握得更準確。有時候,我整整坐一天才寫寥寥三百字,情況更惡劣的時候只有一百字。我終於明白「讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神」的道理。那個時候,我實在恨自己讀書太少。有時我又會安慰自己:「王文興每天也只寫一百字而已。」相信,這篇論文如要做到「下筆如有神」,除了「讀書破萬卷」以外,平日細心觀察身邊人的言行舉止,都有助寫出「神」來。隨著心理變化,人的一眉一目也在表達情感。現在,又有多少人能留意、關心身邊人?尤其是自己的父母或長輩。 同學問我:「小說是否真人真事?嘉芙是不是你? 」 這個問題令我想到寫《大亨小傳》的費茲傑羅的說話:「在每一篇故事裡,都有一滴我在內――不是血、不是淚、不是精華,而是更親密的自己,真正擠出來的。

    Intonation in Cantonese Parkinson's disease

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    Also available in print.Thesis (B.Sc)--University of Hong Kong, 2008.A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science (Speech and Hearing Sciences), The University of Hong Kong, June 30, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 26-29).published_or_final_versionSpeech and Hearing SciencesBachelorBachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Science

    Drug discovery from Chinese medicine against neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's and vascular dementia

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    Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia are two major diseases associated with dementia, which is common among the elderly. While the etiology of dementia is multi-factorial and complex, neurodegeneration may be the major cause of these two diseases. Effective drugs for treating dementia are still to be discovered. Current western pharmacological approaches against neurodegeneration in dementia develop symptom-relieving and disease-modifying drugs. Current integrative and holistic approaches of Chinese medicine to discovering drugs for neurodegeneration in dementia include (1) single molecules from the herbs, (2) standardized extracts from a single herb, and (3) herbal formula with definite composition. This article not only reviews the concept of dementia in western medicine and Chinese medicine but also evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches


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    Economic development processes in post-1949 China can be divided into two periods. In the first, 1950-70, the economy was extensively and intensively controlled by the state with a priority for developing heavy industries. In the second, since the 80s and known as the \u27reform period,\u27 the Chinese economy has increasingly been integrated with the world economy and relying on light (rural) industries as the prime motor of economic growth. Yet, in both these periods, Chinese policymakers shared the same \u27developmental\u27 philosophy in which social costs, that is the reproduction costs of human labour and nature, are largely ignored. The following is a critical sketch of government policies and their impact on the domestic population in these two periods

    Enhanced survival and regeneration of axotomized retinal ganglion cells by a mixture of herbal extracts

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of Panax quinquefolius L. extract (PQE), Ginkgo biloba extract (GBE), and Hypericum perforatum extract (HPE), in combination or alone, on the survival and regeneration of axotomized retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in an optic nerve transection model in adult hamsters. Unilateral transection of the optic nerve was performed to evaluate the effects of herbal extracts on the survival of axotomized RGCs. Effects of the herbal extracts on axonal regeneration of axotomized RGCs, on the other hand, were studied by attaching a peripheral nerve graft onto the transected ocular stump to induce regeneration. Operated animals received daily oral administration of vehicle or herbal extracts (PQE, GBE, and HPE), alone or in combination, for 7 and 21 days, respectively, in the survival and regeneration experiments. Surviving and regenerating RGCs were retrogradely labeled with Fluoro-Gold. The eyes were then enucleated and the retinas were flat-mounted for the counting of the labeled RGCs. Treatment with PQE, GBE and HPE alone failed to offer neuroprotection to injured RGCs. However, treatment with Menta-FX, a mixture of PQE, GBE, and HPE, significantly augmented RGC survival 7 days postaxotomy. Treatment with Menta-FX also induced a significant (87%) increase in the number of regenerating RGCs 21 days after optic nerve transection. This study demonstrates that herbs can act as a potential neuroprotective agent for damaged RGCs. It also suggests that the therapeutic value of herbal remedies can be maximized by the use of mixtures of appropriate herbs.published_or_final_versio

    Functional connexin35 increased in the myopic chicken retina.

