20 research outputs found

    Physical disability ranges in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.

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    Introduction: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an immunological disease with unknown etiology that may affect many organs. Therapy in this disease is not curative and decreased physical abilities are obvious in patients with SLE. The aim of this study was to determine physical disability ranges in patients with SLE. Methods: This is a cross sectional study focusing on determination of physical disabilities in relation to different demographic including sex, age, duration of disease and the number of diagnostic criteria of American Rheumatiological Association (ARA). Results: The mean age of patients was 16.32 ± 10.35 years and the female to male ratio was 8.33 to 1. The mean score of physical disability was 3.42±3.17 according to Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ). Conclusion: Females were more affected than males, and disability was more severe in females (3.5±4) than males (3.00±3, p<0.05

    Creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and thyroid hormone levels before and after haemodialysis

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    A study was carried out on 57 patients with chronic renal failure in a hospital in Kerman city, Islamic Republic of Iran. Blood samples were taken before and after haemodialysis to measure blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) levels. Findings revealed that before dialysis T4 in 11 cases and T3 in 29 cases were lower than the normal range, but after haemodialysis only 3 cases for T4 and 15 cases for T3 were lower than normal levels. The remaining cases reverted to normal state. We suggest that a feedback relationship exists between the major end catabolic products (creatinine and blood urea nitrogen) and thyroid hormone serum levels. Les taux de créatinine, d'azote uréique sanguin et d’hormones thyroïdiennes avant et après une hémodialyse RÉSUMÉ Une étude a été réalisée sur 57 patients atteints d’insuffisance rénale chronique dans un hôpital de la ville de Kerman (République islamique d’Iran). On a prélevé des échantillons sanguins avant et après une hémodialyse pour mesurer les taux d’azote uréique sanguin, de créatinine sérique, de triiodothyronine (T3) et de thyroxine (T4). Les résultats ont indiqué que la T4 et la T3 étaient inférieures aux valeurs normales pour 11 cas et 29 cas respectivement avant la dialyse, et que 3 cas pour la T4 et 15 cas pour la T3 seulement avaient des valeurs inférieures à la normale après l’hémodialyse. Les autres cas sont revenus à un état normal. Ceci nous donne à penser qu’une relation de rétroaction existe entre les principaux produits cataboliques finals (créatinine et azote uréique sanguin) et le taux sérique d’hormones thyroïdiennes

    Frequency of Diabetes Mellitus in Skin Tag Patients in Comparison with Control Group

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    Abstract: Background & Aims: Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common types of chronic disease leading to serious complications such as blindness, end stage renal disease (ESRD), neuropathy and cardiac disorders. Skin tag is a common benign skin tumor that its association with impaired carbohydrate metabolism has been reported in some studies. The aim of this study was to compare the frequency of diabetes and other carbohydrate metabolism disorders in patients with and without skin tag. Methods: In a case- control study on 200 individuals over 30 years old referring to Dermatology Clinic of Afzalipour Hospital, 100 individuals with at least 3 skin tags as case group and 100 individuals without skin tag as control group underwent FBS and standard GTT tests. Results: There was no significant difference between case and control groups in the frequency of diabetes (19% vs. 10%), IGTT (11%vs.13%) and IFG (19% vs. 15%).Mean FBS and GTT were significantly higher in the case group compared to the control group. There was a positive correlation between the total number of skin tags and mean FBS (r= 0.33, P= 0.001) and GTT (r= 0.37, P= 0.000). The frequency of diabetes in patients with at least 20 skin tags was 45.8%. Positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity and specificity of skin tag for the diagnosis of diabetes were 19%, 90%, 52% and 65% respectively. Conclusion: This study revealed that patients with skin tags are at a higher risk of carbohydrate metabolism disorders. Therefore, screening of patients with skin tag for carbohydrate metabolism disorders is recommended. Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Skin ta

    Frequency of Contact Dermatitis in Patients with Chronic Dermatitis Referring to Dermatology Clinics in Kerman

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    Abstract: Introduction: Allergic and irritant compounds are frequent in nature, and the environmental allergic factors which can induce or exacerbate eczema are different and often unknown in different areas. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of contact dermatitis in patients with chronic dermatitis referring to dermatology clinics in kerman. Methods: In this descriptive study, standard patch test containing 24 allergens was done for 156 cases (56 males and 69 females) with confirmed chronic dermatitis who had been referred to Afzalipoor Hospital Dermatology Clinics. Evaluation of the results was done for every case 24, 48 and 72 hours after application of the patch test. Results: In whole, 153 positive patch tests were seen in 66 (52.8%) cases of 125 patients who had been examined. The most common allergic agent was nickel sulfate detected in 20 (13.1%) patients (17 females and 3 males). The hypersensitivity reaction to this agent was significantly more common in females than males (P0.05). Conclusion: As the causative agents of contact dermatitis are different in various areas, by doing patch test in each area the allergic agents can be detected for more appropriate preventive measures and treatment strategies. In this study, the first and second common allergens were respectively Nickel and Chrome compounds. Thiorum, Cobalt, benzocaine and theazolin compounds were in the third rank. Keywords: Patch test, Chronic dermatitis, Allergic contact eczem

    Superficial multiple fibromatosis (Combined 3 syndromes)

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    bstract: A 50 year old male patient to referred to our clinic for multiple hard diffused lesions on palms, plantars and penis. The genesis of the problem goes back to 10 years earlier. The lesions appeared first on the soles and gradually new lesions appeared on the palms and eventually on the penis, so that stretching and contraction of the fingers and toes has become painful. During the last 6 years, two times he has been operated upon and the lesion are removed. Now he has developed the problem of peins curvature, and feels severe pain after erection, especially at the time of copulation. Isolated fibromatous of palm is named Dupuytren’s syndrome. Pure lesions of sole are named as Ledderhose’s disease and pure lesions on the penis are named as peyroine’s syndrome. Deep skin biopsy is done and superficial multiple fibromatosis is confirmed. Keywords: Fibromatosis, Dupuytren’s disease, Ledderhose’s disease, Peyronie’s diseas

    Perifollicular Purpura as the first sign of Scurvy: A case report

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    Abstract: Scurvy is caused by ascorbic acid deficiency and although it is rare nowadays, still should be considered. In this paper a patient who was referred with perifollicular purpura and joint pain is presented. Patient’s history revealed that he was a known case of ulcerative colitis receiving sulfadiazine for three years. He had not consumed raw vegetables and fruits during this period. One week before admission, purpura appeared on the extremities and to a lesser degree on the trunk expanding in some areas. Arthritis was superimposed too. On the basis of above findings, vitamin C deficiency was suggested and 1500 mg/day of vitamin C was started orally. After three weeks, skin lesions and joint pain disappeared. Keywords: Scurvy, Vit.C deficiency, Purpur