13 research outputs found

    Fluoxetine targets an allosteric site in the enterovirus 2C AAA+ ATPase and stabilizes a ring-shaped hexameric complex

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    Enteroviruses are globally prevalent human pathogens responsible for many diseases. The nonstructural protein 2C is a AAA+ helicase and plays a key role in enterovirus replication. Drug repurposing screens identified 2C-targeting compounds such as fluoxetine and dibucaine, but how they inhibit 2C is unknown. Here, we present a crystal structure of the soluble and monomeric fragment of coxsackievirus B3 2C protein in complex with (S)-fluoxetine (SFX), revealing an allosteric binding site. To study the functional consequences of SFX binding, we engineered an adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase)-competent, hexameric 2C protein. Using this system, we show that SFX, dibucaine, HBB [2-(α-hydroxybenzyl)-benzimidazole], and guanidine hydrochloride inhibit 2C ATPase activity. Moreover, cryo-electron microscopy analysis demonstrated that SFX and dibucaine lock 2C in a defined hexameric state, rationalizing their mode of inhibition. Collectively, these results provide important insights into 2C inhibition and a robust engineering strategy for structural, functional, and drug-screening analysis of 2C proteins

    Cryo-EM structure of coronavirus-HKU1 haemagglutinin esterase reveals architectural changes arising from prolonged circulation in humans

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    The human betacoronaviruses HKU1 and OC43 (subgenus Embecovirus) arose from separate zoonotic introductions, OC43 relatively recently and HKU1 apparently much longer ago. Embecovirus particles contain two surface projections called spike (S) and haemagglutinin-esterase (HE), with S mediating receptor binding and membrane fusion, and HE acting as a receptor-destroying enzyme. Together, they promote dynamic virion attachment to glycan-based receptors, specifically 9-O-acetylated sialic acid. Here we present the cryo-EM structure of the ~80 kDa, heavily glycosylated HKU1 HE at 3.4 Å resolution. Comparison with existing HE structures reveals a drastically truncated lectin domain, incompatible with sialic acid binding, but with the structure and function of the esterase domain left intact. Cryo-EM and mass spectrometry analysis reveals a putative glycan shield on the now redundant lectin domain. The findings further our insight into the evolution and host adaptation of human embecoviruses, and demonstrate the utility of cryo-EM for studying small, heavily glycosylated proteins

    Discovery of a new Pro-Pro endopeptidase, PPEP-2, provides mechanistic insights into the differences in substrate specificity within the PPEP family

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    Pro-Pro endopeptidases (PPEPs) belong to a recently discovered family of proteases capable of hydrolyzing a Pro-Pro bond. The first member from the bacterial pathogen Clostridium difficile (PPEP-1) cleaves two C. difficile cell-surface proteins involved in adhesion, one of which is encoded by the gene adjacent to the ppep-1 gene. However, related PPEPs may exist in other bacteria and may shed light on substrate specificity in this enzyme family. Here, we report on the homolog of PPEP-1 in Paenibacillus alvei, which we denoted PPEP-2. We found that PPEP-2 is a secreted metalloprotease, which likewise cleaved a cell-surface protein encoded by an adjacent gene. However, the cleavage motif of PPEP-2, PLP↓PVP, is distinct from that of PPEP-1 (VNP↓PVP). As a result, an optimal substrate peptide for PPEP-2 was not cleaved by PPEP-1 and vice versa. To gain insight into the specificity mechanism of PPEP-2, we determined its crystal structure at 1.75 Å resolution and further confirmed the structure in solution using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). We show that a four-amino-acid loop, which is distinct in PPEP-1 and -2 (GGST in PPEP-1 and SERV in PPEP-2), plays a crucial role in substrate specificity. A PPEP-2 variant, in which the four loop residues had been swapped for those from PPEP-1, displayed a shift in substrate specificity toward PPEP-1 substrates. Our results provide detailed insights into the PPEP-2 structure and the structural determinants of substrate specificity in this new family of PPEP proteases.status: publishe

    Multimerization- and glycosylation-dependent receptor binding of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins.

