88 research outputs found

    Galvanic and Pitting Corrosion of a Fastener Assembly

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    This research focuses on coupled galvanic/pitting corrosion of AA7075 when combined with stainless steel in a fastener assembly. A one-dimensional mathematical model of a well-mixed thin film electrolyte is developed to predict the damage profile of the AA7075 surface when its protective coating is damaged. The damage exposes the galvanic couple. A time dependent system of partial differential equations for potential, chloride concentration, aluminum ion concentration, and damage is developed and solved numerically. Two approaches to calculate the current density within aluminum pits are discussed. The first is a current balance between the cathodic, anodic and passive portions of the metal surfaces. This reflects the local chemistry that drives pit growth early on before any growth of oxide to repassivate the metal. The second approach is based on the work of McKinnon [1], using the potential calculated at the bottom of each initiated pit with a polarization curve relevant to the pit chemistry. This approach reflects the growth of pits during the formation of oxide, and leads to the repassivation of pits. Now that the model and solution scheme have been formulated, the next step is to carry out the simulation, and compare results to experimental results

    Tinjauan Yuridis Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Pinjam Uang Dengan Jaminan Bpkb Pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) Mitra Mandiri Di Kecamatan Mojolaban Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    This study aims to determine of money borrowing agreement by using guarantee and consistants that occur in Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) Mitra Mandiri in sub district Mojolaban Sukoharjo district. The research used is normative descriptive using a normative juridical approach. Data obtained through research on Koperasi Mitra Mandiri. Methods of data collection using documentary study and field. This data analysis techniqve is qualitative data analysis. The result show that the mechanism of borrowing loan of Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP)Mitra Mandiri namely filling the loan form with the completed list of incone or expenses each month, residential survay of prospective borrowers, prospective borrowers must phsycally check motor vehicies independenty in one roof system, fill out the contract agreement, approval of the chairman, imposition in the presence of a notary, registration process in fiduciary knut, siqning the terms of the contrctual clouser that are found in the letter of ad knowledgenen of deet the realization of constraints londing ocurred Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) Mitra Mandiri is that procescan cost compainess in lost buisness and productivity. Action passed Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) Mitra Mandiri in resolving the debitur default by way discusion that is based and kindship and reschedule

    Tinjauan Yuridis Mengenai Sengketa Pembatalan Akta Hibah Terhadap Anak (Studi Kasus Putusan No. 492K/AG/2012)

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    A grant is an agreement whereby a free grant is given to the grantee, the process can’t be withdrawn, and must be done by notarial deed. A deed of grant if done in accordance with the terms of the validity of the agreement will not be a dispute, but the dispute may occur if the granee doesn’t want the grant to be granted because the process of manufacture in’t in accordance with Article 1320 of the Civil Code. The problem is the dispute over the cancellation of the deed of grant to the child that isn’t in accordance with the terms of the validity of the agreement and the legal consequences of such cancellation. Types of data used include priper data and secondary data. The method of approach in this study using normative judicial, then used the type of research descriptively. The data analysis used in a qualitative method of analysis, a study that is reviewed from the court decision. The data obtained in this study include literature study and field study

    Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Perjanjian Kerja Pada Pekerja Kontrak di PT Tupai Adyamas Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between the Work Agreement in PT Tupai Adyamas Indonesia with Law No. 13 of 2003 on Labor and perlindunagn regarding the wage of labor. The Employment Agreement is an Agreement between a worker / laborer and an employer / employer that contains the terms of employment, rights and obligations of the parties. Work agreements may be made in both written and oral form. Normative labor agreements made orally can guarantee the rights and obligations of the parties, if the review made in verbal form can greatly assist dispute settlement. The method used in this research is empirical juridical research, with the type of research with the type of research used is descriptive research Data source consists of primary data and secondary data. Methods of data collection through case studies and interviews, then analyzed by qualitative analysis method. Based on the results of this study obtained the conclusion that the work agreement in PT Tupai Adyamas Indonesia which has been regulated in the Manpower Act made on the basis of a unanimous agreement

