59 research outputs found

    Inter-rater reliability of the Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX): comparative data from non-clinician respondents – all raters are not equal

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    Primary objective: The Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX) is used to obtain information about executive and emotional problems after neuropathology. The DEX is self-completed by the patient (DEX-S) and an independent rater such as a family member (DEX-I). This study examined the level of inter-rater agreement between either two or three non-clinician raters on the DEX-I in order to establish the reliability of DEX-I ratings. Methods and procedures: Family members and/or carers of 60 people with mixed neuropathology completed the DEX-I. For each patient, DEX-I ratings were obtained from either two or three raters who knew the person well prior to brain injury. Main outcomes and results: We obtained two independent-ratings for 60 patients and three independent-ratings for 36 patients. Intra-class correlations revealed that there was only a modest level of agreement for items, subscale and total DEX scores between raters for their particular family member. Several individual DEX items had low reliability and ratings for the emotion sub-scale had the lowest level of agreement. Conclusions: Independent DEX ratings completed by two or more non-clinician raters show only moderate correlation. Suggestions are made for improving the reliability of DEX-I ratings.</p

    Event-based prospective memory performance in autism spectrum disorder

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    The purpose of the present study was to investigate event-based prospective memory performance in individuals with autism spectrum disorder and to explore possible relations between laboratory-based prospective memory performance and everyday performance. Nineteen children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and 19 matched neurotypical controls participated. The laboratory-based prospective memory test was embedded in a visuo-spatial working memory test and required participants to remember to respond to a cue-event. Everyday planning performance was assessed with proxy ratings. Although parents of the autism group rated their children’s everyday performance as significantly poorer than controls’ parents, no group differences were found in event-based prospective memory. Nevertheless, individual differences in laboratory-based and everyday performances were related. Clinical implications of these findings are discussed

    Planning and problem-solving training for patients with schizophrenia: a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to assess whether planning and problem-solving training is more effective in improving functional capacity in patients with schizophrenia than a training program addressing basic cognitive functions. METHODS: Eighty-nine patients with schizophrenia were randomly assigned either to a computer assisted training of planning and problem-solving or a training of basic cognition. Outcome variables included planning and problem-solving ability as well as functional capacity, which represents a proxy measure for functional outcome. RESULTS: Planning and problem-solving training improved one measure of planning and problem-solving more strongly than basic cognition training, while two other measures of planning did not show a differential effect. Participants in both groups improved over time in functional capacity. There was no differential effect of the interventions on functional capacity. CONCLUSION: A differential effect of targeting specific cognitive functions on functional capacity could not be established. Small differences on cognitive outcome variables indicate a potential for differential effects. This will have to be addressed in further research including longer treatment programs and other settings

    The domain of supervisory processes and temporal organization of behaviour

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    The possibility that the supervisory system of Norman and Shallice (1986) can be fractionated into different subprocesses is discussed. It is argued that confronting a novel situation effectively requires a variety of different types of process. It is then argued that evidence of separability of different processes may be obtained by the observation of very low correlations across patients on more than one measure on each of which frontal patients show a performance deficit. Examples of this are provided by examining the Hayling sentence completion and the Brixton spatial anticipation tasks. Finally, differential localization of the subprocesses and hence the conclusion that they are separable is discussed with respect to the localization of monitoring and verification processes in memor

    Supervisory control of thought and action

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    1. Perception: selection and attention ; 2. Attentional control of complex tasks ; 3. Conscious awareness ; 4. Attention, arousal, and stres

    Deficits in strategy application following frontal lobe damage in man

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    A quantitative investigation of the ability to carry out a variety of cognitive tasks was performed in 3 patients who had sustained traumatic injuries which involved prefrontal structures. All 3 had severe difficulties in 2 tests which required them to carry out a number of fairly simple but open-ended tasks over a 15\u201330 min period. They typically spent too long on individual tasks. All patients scored well on tests of perception, language and intelligence and 2 performed well on a variety of other tests of frontal lobe function. Explanations for their difficulty on the multiple subgoal tasks in terms of memory or motivational problems could be excluded. It is argued that the problem arose from an inability to reactivate after a delay previously-generated intentions when they are not directly signalled by the stimulus situation

    Higher-order cognitive impairments and frontal lobe lesions in man

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    Can the neuropsychological case-study approach be applied to schizophrenia?

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    Neuropsychological studies of schizophrenia typically apply a small number of tests to a large group of patients. This approach has at least two drawbacks. First, the heterogeneity of the condition will lead to group means which may not reflect the behaviour of any individual. Secondly, it is difficult to infer the nature of the underlying cognitive impairments from a small number of tests, since good performance on a particular test depends on many different cognitive processes. In these circumstances it is more appropriate to apply the methods of cognitive neuropsychology where a large number of tests are used on a single case. This approach has proved fruitful in the study of neurological patients. We have intensively studied 5 chronic schizophrenic patients. These patients varied greatly in terms of overall ability. However, all patients, whatever their overall ability, performed badly on tests sensitive to frontal lobe lesions. This result suggests impairment of the supervisory attentional system in these patients. In addition, one patient suffered from a visual agnosia

    The origins of utilisation behaviour

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    Utilization behaviour has previously been described clinically by Lhermitte (1983). An experimental investigation is reported of utilization behaviour in a patient with a localized inferior medial bifrontal lesion. The patient picked up and used irrelevant objects not only when placed directly in front of him-the procedure developed by Lhermitte-but also when he had been instructed to carry out other tasks and his attention had not been directed to the objects. The behaviour occurred most frequently in the brief intervals between tasks, and more often when auditory-verbal rather than visuomotor tasks were being performed. The results are interpreted within an information-processing model of frontal lobe function. A differentiation is made between two forms of utilization behaviour-an 'incidental' form, as exhibited by the patient, and an 'induced' form where it occurs only when Lhermitte's procedure is adopte