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    Receptor binding studies on sarbecoviruses would benefit from an available toolkit of recombinant spike proteins, or domains thereof, that recapitulate receptor binding properties of native viruses. We hypothesized that trimeric Receptor Binding Domain (RBD) proteins would be suitable candidates to study receptor binding properties of SARS-CoV-1 and -2. Here we created monomeric and trimeric fluorescent RBD proteins, derived from adherent HEK293T, as well as in GnTI-/- mutant cells, to analyze the effect of complex vs high mannose glycosylation on receptor binding. The results demonstrate that trimeric, complex glycosylated proteins are superior in receptor binding compared to monomeric and immaturely glycosylated variants. Although differences in binding to commonly used cell lines were minimal between the different RBD preparations, substantial differences were observed when respiratory tissues of experimental animals were stained. The RBD trimers demonstrated distinct ACE2 expression profiles in bronchiolar ducts and confirmed the higher binding affinity of SARS-CoV-2 over SARS-CoV-1. Our results show that complex glycosylated trimeric RBD proteins are attractive to analyze sarbecovirus receptor binding and explore ACE2 expression profiles in tissues

    Antigenic structure of the human coronavirus OC43 spike reveals exposed and occluded neutralizing epitopes

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    Human coronavirus OC43 is a globally circulating common cold virus sustained by recurrent reinfections. How it persists in the population and defies existing herd immunity is unknown. Here we focus on viral glycoprotein S, the target for neutralizing antibodies, and provide an in-depth analysis of its antigenic structure. Neutralizing antibodies are directed to the sialoglycan-receptor binding site in S1 A domain, but, remarkably, also to S1 B. The latter block infection yet do not prevent sialoglycan binding. While two distinct neutralizing S1 B epitopes are readily accessible in the prefusion S trimer, other sites are occluded such that their accessibility must be subject to conformational changes in S during cell-entry. While non-neutralizing antibodies were broadly reactive against a collection of natural OC43 variants, neutralizing antibodies generally displayed restricted binding breadth. Our data provide a structure-based understanding of protective immunity and adaptive evolution for this endemic coronavirus which emerged in humans long before SARS-CoV-2

    Cryo-EM structure of coronavirus-HKU1 haemagglutinin esterase reveals architectural changes arising from prolonged circulation in humans

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    The human betacoronaviruses HKU1 and OC43 (subgenus Embecovirus) arose from separate zoonotic introductions, OC43 relatively recently and HKU1 apparently much longer ago. Embecovirus particles contain two surface projections called spike (S) and haemagglutinin-esterase (HE), with S mediating receptor binding and membrane fusion, and HE acting as a receptor-destroying enzyme. Together, they promote dynamic virion attachment to glycan-based receptors, specifically 9-O-acetylated sialic acid. Here we present the cryo-EM structure of the ~80 kDa, heavily glycosylated HKU1 HE at 3.4 Å resolution. Comparison with existing HE structures reveals a drastically truncated lectin domain, incompatible with sialic acid binding, but with the structure and function of the esterase domain left intact. Cryo-EM and mass spectrometry analysis reveals a putative glycan shield on the now redundant lectin domain. The findings further our insight into the evolution and host adaptation of human embecoviruses, and demonstrate the utility of cryo-EM for studying small, heavily glycosylated proteins

    Antigenic structure of the human coronavirus OC43 spike reveals exposed and occluded neutralizing epitopes

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    Human coronavirus OC43 is a globally circulating common cold virus sustained by recurrent reinfections. How it persists in the population and defies existing herd immunity is unknown. Here we focus on viral glycoprotein S, the target for neutralizing antibodies, and provide an in-depth analysis of its antigenic structure. Neutralizing antibodies are directed to the sialoglycan-receptor binding site in S1A domain, but, remarkably, also to S1B. The latter block infection yet do not prevent sialoglycan binding. While two distinct neutralizing S1B epitopes are readily accessible in the prefusion S trimer, other sites are occluded such that their accessibility must be subject to conformational changes in S during cell-entry. While non-neutralizing antibodies were broadly reactive against a collection of natural OC43 variants, neutralizing antibodies generally displayed restricted binding breadth. Our data provide a structure-based understanding of protective immunity and adaptive evolution for this endemic coronavirus which emerged in humans long before SARS-CoV-2

    Filamentous fungus-produced human monoclonal antibody provides protection against SARS-CoV-2 in hamster and non-human primate models

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    Monoclonal antibodies are an increasingly important tool for prophylaxis and treatment of acute virus infections like SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, their use is often restricted due to the time required for development, variable yields and high production costs, as well as the need for adaptation to newly emerging virus variants. Here we use the genetically modified filamentous fungus expression system Thermothelomyces heterothallica (C1), which has a naturally high biosynthesis capacity for secretory enzymes and other proteins, to produce a human monoclonal IgG1 antibody (HuMab 87G7) that neutralises the SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOCs) Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Omicron. Both the mammalian cell and C1 produced HuMab 87G7 broadly neutralise SARS-CoV-2 VOCs in vitro and also provide protection against VOC Omicron in hamsters. The C1 produced HuMab 87G7 is also able to protect against the Delta VOC in non-human primates. In summary, these findings show that the C1 expression system is a promising technology platform for the development of HuMabs in preventive and therapeutic medicine.</p