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    Our previous research showed that increased phosphorylation of connexin (Cx)36 indicated extended  coupling of AII amacrine cells (ACs) in the rod-dominant mouse myopic retina. This research will determine whether phosphorylation at serine 276 of Cx35-containing gap junctions increased in the myopic chicken, whose retina is cone-dominant. Refractive errors and ocular biometric dimensions of 7-days-old chickens were determined following 12 h and 7 days induction of myopia by a -10D lens. The expression pattern and size of Cx35-positive plaques were examined in the early (12 h) and compensated stages (7 days) of lens-induced myopia (LIM). At the same time, phosphorylation at serine 276 (functional assay) of Cx35 in strata 5 (S5) of the inner plexiform layer was investigated. The axial length of the 7 days LIM eyes was significantly longer than that of non-LIM controls (P < 0.05). Anti-phospho-Ser276 (Ser276-P)-labeled plaques were significantly increased in LIM retinas at both 12 h and 7 days. The density of Ser276-P of Cx35 was observed to increase after 12 h LIM. In the meanwhile, the areas of existing Cx35 plaques did not change. As there was more phosphorylation of connexin35 at Ser276 at both the early and late stages (12 h) and 7 days of LIM chicken retinal activity, the coupling with ACs could be increased in myopia development of the cone-dominated chicken retina

    X-ray Structures of the Signal Recognition Particle Receptor Reveal Targeting Cycle Intermediates

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    The signal recognition particle (SRP) and its conjugate receptor (SR) mediate cotranslational targeting of a subclass of proteins destined for secretion to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane in eukaryotes or to the plasma membrane in prokaryotes. Conserved active site residues in the GTPase domains of both SRP and SR mediate discrete conformational changes during formation and dissociation of the SRP·SR complex. Here, we describe structures of the prokaryotic SR, FtsY, as an apo protein and in two different complexes with a non-hydrolysable GTP analog (GMPPNP). These structures reveal intermediate conformations of FtsY containing GMPPNP and explain how the conserved active site residues position the nucleotide into a non-catalytic conformation. The basis for the lower specificity of binding of nucleotide in FtsY prior to heterodimerization with the SRP conjugate Ffh is also shown. We propose that these structural changes represent discrete conformational states assumed by FtsY during targeting complex formation and dissociation

    Genome of the rams horn snail Biomphalaria straminea : an obligate intermediate host of schistosomiasis

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    This work was supported by the Hong Kong Research Grant Council Collaborative Research Fund (C4015-20EF), General Research Fund (14100919), NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme (N_CUHK401/21), and The Chinese University of Hong Kong Direct Grant (4053433, 4053489). Y.Y., W.L.S., C.F.W., S.T.S.L., and Y.L. were supported by the Ph.D. studentships of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. A.H. is supported by a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) David Phillips Fellowship (BB/N020146/1). T.B. is supported by a studentship from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council-funded South West Biosciences Doctoral Training Partnership (BB/M009122/1). M.E.A.R. is supported by a Ph.D. studentship from the School of Biology and St Andrews University.Background: Schistosomiasis, or bilharzia, is a parasitic disease caused by trematode flatworms of the genus Schistosoma. Infection by Schistosoma mansoni in humans results when cercariae emerge into water from freshwater snails in the genus Biomphalaria and seek out and penetrate human skin. The snail Biomphalaria straminea is native to South America and is now also present in Central America and China, and represents a potential vector host for spreading schistosomiasis. To date, genomic information for the genus is restricted to the neotropical species Biomphalaria glabrata. This limits understanding of the biology and management of other schistosomiasis vectors, such as B. straminea. Findings: Using a combination of Illumina short‐read, 10X Genomics linked‐read, and Hi‐C sequencing data, our 1.005 Gb B. straminea genome assembly is of high contiguity, with a scaffold N50 of 25.3 Mb. Transcriptomes from adults were also obtained. Developmental homeobox genes, hormonal genes, and stress-response genes were identified, and repeat content was annotated (40.68% of genomic content). Comparisons with other mollusc genomes (including Gastropoda, Bivalvia, and Cephalopoda) revealed syntenic conservation, patterns of homeobox gene linkage indicative of evolutionary changes to gene clusters, expansion of heat shock protein genes, and the presence of sesquiterpenoid and cholesterol metabolic pathway genes in Gastropoda. In addition, hormone treatment together with RT-qPCR assay reveal a sesquiterpenoid hormone responsive system in B. straminea, illustrating that this renowned insect hormonal system is also present in the lophotrochozoan lineage. Conclusion: This study provides the first genome assembly for the snail B. straminea and offers an unprecedented opportunity to address a variety of phenomena related to snail vectors of schistosomiasis, as well as evolutionary and genomics questions related to molluscs more widely.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe