338 research outputs found

    Political legal overview perspective: Evaluating human rights in the Philippines

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    This writing examines and analyzes human rights issues in the Philippines.The author’s approach is primarily an eclectic, by concentrating on the strengths and weaknesses of the human rights’ regime as practiced by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP).This paper is divided into five parts.The first part discusses the historical evolution of human rights.The second part describes human rights in the Philippines.The third part analyzes the fundamentals of human rights that include: respect for the integrity of the person; respect for civil liberties; respect for political rights, more specifically, the rights of the Filipino citizens in the Philippines to change their government.The fourth part discusses the Philippine government’s attitude regarding international and non-governmental investigations of alleged violations of human rights such as discrimination based on religion, tribe and social status.And the fifth part concludes the study.The data for this analysis came from primary and secondary sources, namely newspapers, internet, books, magazines, and journals.The study found out that the records of human rights in the Philippines are not encouraging and indeed, there are serious breaches of human rights in the country. Though, the Philippines is known for its democratic experiences since its independence in 1946, but such practices were marred by vote-buying, rigging, fraud and other forms of cheating.Worst was during the regime of Ferdinand E. Marcos and the current Gloria M.Arroyo’s administration. Political arrests of some opposition leaders were common and physical force was exerted against their opponents.Indeed, Arroyo’s regime made history when it imprisoned the former President of the Philippines, Joseph Estrada, for corruption case.As such many fear that other former presidents of the country might fall into the same fate as Estrada’s-including the current president (Gloria M. Arroyo) after her terms as president ends

    The politicization of ethnic sentiments in Southern Thailand: The case of the Malay Muslims

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    This study analyzes the politicization of ethnic sentiments in Thailand with particular focus on Southern Thailand. It is divided into six parts. The first part examines the relationship between the Thailand’s political system and the minority groups within it. The second part explains the impact of ethnic politics in the Thailand’s political system. The third part discusses the function of ethnic politics. The fourth part examines the organizational base of ethnic politics in the region. The fifth part discusses the patterns of ethnic politics that have developed over the years. And the sixth part synthesizes the theories and practices of ethnic politics in the region. The data for this analysis came from both primary and secondary sources. The study found that the politicization of ethnic sentiment was by product of structural inequalities in the socio-political and economic domains of the Thailand’s society which play important role in intensifying conflicts. As a result, the Malay Muslims ethnic group established their own ethnic associations or organizations which are responsible for the development of strong group identification leading to the emergence of secessionist groups in Southern Thailand that threaten the core values of the Royal Kingdom of Thailand

    The politicization of ethnic sentiments in Deep South of Thailand: The case of the Malay Muslims

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    This study analyzes the politicization of ethnic sentiments in Thailand with particular focus on Deep South of Thailand.It is divided into six parts.The first part examines the relationship between the Thailand’s political system and the minority groups within it. The second part explains the impact of ethnic politics in the Thailand’s political system. The third part discusses the function of ethnic politics.The fourth part examines the organizational base of ethnic politics in the region. The fifth part discusses the patterns of ethnic politics that have developed over the years.And the sixth part synthesizes the theories and practices of ethnic politics in the region.The data for this analysis came from primary and secondary sources, namely newspapers, internet, books, magazines, and journals.Interviews were also conducted. The study found that the politicization of ethnic sentiment was by product of structural inequalities in the socio-political and economic domains of the Thailand’s society which play important role in intensifying conflicts.As a result, the Malay Muslims ethnic group established their own ethnic associations or organizations which are responsible for the development of strong group identification leading to the emergence of secessionist groups in deep south of Thailand that threaten the core values of the Royal Kingdom of Thailand

    Effect of dolomitic limestone and gypsum applications on soil solution properties and yield of corn and groundnut grown on Ultisols

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    A study was conducted to determine soil solution properties and relative tolerance of corn and groundnut plants to soil acidity. Corn followed by groundnut was planted on Ultisols one month after lime or gypsum was incorporated into the topsoil. Soil samples were collected after corn and groundnut harvest. Soil solutions were extracted by the immiscible replacement method of soil water with fluorocarbon trichlorofluoroethane. Results showed that total Al, inorganic Al, Ca, and Mg concentrations were erratically affected by the treatments. However, total Al values were indicated to be high when solution pHs were low, especially at treatments with low amounts of lime or high amounts of gypsum. It appeared that Ca released from the dissolution of gypsum had replaced Al in the exchange complex, causing the high concentrations of Al in the solution. Solution pH, corresponding to 90% relative yields of corn and groundnut, were 4.7 and 4.3, respectively. This means that groundnut is more tolerant to soil acidity than corn. Liming Ultisols at low rates may be necessary for groundnut cultivation. For corn cultivation, the liming rate is 2 t ha-1, which supplies adequate amounts of Ca and Mg for the growth of corn plants

