313 research outputs found

    A new species of Stanieria(Cyanobacteria) isolated from a small pool on Mexican Riviera

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    Among coccoid Cyanobacteria, special reproductive cells have been found: exocytesand baeocytes. These cells can be very different in terms of development. Exocytesare attached to the apical part of the mother cells. Baeocytesdevelop inside the mother cells, forming robust sheaths (Fig.1.A;B). In the phylogenetic sense, representatives of exocytesproduction belong to the CHROOCOCCALES, as opposed to baeocytesproducers which occur in the PLEUROCAPSALES (Fig.2.). In our research we found coccoid cyanobacteria, that produce baeocytesfrom the Mexican Riviera on the Yucatan Peninsul


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    Two populations of Rivularia-like cyanobacteria were isolated from ecologically diverse and biogeographically distant sites. One population was from an unpolluted stream in the Kola Peninsula of Russia, whereas the other was from a wet wall in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, a desert park-land in Utah. Though both were virtually indistinguishable from Rivularia in field and cultured material, they were both phylogenetically distant from Rivularia and the Rivulariaceae based on both 16S rRNA and rbcLX phylogenies. The new putative cryptic genus Cyanomargarita, with proposed type species C. melechinii sp. nov., and additional putative species C. calcarea are described herein. A new family for these taxa, the Cyanomargaritaceae, is proposed for this new genus

    Circular photon drag effect in bulk tellurium

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    The circular photon drag effect is observed in a bulk semiconductor. The photocurrent caused by a transfer of both translational and angular momenta of light to charge carriers is detected in tellurium in the mid-infrared frequency range. Dependencies of the photocurrent on the light polarization and on the incidence angle agree with the symmetry analysis of the circular photon drag effect. Microscopic models of the effect are developed for both intra- and inter-subband optical absorption in the valence band of tellurium. The shift contribution to the circular photon drag current is calculated. An observed decrease of the circular photon drag current with increase of the photon energy is explained by the theory for inter-subband optical transitions. Theoretical estimates of the circular photon drag current agree with the experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Current Neonatal Applications of Point-of-Care Ultrasound

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    Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is an imaging modality that continues to gain acceptance in pediatric and neonatal medicine. In neonatology throughout many areas of the world, functional echocardiography performed by neonatologists has been at the forefront in the growth of POCUS compared to non-cardiac POCUS, the latter which potentially carries more opportunities for use. Despite the early adoption in obstetrics and maternal-fetal medicine, the actual bedside implementation in neonatology has unfortunately been much slower. Examples in neonatology where POCUS may continue to expand include central line placement, endotracheal tube localization, diagnosis of pneumothoraces, cardiac function assessment, and bowel viability assessment just to name a few. This chapter will be a practical synopsis of the most active uses and opportunities for POCUS in neonatology. Expanded training for neonatologists and trainees is required before widespread adoption occurs

    Studium der Venus Oberfläche und unteren Atmosphäre mit VMC Bilder

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    Remote sensing is the only possibility to study Venus surface globally in foreseeable future and in the Venussian case it is complicated task due to the Venus thick atmosphere and clouds. Together they block radiation from surface almost in whole electromagnetic spectrum except radio- and microwaves (where the atmosphere is completely transparent), and a few narrow transparency "windows" in near infra-red (NIR). These transparency "windows" give a unique opportunity to sense Venus' surface: the surface is hot enough (740 K) to produce significant thermal flux in NIR, and this flux can escape to the space and then can be detected at the night side of the planet. Images obtained by the Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC) on-board Venus Express in 1-mkm transparency "windows" have been used to retrieve emissivity of the surface. Probabilities of difference in mineralogical compositions of several surface units have been obtained, and gaseous absorption value in low atmosphere has been retrieved. Since VMC has observed significant part of the Northern hemisphere of Venus, these data can be used to search for hot spots at the surface, which might mean presence of a hot (fresh) lava and ongoing volcanic activity. Therefore possibilities of detecting the lava fields of various sizes and shapes by VMC observations have been estimated.Fernerkundung ist die einzige Möglichkeit, Venus Oberfläche in absehbarer Zeit allgemein zu untersuchen. Wegen der dichten Venus Atmosphäre und der Wolken ist es eine komplizierte Aufgabe, denn diese blockieren gemeinsam die Strahlung von der Planetoberfläche nahezu in ganzem elektromagnetischen Spektrum ausgenommen von Radio- und Mikrowellen (wo die Atmosphäre vollständig transparent ist), und ein paar engen in Nah-Infrarotbereich (NIR) Transparenz "Fenster". Diese Transparenz "Fenster" geben eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, Venus Oberfläche abzutasten: die Oberfläche ist heiß genug (740 K) signifikanten Wärmefluss in NIR zu produzieren, und dieser Fluss kann in den Weltraum entweichen und dann auf der Nachtseite der Planet entdeckt werden. Erhaltene Mittels der Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC) am Venus Express Bord in 1-mkm Transparenz "Fenster" Bilder wurden benutzt um Emissivität der Oberfläche wieder zu gewinnen. Wahrscheinlichkeiten des Unterschiedes in der mineralogischen Zusammensetzungen mehrerer Oberflächeneinheiten wurden bestimmt, und dazu wurde Absorptionswert des Gases in unterer Atmosphäre wiedergewonnen. Da VMC erheblichen Teil der nördlichen Hemisphäre der Venus beobachtet hat, können deren Daten verwendet werden, um die Hot-Spots auf der Oberfläche zu suchen, die auf eine heiße (frische) Lava und laufende vulkanische Aktivität zuruckzuführen könnten. Daher wurden die Möglichkeiten der Detektion der Lavafelder in verschiedenen Größen und Formen bei den VMC Beobachtungen geschätzt

    Terahertz radiation due to random grating coupled surface plasmon polaritons

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    We report on terahertz (THz) radiation under electrical pumping from a degenerate semiconductor possessing an electron accumulation layer. In InN, the random grating formed by topographical defects provides high-efficiency coupling of surface plasmon polaritons supported by the accumulation layer to the THz emission. The principal emission band occupies the 2-6 THz spectral range. We establish a link between the shape of emission spectra and the structural factor of the random grating and show that the change of slope of power dependencies is characteristic for temperature-dependent plasmonic mechanisms. The super-linear rise of a THz emission intensity on applied electric power provides advantage of such materials in emission yield.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Cyanomargarita gen. nov. (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria): convergent evolution resulting in

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    Two populations of Rivularia‐like cyanobacteria were isolated from ecologically distinct and biogeographically distant sites. One population was from an unpolluted stream in the Kola Peninsula of Russia, whereas the other was from a wet wall in the Grand Staircase‐Escalante National Monument, a desert park‐land in Utah. Though both were virtually indistinguishable from Rivularia in field and cultured material, they were both phylogenetically distant from Rivularia and the Rivulariaceae based on both 16S rRNA and rbcLX phylogenies. We here name the new cryptic genus Cyanomargarita gen. nov., with type species C. melechinii sp. nov., and additional species C. calcarea sp. nov. We also name a new family for these taxa, the Cyanomargaritaceae