65 research outputs found

    Orders of elements in finite quotients of Kleinian groups

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    A positive integer mm will be called a {\it finitistic order} for an element γ\gamma of a group Γ\Gamma if there exist a finite group GG and a homomorphism h:ΓGh:\Gamma\to G such that h(γ)h(\gamma) has order mm in GG. It is shown that up to conjugacy, all but finitely many elements of a given finitely generated, torsion-free Kleinian group admit a given integer m>2m>2 as a finitistic order.Comment: 21 pp. I have largely rewritten Section 2 in order to correct the statement of Proposition 2.7. The original statement was not logically clear, and was not well adapted to an application in the more recent paper [22

    Singular surfaces, mod 2 homology, and hyperbolic volume, II

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    If M is a closed simple 3-manifold whose fundamental group contains a genus-g surface group for some g>1, and if the dimension of H_1(M;Z_2) is at least max(3g-1,6), we show that M contains a closed, incompressible surface of genus at most g. This improves the main topological result of part I, in which the the same conclusion was obtained under the stronger hypothesis that the dimension of H_1(M;Z_2) is at least 4g-1. As an application we show that if M is a closed orientable hyperbolic 3-manifold with volume at most 3.08, then H_1(M;Z_2) has dimension at most 5.Comment: 23 pages. This version incorporates suggestions from the referee and adds a new section giving examples showing that the main theorem is almost sharp for genus 2. The examples have mod 2 homology of rank 4 and their fundamental groups contain genus 2 surface groups, but they have no closed incompressible surface

    Margulis numbers for Haken manifolds

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    For every closed hyperbolic Haken 3-manifold and, more generally, for any hyperbolic 3-manifold M which is homeomorphic to the interior of a Haken manifold, the number 0.286 is a Margulis number. If M has non-zero first Betti number, or if M is closed and contains a semi-fiber, then 0.292 is a Margulis number for M.Comment: 25 pages. Some statements were clarified some typos were corrected and some of the propositions were generalize

    Euler characteristics, lengths of loops in hyperbolic 3-manifolds, and Wilson's Freiheitssatz

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    Let pp be a point of an orientable hyperbolic 33-manifold MM, and let m1m\ge1 and k2k\ge2 be integers. Suppose that α1,,αm\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_m are loops based at pp having length less than log(2k1)\log(2k-1). We show that if GG denotes the subgroup of π1(M,p)\pi_1(M,p) generated by [α1],,[αm][\alpha_1],\ldots,[\alpha_m], then χ(G)χ(G)k2\overline{\chi}(G)\doteq-\chi(G)\le k-2; here χ(G)\chi(G) denotes the Euler characteristic of the group GG, which is always defined in this situation. This result is deduced from a result about an arbitrary finitely generated subgroup GG of the fundamental group of an orientable hyperbolic 33-manifold. If Δ\Delta is a finite generating set for GG, we define the $index\ of\ freedom {\rm iof}(\Delta)tobethelargestinteger to be the largest integer ksuchthat such that \Deltacontains contains kelementsthatfreelygeneratearank elements that freely generate a rank-kfreesubgroupof free subgroup of G.Wedefinethe. We define the minimum\ index\ of\ freedom {\rm miof}(G)tobe to be \min_{\Delta }{\rm iof}(\Delta ),where, where \Delta rangesoverallfinitegeneratingsetsfor ranges over all finite generating sets for G.Theresultisthat. The result is that \overline{\chi}(G)<{\rm iof}(G)$. The author has recently learned that this is equivalent to a special case of a theorem about arbitrary finitely presented groups due to J. S. Wilson.Comment: In this version, which is 14 pages long, I have added a preface explaining that Theorem B is a special case of a theorem due to J. S. Wilson. I have modified the title, abstract and bibliography accordingl