2,172 research outputs found


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    Objectives: Jewellery making unit workers are exposed to potent toxic chemicals and heavy metals during the manufacturing process. Various alloys are used during the manufacturing process of gold in which silver is used in higher concentration. The induction of metallothioneins (MTs) might occur due to the occupational exposure to heavy metals. Hence, the relationship of silver or MTs with liver function markers were investigated. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in the jewellery making units located in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. A total of 211 participants [exposed (n = 158) and control (n = 53)] were included for the study and their liver function markers namely alanine amino transferase (ALT), aspartate amino transferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), total protein, albumin, total/direct bilirubin and total cholesterol were estimated. Levels of serum silver and MTs were also assessed. Results: There were significant (p<0.05) increases of serum silver, MTs, ALT, AST, total cholesterol, total/direct bilirubin and significant (p<0.05) decrease of ALP, total protein and albumin in exposed groups compared to control group. Levels of MTs were positively correlated with ALT, AST, total cholesterol, total/direct bilirubin and were negatively correlated with albumin, total protein and ALP. Conclusion: The significant changes of liver function enzymes were observed due to the prolonged period of exposure to silver. However releases of these markers were in the normal range which might be due to the induction of MTs. The elevated levels of MT in the serum compared to control group pointed out that it might provide a cellular defense strategy against silver

    An Analytical study of the Ocular Effects in Patients on Long Term Corticosteroids

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    INTRODUCTION: Corticosteroids (CS) are the most important class of anti-inflammatory drugs, used frequently. The therapeutic outcome of corticosteroids have been known and are employed for more than 65 years. Though the major advancement in discovering the hidden molecular mechanisms has been made in the last 20-25 years. The use of corticosteroids for their highly potent action was at its peak during the 1960s and 1970s and ineluctably they were used inappropriately and uncritically, when the untoward effects became apparent and a stage to think about their lavish use in all forms arrived. Adverse effects ranging from acne to intestinal perforation and adrenal crisis has been documented. Both short term or long-term corticosteroids use has their own side-effects involving major systems of the body. Potency, dose, duration, frequency and form of the drug used in various routes also contributes to the manifestation of adverse effects. Corticosteroids treatment brought adverse events of such a proportion that the upcoming major group of anti-inflammatory drugs, were named as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Corticosteroids were voted by the American Contact Dermatitis Society as “Allergen of the year” in 2005. Even today, they are the established therapy for reducing inflammation and immune activation in numerous disease conditions like asthma, rheumatoid, vascular, allergic, collagen, inflammatory bowel, dermatological, ocular and other systemic diseases and also in allotransplantation. Their utilization has leaping up continuously in recent years as their therapeutic effects are indispensable and had made marvels in managing certain disease conditions in spite of their adverse effects. For appropriate use of corticosteroids, a basic knowledge of pharmacology, clinical usage guidelines and adverse effects are essential. In this study, the prevalence of various ocular manifestation in patients on long term corticosteroids in multiple routes of administration had been analysed. AIM OF THE STUDY: To analyse the ocular effects of long term use of corticosteroids by various routes of administration for several disorders treated in a tertiary care hospital. OBJECTIVES: 1. To study the prevalence of the ocular effects of long term use of corticosteroids in various diseases. 2. To emphasis the importance of regular ocular examination for the patients on long term steroid therapy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study involving 230 patients on long-term use of corticosteroids for various disorders attending eye op within our inclusion criteria were evaluated for any ocular manifestations in the department of Ophthalmology in a tertiary medical college hospital for a period of one year from Jan-2017 to Dec-2017. OBSERVATION AND RESULTS: Overall 50.4% (n=116) of the study group found with lens opacities, 39.1% (n=90) had elevated IOP, 6.5% (n=15) had elevated IOP with disc and visual field defects and 1.7% (n=4) had CSCR. The prevalence of lens opacities showed significant association with all routes of steroid intake, duration of the therapy and dose of the drug. The prevalence of elevated IOP showed significant association with the dosage of topical, topical with sub-tenon and inhalational steroids and no significance with oral and external steroids dose. But duration of therapy was significantly associated with elevated IOP prevalence. CONCLUSION: Prolong use of corticosteroids in any form with increase in dose raised the prevalence of ocular adverse effects. Pre-treatment documentation of baseline values and intermittent re-evaluation for side effects has to be intensified since the prevalence of adverse effects are found to be in significant numbers