    Hak-Hak Pekerja Tercantum Dalam Perjanjian Kerja Terkait Dengan Pelaksanaan Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja Di PT. Mondrian Klaten

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    Social security earned by workers in a company is a must. Company PT. Mondrian has a labor agreement for workers who work in these companies one of which is social security for workers, which the companies are obliged to involve the workers in order to protect them from the risks of work that could have been the purpose of this study was to determine the contents of the agreement, knowing rights and obligations and determine deploy social security in PT Mondrian klaten contents of the agreement is appropriate or not. The approach in this study is normative with descriptive type of approach. The results showed Content Agreement between Security Agency social (BPJS) with PT Mondrian related to the rights of labor includes the terms and understanding, a review of the collective labor agreement, the scope of collective agreements, recruitment, probation, placement of employees, rights and obligations of employees, wages, benefits religious holidays, occupational safety and health

    Sengketa Peralihan Dan Penguasaan Hak Milik Atas Tanah Secara Tidak Sah (Studi Kasus Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Nomor 31/Pdt.G/2013/Pn.Bi)

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    The purpose of this research was: 1) find out the consideration of the judge in the lawsuit things inbetween break and the control of property rights over land are not valid on Boyolali district court verdict number: 31/Pdt. G/2013/PN. BI. 2) know the legal consequences of cancellation of transitional land rights unlawfully Boyolali District Court's verdict based on number: 31/Pdt. G/2013/PN. BI. Based on the results of the analysis of the obtained conclusions that: 1) the consideration of the judge in the lawsuit things inbetween break and the control of property rights over land are not valid on Boyolali district court verdict number: 31/Pdt. G/2013/PN. BI tools i.e. considering the evidence submitted by the defendant or defendants, witnesses and evidence of other corroborating clues lawsuit of plaintiff. Based on these considerations, the judge gave the verdict that is granted the lawsuit plaintiffs for most as well as stated by law that the plaintiff is the rightful owner of the land yard as in Book C Village Pandeyan Ngemplak Boyolali district subdistrict No. 486 Persil 11-6 klas P I ± 982 M2 on behalf of Resoidjojo aka Sugimin located in Menjing village of Dukuh Subdistrict Pandeyan Ngemplak Boyolali Regency. 2) legal consequences of the judge's verdict in the case of a lawsuit, the turn and the control of property rights over land are not valid on Boyolali district court verdict number: 31/Pdt. G/2013/PN. BI that is the object of dispute was the rightful property of the plaintiff, as well as the object of the dispute in the form of a plot of land covering an area of 982 m2 yard currently has been overrun by and occupied by the Defendants shared the defendants I II III, defendants and Defendants IV, due to the It should be left to the plaintiff Lagiyem

    Sengketa Peralihan Dan Penguasaan Hak Milik Atas Tanah Secara Tidak Sah (Studi Kasus Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Nomor 31/Pdt.G/2013/Pn.Bi)

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    The purpose of this research was: 1) find out the consideration of the judge in the lawsuit things inbetween break and the control of property rights over land are not valid on Boyolali district court verdict number: 31/Pdt. G/2013/PN. BI. 2) know the legal consequences of cancellation of transitional land rights unlawfully Boyolali District Court's verdict based on number: 31/Pdt. G/2013/PN. BI. Based on the results of the analysis of the obtained conclusions that: 1) the consideration of the judge in the lawsuit things inbetween break and the control of property rights over land are not valid on Boyolali district court verdict number: 31/Pdt. G/2013/PN. BI tools i.e. considering the evidence submitted by the defendant or defendants, witnesses and evidence of other corroborating clues lawsuit of plaintiff. Based on these considerations, the judge gave the verdict that is granted the lawsuit plaintiffs for most as well as stated by law that the plaintiff is the rightful owner of the land yard as in Book C Village Pandeyan Ngemplak Boyolali district subdistrict No. 486 Persil 11-6 klas P I ± 982 M2 on behalf of Resoidjojo aka Sugimin located in Menjing village of Dukuh Subdistrict Pandeyan Ngemplak Boyolali Regency. 2) legal consequences of the judge's verdict in the case of a lawsuit, the turn and the control of property rights over land are not valid on Boyolali district court verdict number: 31/Pdt. G/2013/PN. BI that is the object of dispute was the rightful property of the plaintiff, as well as the object of the dispute in the form of a plot of land covering an area of 982 m2 yard currently has been overrun by and occupied by the Defendants shared the defendants I II III, defendants and Defendants IV, due to the It should be left to the plaintiff Lagiyem

