411 research outputs found

    Optimizing The Spatial Content Caching Distribution for Device-to-Device Communications

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    We study the optimal geographic content placement problem for device-to-device (D2D) networks in which the content popularity follows the Zipf law. We consider a D2D caching model where the locations of the D2D users (caches) are modeled by a Poisson point process (PPP) and have limited communication range and finite storage. Unlike most related work which assumes independent placement of content, and does not capture the locations of the users, we model the spatial properties of the network including spatial correlation in terms of the cached content. We propose two novel spatial correlation models, the exchangeable content model and a Mat\'{e}rn (MHC) content placement model, and analyze and optimize the \emph{hit probability}, which is the probability of a given D2D node finding a desired file at another node within its communication range. We contrast these results to the independent placement model, and show that exchangeable placement performs worse. On the other hand, MHC placement yields a higher cache hit probability than independent placement for small cache sizes.Comment: appeared in Proc. IEEE Intl. Symposium on Info. Theory, Barcelona, Spain, July 201


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    This study used qualitative methods to examine if there was a connection between conflict resolution styles used with siblings in adolescence and conflict resolution styles utilized in current romantic committed relationships. The Conflict Resolution Behavior Questionnaire (Reese-Weber, & Bartle-Haring, 2003) and Gottman‟s (1994a, 1994b) couple-conflict types as adapted by Holman and Jarvis (2003) were administered to 144 participants through an online questionnaire. Analysis of the CRBQ using a multiple regression indicated participant‟s self-rating of compromise, attack, and avoidant conflict resolution styles used with siblings when an adolescent predicted current self-ratings of compromise, attack, and avoidant conflict resolution styles utilized in current romantic relationships

    On/Off Macrocells and Load Balancing in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks

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    The rate distribution in heterogeneous networks (HetNets) greatly benefits from load balancing, by which mobile users are pushed onto lightly-loaded small cells despite the resulting loss in SINR. This offloading can be made more aggressive and robust if the macrocells leave a fraction of time/frequency resource blank, which reduces the interference to the offloaded users. We investigate the joint optimization of this technique - referred to in 3GPP as enhanced intercell interference coordination (eICIC) via almost blank subframes (ABSs) - with offloading in this paper. Although the joint cell association and blank resource (BR) problem is nominally combinatorial, by allowing users to associate with multiple base stations (BSs), the problem becomes convex, and upper bounds the performance versus a binary association. We show both theoretically and through simulation that the optimal solution of the relaxed problem still results in an association that is mostly binary. The optimal association differs significantly when the macrocell is on or off; in particular the offloading can be much more aggressive when the resource is left blank by macro BSs. Further, we observe that jointly optimizing the offloading with BR is important. The rate gain for cell edge users (the worst 3-10%) is very large - on the order of 5-10x - versus a naive association strategy without macrocell blanking

    English for Specific Purposes: A Specialization in Tailoring Language Instruction

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    English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has emerged as a vital domain inside language training, focusing on the specialized language wishes of rookies in precise contexts or professions. This paper explores the evolution of ESP as a specialised field within language coaching, emphasizing its one-of-a-kind functions and the growing demand for tailored language getting to know stories. The study delves into the particular demanding situations confronted by way of novices in various professional fields, underscoring the need for academic procedures that cater to their unique linguistic necessities. The foundation of ESP lies in its departure from time-honored language training, transferring towards a extra focused and useful method. This paper investigates the key concepts that underpin ESP, consisting of desires evaluation, authenticity, and learner-centeredness. By carrying out thorough desires checks, teachers can pick out the linguistic requirements of novices within a particular subject, ensuring that the content material and talents taught are directly relevant to their professional contexts. Authentic materials, drawn from real-global verbal exchange inside the relevant industry, further enhance the relevance and effectiveness of ESP education. The specialization in tailoring language guidance inside ESP is crucial in fostering communicative competence amongst freshmen. The paper examines case studies and quality practices from various expert domain names, illustrating how ESP instructors adapt coaching methodologies to cope with the particular linguistic challenges confronted by freshmen in fields consisting of commercial enterprise, medication, engineering, and era

    Using Google Classroom as a Tool for Teaching and Learning from Perspectives of EFL Teachers and Students in Iraq