    Requirement for a Uroplakin 3a-like protein in the development of zebrafish pronephric tubule epithelial cell function, morphogenesis, and polarity

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    Uroplakin (UP)3a is critical for urinary tract development and function; however, its role in these processes is unknown. We examined the function of the UP3a-like protein Upk3l, which was expressed at the apical surfaces of the epithelial cells that line the pronephric tubules (PTs) of the zebrafish pronephros. Embryos treated with upk3l-targeted morpholinos showed decreased pronephros function, which was attributed to defects in PT epithelial cell morphogenesis and polarization including: loss of an apical brush border and associated phospho-ERM proteins, apical redistribution of the basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase, and altered or diminished expression of the apical polarity complex proteins Prkcz (atypical protein kinase C zeta) and Pard3 (Par3). Upk3l missing its C-terminal cytoplasmic domain or containing mutations in conserved tyrosine or proline residues did not rescue, or only partially rescued the effects of Upk3l depletion. Our studies indicate that Upk3l promotes epithelial polarization and morphogenesis, likely by forming or stimulating interactions with cytoplasmic signaling or polarity proteins, and that defects in this process may underlie the pathology observed in UP3a knockout mice or patients with renal abnormalities that result from altered UP3a expression. © 2012 Mitra et al

    Rigid endoscope-assisted tracheal intubation in a case of epiglottic cyst

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    Epiglottic cysts are of particular interest to both surgeons and anaesthetists because of the way in which they encroach on the airway. An epiglottic cyst in a 29-year-old woman was scheduled for endoscopic excision. It was located at the vallecula, and measured around 3 x 4 cm. As a fibre-optic bronchoscope was not available in our institution, endotracheal intubation was achieved with the help of a rigid endoscope and video-camera system.Keywords: epiglottic cyst, 300 nasal endoscope, nasotracheal intubatio

    Study on drug utilization pattern in conservative management of patients with pancreatitis in a tertiary care teaching hospital

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    Background: Drug utilization plays a key role in helping the healthcare system to understand, interpret and improve the prescribing, administration and use of medications. The objective of the study was to assess the drug utilization pattern of drugs prescribed in conservative management of pancreatitis patients in a tertiary care teaching hospital.Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted in department of surgery, Rajah Muthiah Medical College and Hospital, Annamalai University. The study period was six months from November 2019 to April 2020. A total of 115 patients were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria.Results: The study population containing of 90% (n=104) males and 10% (n=11) females were included in the study. Most of the patients between age group of 25-44 years (48%). The most common etiology was alcoholic 68% (n=78). 7% of population with comorbidities (5% hypertension, 2% diabetes mellitus). In analgesics, tramadol (28%) and in antibiotics cefotaxime 21% was most prescribed. Lactated ringer solution (36%) was prescribed most as intravenous hydration. 7% (n=8) and 3% (n=4) of patients receiving enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition. The average number of drugs per prescription was 8.5. Out of 1205 drugs, 61% of drugs prescribed in generic form, 39% were prescribed in brand name. The study analyzed that 69% of drugs were prescribed from essential drugs list (EDL) 2019 and 84% drugs prescribed from national list of essential medicines (NLEM) 2015. Number of prescriptions with injection were 79.07%. The overall antibiotic encounter rate 15%. Prescribed daily dose/defined daily dose (PDD/DDD) ratio of folic acid was 5.Conclusions: Drug utilization study can help in evaluating the quality of care given to the pancreatitis patients and promote rational use of medicines


