6 research outputs found

    Religious education and training in developing future human resource professionals : views from experts and teachers

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    The development of human capital focuses not only on acquiring technology and economic knowledge but also focuses on acquiring spiritual, social and political knowledge. Human capital development (HCD) processes relate closely to education and training. An individual who is exposed with technology and economic knowledge infused or integrated with religious education and training would be able to function productively, ethically, able to provide justice and tolerant to diversity of needs, problems and challenges facing a society and/or organization in a borderless competitive markets. The role of Islamic education and training is complementary in developing all-round professionals who are able to balance the demands and challenges of technology, economy, spirituality and quality of life in a developed nation. The main purpose of this study was to explore Islamic religious experts and excellent Islamic teachers’ views on developing future human resource professionals. A qualitative design was employed to explore themes related to the focus of the study among Islamic experts and excellent Islamic teachers. Participants of the study comprised eight (8) Islamic religious experts and 12 excellent Islamic teachers. In-depth interviews with the participants were conducted to gather the data. The findings indicated that Islamic religious experts and excellent Islamic teachers viewed the process and practices of HRD would be greatly strengthened through understanding and application of the contents of the al-Quran and Hadiths and able to apply and practice Islamic concepts and ethics in carrying out HRD functions. Implications that can be drawn from the findings suggest that religious concepts and ethics should be integrated or infused in the pre-service curriculum to prepare for a “balanced” HRD professional. In-service training programs for HRD professionals, on the other hand, should also include religious concepts and ethics to fortify them with the foundations of integrity, professionalism and accountability

    Malaysian graduates of Middle-Eastern universities: perspectives on human capital development

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    Malaysian youth who graduate from Middle-Eastern Universities are important and suitable human capital for Malaysia as they are equally knowledgeable and skilful as any local or western university graduates. In fact, the additional components in their study programmes such as Islamic philosophy, principles and ethics based on the al-Quran and Hadith form the foundation for integrity and accountability. Science, technology and Islamic knowledge are critical ingredients of human capital development in any organisation to ensure high productivity embedded with integrity, professionalism and accountability. The main purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting human capital development among Malaysian graduates of Middle-Eastern universities. The factors identified were their preparation before leaving for their studies, their studying practices, their academic achievements, their personality development and their experiences (good and bad) while they were in Middle-Eastern universities. This study used the quantitative design on 386 Malaysian graduates who graduated from Middle-Eastern universities; these graduates were serving in several government and private-sector agencies. The findings indicated that all the independent variables had significant positive relationship with the dependent variable, that is, the process of human capital development with r values ranging from .280 (preparation before going to Middle- Eastern universities) to .546 (personality development). The findings of this study suggest that Malaysian graduates of Middle- Eastern universities are an important source of human capital that can steer the future development of the nation alongside their peers who graduate from local and western universities

    Modal Insan Cemerlang- Minda Kelas Pertama: Suatu Perspektif

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    KPM memperkenalkan Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan 2006-2010 yand dibina berasaskan enam teras strategik dengan matlamat spesifik: membina negara bangsa, membangunkan modal insan, memperkasakan sekolah kebangsaan, merapatkan jurang pendidikan, memartabatkan profesion keguruan dan melonjakkan kecemerlangan institusi pendidikan. Buku ini mengupas isi-isi penting berkaitan enam teras tersebut

    Religious education and training in developing future human resource professionals: views from experts and teachers

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    The main purpose of this study was to explore the views of Islamic religious experts and excellent Islamic teachers on the development of future human resource professionals. A qualitative design was employed to explore themes of this study among Islamic experts and excellent Islamic teachers. Participants of the study comprised 8 Islamic religious experts and 12 excellent Islamic teachers. In-depth interviews with the participants were conducted to gather the data. The findings indicated that Islamic religious experts and excellent Islamic teachers viewed, the process and practices of human resource development (HRD) would be greatly strengthened through understanding and application of the contents of the al-Quran and Hadiths. It would be able to apply and practice Islamic concepts and ethics in carrying out HRD functions. Implications that can be drawn from the findings suggest that religious concepts and ethics should be integrated or infused in the pre-service curriculum to prepare for a “balanced” HRD professional. On the other hand, in-service training programs for HRD professionals should also include religious concepts and ethics to fortify them with the foundations of integrity, professionalism and accountability

    SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES Malaysian Graduates of Middle-Eastern Universities: Perspectives on Human Capital Development

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    ABSTRACT Malaysian youth who graduate from Middle-Eastern Universities are important and suitable human capital for Malaysia as they are equally knowledgeable and skilful as any local or western university graduates. In fact, the additional components in their study programmes such as Islamic philosophy, principles and ethics based on the al-Quran and Hadith form the foundation for integrity and accountability. Science, technology and Islamic knowledge are critical ingredients of human capital development in any organisation to ensure high productivity embedded with integrity, professionalism and accountability. The main purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting human capital development among Malaysian graduates of Middle-Eastern universities. The factors identified were their preparation before leaving for their studies, their studying practices, their academic achievements, their personality development and their experiences (good and bad) while they were in Middle-Eastern universities. This study used the quantitative design on 386 Malaysian graduates who graduated from Middle-Eastern universities; these graduates were serving in several government and private-sector agencies. The findings indicated that all the independent variables had significant positive relationship with the dependent variable, that is, the process of human capital development with r values ranging from .280 (preparation before going to MiddleEastern universities) to .546 (personality development). The findings of this stud