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Pemegang Hak Atas Tanah dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Batas-Batas Tanah (Studi Kasus Badan Pertanahan Nasional Boyolali)

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    Land boundary disputes occur because of misunderstandings about the location, boundary, or extent of a plot of land. The settlement of land boundary disputes can be made by deliberation through the National Land Agency in the local area as stipulated in the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial planning/ Head of the National land agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 Year 2016 on the Settlement of Land Cases. To prevent the occurrence of land boundary disputes, it is necessary to register the land as stipulated in Government Regulation Number 24/1997 on Land Registration in order to provide assurance of legal certainty and protection in the field of land especially for holders of land rights. The legal certainty in question concerns the certainty of the object of land rights and the subject of land rights. The certainty of the object of land rights is indicated by the certainty of the location of the plot of land whereas the certainty of the subject of land rights is shown with the certainty of who owns the plot of land. So that the registration of land will be expected to prevent the problems associated with the land

    Implementasi Program Jaminan Kecelakaan Kerja (Jkk) Pada BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Terhadap Pekerja Di PT Pentasari Pranakarya Semarang

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    In Indonesia, a limited liability company that can provide opportunities for people to get a job and already has a lot of manpower, one of which is PT. Pentasari Pranakarya. PT. Pentasari Pranakarya. The company is engaged in rubber and tire industry, including general marketing, export, import, and local marketing. Companies especially PT. Pentasari Pranakarya in conducting production activities will not be able to produce a production without workers, there are three (3) types, namely workers, contract workers, permanent workers (in the factory), and parttime workers. By working at PT. Pentasari Pranakarya timbulah relationship between labor (workers) with employers, namely PT. Pentasari Pranakarya where it contains rights and obligations are reciprocal, one of the obligations of employers that guarantees the protection of labor. This research uses descriptive normative approach method with primary and secondary data. The data are collected through the study of literature, documentation, questionnaire, and interview using qualitative data analysis. Based on the results of research and discussion that has been done can be concluded that the implementation of labor protection guarantee in PT. Pentasari Pranakarya Semarang only for accident insurance (JKK), if there is a labor of PT. Pentasari Pranakarya Semarang injured at work, the workers injured at work it will first seek treatment from a doctor or the nearest hospital and then the fee in klaimkan to BPJS Employmen

    Asas Kepercayaan Dalam Transaksi Jual Beli Online (Perspektif KUHPerdata dan UU No 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi Dan Transaksi Elektronik)

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    It examines the legal research and answer the problems concerning the implementation of the principle of trust in the buying and selling through electronic media but it is also about the validity of the sale and purchase through electronic media in the perspective of Law No. 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions. In this paper uses normative legal research. Research conducted by the authors is descriptive. Date collection techniques in this study using literature study and field study Based on the study concluded that the implementation of the sale and purchase transactions through electronic conducted by researchers can not be done by everyone. There is a positive relationship between trust in the seller to the buyer in the purchase decision over the internet. There is the application of legal principles in the implementation of electronic transactions through the purchase made by the seller (merchant) and the buyer or consumer. The principles are applied in the implementation of electronic transactions through the purchase is the principle of good faith, the principle of trust, personality principle, the principle of freedom of contract, konsensualisme principle, the principle of binding force, and the principle of legal certainty. The validity of the parties to a transaction that the consumer is a legitimate customer to a company organizing specific payment system or credit card as Kualiva and Stand Card and the validity of the existence of the merchant itself. While the validity of the transaction data is transaction data that the recipient is believed to be made by the parties claiming to make it (usually the creator of this data requires the signature). It also includes a guarantee that the signature on the document can not be falsified or altered
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