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    Purpose of the study: This examination endeavors to inspect the mental and instructive qualities of profession development among instructors of professional instructive establishments. It additionally endeavors to break down the lexical and semantic substance of the related ideas of "proficient vocation", "proficient advancement", "proficient development" and "expert development". Methodology: This examination utilized coherent investigation of logical works, speculation of viewpoint and translation alternatives for understanding the substance of expert profession, proficient improvement, and vocation development so as to distinguish the mental and educational highlights of profession advancement of educators of professional schools. It likewise utilized hypothetical investigation, examination, and speculation of applied perspectives on the issue under examination so as to decide the issue topical parts of taking care of the logical issue; strategy for explanation is to discover the idea of the creator's translations, including the professional success of professional instructive educators and to detail the finishes of the investigation. Main Findings: Four fundamental highlights of the mental part of the instructor's vocation development have been distinguished, to be specific: inspiration, innovativeness, self-awareness, and expert development. The outer variables that impact the course of instructors' vocation development are likewise featured. Applications of this study: This work is appropriate in numerous parts of the instructive segment. Hence its importance leaves no inquiries as the work will be valuable for instructors as well as for further improvement in approach course for training in the future. Novelty/Originality of this study: For the first run-through, interior and outside parts of educators' profession development were breaking down and the essential mental perspectives were featured

    A Study of Impact of Perinatal Asphyxia on Thyroid Hormone Levels

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    BACKGROUND: The importance of thyroid hormones in neonatal homeostasis is well known. Perinatal asphyxia affects thyroid hormone equilibrium by way of depressing the central secretion of the thyroid stimulating hormone levels. Lower thyroid hormone levels have been associated with increase in morbidity and mortality. AIM OF THE STUDY: To study the effect of perinatal asphyxia on thyroid function in new-born babies and to find out the association between the thyroid hormone levels and the severity and morbidity of asphyxia. METHODS: Venous samples of T3, T4, TSH were collected at 18-24 hours of life from 30 asphyxiated and 30 non asphyxiated babies. Severity of Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy was graded by Sarnat and Sarnat staging within 24 hours of life. Asphyxiated babies were followed up in the immediate postnatal period upto 72 hours for the presence of multiorgan dysfunction like respiratory distress, cardiogenic shock, seizures and renal failure. RESULTS: Thyroid profile variations in asphyxiated neonates and non asphyxiated neonates were as follows: The mean T3 in asphyxiated neonates was 87.1640 ng/dl and in non-asphyxiated neonates was 159.1233 ng/dl. Mean T4 among asphyxiated neonates was 9.6737 ng/dl, in non-asphyxiated neonates it was 12.024 ng/dl. Mean TSH level in asphyxiated neonates were 1.6742ng/dl and in non-asphyxiated neonates was 2.490 ng/dl. All the parameters were statistically significant with P<0.001. Mean T3, T4 and TSH Were Compared To Less In Asphyxiated neonates when compared to Non asphyxiated neonates. There was no statistically significant variation in thyroid hormone levels between the three HIE stages. Asphyxiated newborns with moderate/severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy presented a greater involvement of the thyroid function and consequently a greater risk of morbidity. CONCLUSION: Serum concentrations of TSH, T4 and T3 are lower in asphyxiated newborns than in normal newborns between 18 and 24 h of life; this suggests central hypothyroidism secondary to asphyxia. Lower thyroid hormone levels are associated with greater risk of morbidity

    An Integrative Review of Web 3.0 in Academic Libraries

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    Purpose – The aim of this paper is to present an integrated literature review exploring the nature of responsive, semantic and interactive Web 3.0 technologies applicable for academic libraries. Design/methodology/approach – We conducted an integrated review of the literature combining a strategy of automated and keywords search. The main source for identifying the studies are Emerald Library Studies and Information & Knowledge Management eJournals, Web of Knowledge, and Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (EBSCO) databases. To this end, a sample of (n= 140) studies were analyzed to characterize the Web 3.0 trends and its applications based on theme, years and document types. Findings – A review of literature reveals that Web 3. needs evaluation as to what extent they are integrated, deployed and mainstreamed into library services and in information management practices. It is important to develop a conceptual framework that explores the linkages of Web 3.0 technologies and their applications in academic libraries. Originality/value –This review shows how Web 3.0 technologies enhance library services in its holistic conceptualization and how academic libraries are moving into a more robust, inclusive and adaptable phase in their service values and innovation
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