    Human rights in Southeast Asia: Comparing Malaysia and the Philippines

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    This article is a comparative study of human rights issues in Southeast Asia with particular focus between Malaysia and the Philippines.Its approach is primarily an eclectic, by concentrating on the strengths and weaknesses of the human rights regimes as practiced by both countries.This paper is divided into three parts.The first part looks at the six fundamentals of human rights that include: Respect for the integrity of the person; respect for civil liberties; and respect for political rights, more specifically, the rights of citizens in Malaysia and the Philippines to change their governments.The second part looks at the Malaysian and Filipino governments‟ attitudes regarding international and non-governmental investigation of alleged violations of human rights, such as discrimination based on religion, race/tribe, gender, disability, language or social status.The last part looks at worker‟s rights.The data for this analysis comes from primary and secondary sources, namely newspapers, the Internet, books, magazines and journals.The study found that the records of human rights in Malaysia is relatively good when compared to her ASEAN neighbour; the Philippines.For instance, Malaysia‟s experiences demonstrate that parliamentary democracy have been well-maintained in that elections have been held regularly ever since independence in 1957 compared to the disruption of the regular elections in the Philippines caused by the so-called “EDSA” Revolutions or People Power Revolutions.Indeed, Malaysia enjoys one of the fastest-growing economies and is one of the „Asian small tigers.‟ It may have occasional political and religious arrests of some opposition leaders, but physical force is not/and/or rarely exerted against opponents, in contrast to what Ferdinand E. Marcos and Gloria M. Arroyo did in the Philippines.Furthermore, there is nothing that resembles the violence that frequently erupts in the Philippines and the continuing human rights abuses committed by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and its agents against its people

    Comparing qualitative and quantitative approaches

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    Limestone, Gypsum, Palm Oil Mill Effluent and Rock Phosphate Effects on Soil Solution Properties of Some Malaysian Ultisols and Oxisols

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    Ultisols and Oxisols in Malaysia are characterized by low pH, high Al saturation, low ECEC and Ca and/or Mg deficiencies, which are limiting to annual crop production. A pot experiment was conducted to assess the chemical changes in the properties of the soil solution phase of soils of some representative Ultisols and Oxisols following application of limestone, gypsum, palm oil mill effeluent and rock phosphate. The results showed that 2-4 t limestone/ ha were needed to increase pH, Ca, Mg and SO/, and to reduce Al and Mn to an acceptable level in the soil solution. Palm oil mill effluent application at 0.5-1 t/ha (lime equivalent) gave similar liming effects to those of limestone. Gypsum application increased Al concentration, but at high rate of application the Al existed mainly in the form of AISO/. Gypsum application in RPngam, Bungor and Prang series soils at 1 t/ha reduced pAIOHS0 4 to 17, suggesting that jurbanite can be formed in Ultisols and Oxisol when gypsum is applied

    Changes in Solid Phase Properties of Acid Soils as M fected by Limestone,Gypsum, Palm Oil Mill Effluent and Rock Phosphate Applications

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    Ultisols and Oxisols in Malaysia are dominated by kaolinite and sesquioxides, which are characterized by high Al saturation, low ECEC and Ca and/or Mg deficiencies. These acid soil infertility factors are limiting to annual crop production on the soils. A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the chemical changes in solid phase propmies of some Malaysian Ultisols and Oxisols affected by limestone, gypsum, palm oil mill effluent and rock phosphate applications. Results obtained showed that the negative charge on the clay surface of the untreated samples increased with an increase in soil H. Limestone, palm oil mill effluent and rock phosphate applications increased soil pH, resulting in an increase in CECw The CECIJ in the palm oil mill effluent treatment was further increased by an increase in the soil solution ionic strength and by the protonation of carboxyl and/or hydroxyl groups present in the organic matter. Exchangeable Ca and Mg increased, while exchangeable Al decreased significantly after palm oil mill effluent and limestone applications. It was observed that exchangeable K was reduced by gypsum and rock phosphate applications

    Cultural Pluralist Perspective: Assessing the Functions of Ethno-Religious Politics in the Philippines

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    Any general effort to account for the role of ethno-religiosity in the Philippines raises the question of the dominant role ethnoreligious politics has taken. Thus, the purpose of this article is to examine and analyze the role of ethnoreligious politics in the Philippines, using the Cultural Pluralist perspective. To this theory, the melting pot has never eradicated ethnoreligious politics in any given country.  It is divided into three parts. Firstly, it deals with the economic function of ethnoreligious politics in the region. Secondly, it looks into the psychological role of ethnoreligious politics. Lastly, examines the civic role of ethnoreligious politics in the Philippines. As shown in this article, many people in the Philippines have been unified from time to time by ethnoreligious bonds and used politics to secure material goals, to satisfy their psychic needs, and on occasion, to bring about fundamental changes in their civic values. Therefore, it is clearly indicated that ethnoreligious politics serves as a tool in achieving their material desires, psychological needs and recognition of their civic values.AbstrakSetiap upaya umum dalam menjelaskan pengaruh etnoreligiusitas di Filipina menimbulkan pertanyaan mendasar tentang peran dominan yang diambil oleh politik etnoreligius. Dengan demikian, tujuan artikel ini adalah mengkaji dan menganalisis peran politik etnoreligius di Filipina dengan menggunakan perspektif Kultural Pluralis. Menurut teori ini, politik etnoreligius tidak dapat dihapuskan di negara mana pun. Hal ini berhubungan dengan tiga hal pokok. Pertama, berkaitan dengan fungsi ekonomi politik etnoreligius di wilayah tersebut. Kedua, melihat peran psikologis politik etnoreligius. Terakhir, mengkaji peran politik sipil etnoreligius di Filipina. Seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam artikel ini, banyak orang Filipina telah dipersatukan dari waktu ke waktu oleh ikatan etnoreligiusitas dan menggunakan politik etnoreligius untuk mengamankan tujuan material, memenuhi kebutuhan psikis, dan kadangkadang membawa perubahan mendasar dalam nilai-nilai kewarganegaraan mereka. Oleh karena itu, diindikasikan bahwa politik etnoreligius berfungsi sebagai alat untuk mencapai berbagai kepentingan dari para penganutnya