104 research outputs found

    Amount of NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup> removal (black) and Fe(III) reduction (white) over 14 days of incubation with <i>Acidimicrobiaceae</i> sp. A6.

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    <p>Under different (a) pH values, (b) iron source, (c) carbon source, and (d) AQDS concentions. The values represent the mean and standard error (n = 3).</p

    Phylogenetic tree derived from neighbour-joining analysis of partial 16S rRNA sequences.

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    <p>The tree was constructed with 16S rRNA gene sequences from strain A6 (MG589453) and from other bacteria of the <i>Acidimicrobiaceae</i> family. Sequences determined in this study are in bold. Bootstrap values were based on 1000 replicates each and are shown at the nodes with >50% bootstrap support. The scale bar represents 1% sequence divergence.</p

    SEM image of strain A6 in an acidic, iron reducing, and ammonia oxidizing culture (iFeN).

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    <p>SEM image of strain A6 in an acidic, iron reducing, and ammonia oxidizing culture (iFeN).</p


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    Zip file containing R code used to prepare and analyze data as well as all input datasets, including the GMP


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    Table 1 - Geologic ages of extant marine bivalves, Arctic, Tropical, and Antarctic faunas, with supporting references; Table 2 - extant marine bivalve species in SE Japan and SE Australia, with supporting reference

    Data and code to reproduce Dallas et al. "Estimating parasite host range"

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    This repository contains code and data (only for the Sevilleta LTER) to reproduce the analyses from:<div><br></div><div>> Dallas,T, S Huang, C Nunn, A Park, and JM Drake. 2017. "Estimating parasite host range". Proceedings of the Royal Society B. </div><div><br></div><div>The Global Mammal Parasite Database is available at https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.1799</div

    Supplementary methods, figures and tables from Migratory behaviour predicts greater parasite diversity in ungulates

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    Additional details on all data collection and analysis; all supplementary figures and tables referenced in main tex

    Supplementary methods Supplementary Data 1 (movement data) from Migratory behaviour predicts greater parasite diversity in ungulates

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    Table of data on the movement strategy of each ungulate host species from published definitions and descriptions; references for these description

    Density matrix.

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    The high-quality development of service industry has become an important engine for promoting sustainable economic development. This paper first constructed the evaluation index system of high-quality development of service industry, based on panel data from 2005 to 2020. Second, Kernel density, Markov chain and Dagum Gini coefficient were used to represent the regional differences and dynamic evolution of service industry, and the Koo method was used to explore the characteristics of spatial agglomeration. Finally, social network analysis was used to identify core indicators. The study found that: (1) From 2005 to 2020, the overall level of service industry first decreases and then increases, with Chengdu and Chongqing leading other cities. (2) The development of service industry in the CCEC has large spatial differences, mainly due to inter-regional differences. (3) The level of spatial agglomeration is less variable, with high agglomeration mainly in Chengdu. (4) Indicators such as the level of human capital are the core factors of its high-quality development. This study is of great theoretical and practical significance for the optimization and upgrading of service industry in the CCEC and the synergetic development of the region.</div
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