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     شهد العالم في السنوات الأخيرة ظهور ابتكارات تكنولوجية حديثة أثرت بشكل كبير على البشرية في العديد من المجالات، بما في ذلك المجال التعليمي الذي يعد من أهم المجالات التي أصبحت ملزمة لمواكبة التكنولوجيا واستخدامها في العملية التعليمية. يعد صف كوكل الدراسي أحد تلك الابتكارات التي يمكن أن تسهل الاتصال بين المعلمين والطلاب خاصة في عملية التدريس والتعلم. هدفت الدراسة إلى التحقيق في استخدام صف كوكل الدراسي أداة للتدريس والتعلم من منظور معلمي اللغة الإنجليزية وطلابها بوصفها لغة أجنبية. اعتمد الباحثون طريقة المنهج المختلط، ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة أُعِدّ استبيانين ومقابلة للمدرسين وجهاً لوجه. تأكد فيه صدق أدوات الدراسة وثباتها. تكونت العينة الأولى من الدراسة من (100) طالباً وطالبة في قسم اللغة الإنجليزية/ كلية التربية الأساسية في الجامعة المستنصرية، بينما تكونت العينة الثانية من 18 مدرسا" للغة الإنجليزية بوصفها لغة أجنبية. تتألف كلا الاستبيانين من 16 فقرة لتحديد تصورات معلمي اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة أجنبية والطلاب تجاه استخدام صف كوكل الدراسي في التدريس والتعلم. كشفت نتائج الدراسة أن لدى طلاب اللغة الإنجليزية بوصفها لغة أجنبية تصورات إيجابية تجاه التعلم عبر صف كوكل الدراسي، في حين أن لدى مدرسي اللغة الإنجليزية تصورات سلبية تجاه التدريس عبر منصة كوكل كلاسروم. واستُخلصت الاستنتاجات والتوصيات, بالإضافة إلى المقترحات للدراسات المستقبلية.In recent years, the world is witnessing the emergence of modern technological innovations that have widely affected people in many fields, including the educational field which is one of the most important areas that have become binding to keep up with the technology and use it in the educational process. Google Classroom is one of those innovations that could facilitate the connection between teachers and students especially in the teaching and learning process. The study aimed to investigate using Google Classroom as a tool for teaching and learning from perspectives of EFL teachers and students. The researchers adopted a mixed method approach, and in order to achieve the aims of the study, two questionnaires and face to face interview were prepared. Their validity and reliability were confirmed. The first sample of the study consisted of (100) EFL students in English Language Department/College of Basic Education in Mustansiriyah University, whereas the second sample consisted of 18 EFL teachers. Both of the questionnaires consisted of 16 items to identify EFL teachers' and students' perceptions towards using Google classroom in teaching and learning. The results of the study revealed that EFL students have positive perceptions towards learning through Google classroom, whereas EFL teachers have negative perceptions towards teaching through Google classroom platform. Conclusion and Recommendations for further studies have also been drawn

    The Synthesis and Properties of Advanced Aluminium and Copper Based Metal Matrix Composites

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    This thesis studies the influence that submicrometric alumina particles (α-Al2O3) and milled carbon fibres (MCFs) have on the microstructure, hardness, mechanical properties, and wear of aluminium and copper matrices. The direct use of particulates (micrometric and nanometric scale) and carbon fibres (continuous and chopped) as reinforcement materials in Al-based and Cu-based alloys can potentially result in significant improvements in their property compared to existing Al-based and Cubased alloys. In this research, dual phase and hybrid (three-phase) composites were manufactured by introducing hard ceramic particles (α-Al2O3) and recycled MCFs (\u3c 100 μm long) into Al and Cu matrices. An advanced powder metallurgy processing method was also developed to prepare precursor powder blends for consolidation by uniaxial hot pressing, after which their performance was investigated and compared. This research is divided into, (i) the preparation of precursor composite powders using the magnetically Uniball controlled milling technique, (ii) a synthesis of monolithic aluminium and copper composites using the uniaxial hot pressing technique, (iii) advanced characterisation X-ray diffractometry, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FSEM) equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), Archimedes density, electrical conductivity, resistivity, universal compression testing, Vickers micro-hardness, Ultra-micro indentation testing (UMIS), and wear testing. All the mechanical testing and wear testing of monolithic products was carried out at ambient temperature and atmosphere