178 research outputs found

    1994 treaty as the basis for the 2011 agreement on free trade area

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    This article focuses on the adoption of the 1994 Agreement on free trade area as the basis for the formation of the 2011 Agreement on free trade area. International relations have been developing constantly, especially on trade issues. Ratification of the 2011 agreement has helped to adapt to modern realities, still basing on the provisions of the 1994 treaty, the final formation of which took more than 10 years. The main vector of the article is aimed at a segment of dispute resolution, affecting issues of their qualification and assessing effectiveness of the existing mechanisms. We will consider qualitative changes that have caused recognition of the 1994 Agreement on free trade area illegal and signing of the agreement in 2011. Special attention is paid to possible future development of international trade relations, with in-depth analysis of the current situation and previous experience. We will tell about the impact of the 1994 agreement on the development of the agreement in 2011, as well as how these processes and mechanisms have contributed to the situation that we see today. This article aims to reflect a causal relationship in free trade agreements of 1994 and 2011, as well as determine the actual preconditions for the development of international trade relations on the basis of previous experience and qualitative changes in the niche of the settlement of disputes.peer-reviewe

    New and Old Results in Resultant Theory

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    Resultants are getting increasingly important in modern theoretical physics: they appear whenever one deals with non-linear (polynomial) equations, with non-quadratic forms or with non-Gaussian integrals. Being a subject of more than three-hundred-year research, resultants are of course rather well studied: a lot of explicit formulas, beautiful properties and intriguing relationships are known in this field. We present a brief overview of these results, including both recent and already classical. Emphasis is made on explicit formulas for resultants, which could be practically useful in a future physics research.Comment: 50 pages, 15 figure

    A-infinity structure on simplicial complexes

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    A discrete (finite-difference) analogue of differential forms is considered, defined on simplicial complexes, including triangulations of continuous manifolds. Various operations are explicitly defined on these forms, including exterior derivative and exterior product. The latter one is non-associative. Instead, as anticipated, it is a part of non-trivial A-infinity structure, involving a chain of poly-linear operations, constrained by nilpotency relation: (d + \wedge + m + ...)^n = 0 with n=2.Comment: final version. 29 page


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    A spatial distribution of methane dissolved in sea water is a critical but poorly understood factor in the context of seismic activity. Based on the results of the RV AKADEMIK OPARIN integrated geological-geophysical expedition (September 21 – October 31, 2017), this paper deals with the regularities of methane concentration variability in the surface layer of the Sea of Japan: the average growth and the average growth period were 70 % and 10 h, respectively, after each earthquake whereas a decrease in methane concentration in the sea water was 10–30 % 2–4 h before a seismic event. A decrease in methane concentration occurs irrespectively of the depth of an earthquake. The results obtained show good agreement with the published data and gaseous-geochemical monitoring materials, thus making it possible to associate seismic-related gaseous-geochemical regime not only with gas-saturated sediments but also with the water column of the Japan Basin (Sea of Japan)

    Challenges of beta-deformation

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    A brief review of problems, arising in the study of the beta-deformation, also known as "refinement", which appears as a central difficult element in a number of related modern subjects: beta \neq 1 is responsible for deviation from free fermions in 2d conformal theories, from symmetric omega-backgrounds with epsilon_2 = - epsilon_1 in instanton sums in 4d SYM theories, from eigenvalue matrix models to beta-ensembles, from HOMFLY to super-polynomials in Chern-Simons theory, from quantum groups to elliptic and hyperbolic algebras etc. The main attention is paid to the context of AGT relation and its possible generalizations.Comment: 20 page

    Resolvents and Seiberg-Witten representation for Gaussian beta-ensemble

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    The exact free energy of matrix model always obeys the Seiberg-Witten (SW) equations on a complex curve defined by singularities of the quasiclassical resolvent. The role of SW differential is played by the exact one-point resolvent. We show that these properties are preserved in generalization of matrix models to beta-ensembles. However, since the integrability and Harer-Zagier topological recursion are still unavailable for beta-ensembles, we need to rely upon the ordinary AMM/EO recursion to evaluate the first terms of the genus expansion. Consideration in this paper is restricted to the Gaussian model.Comment: 15 page

    Vibrational spectra and conformations of 1,3,2-dioxaphosphepines with exocyclic P-N bond

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    1. The change in the vibrational (IR, Raman) spectra of nine 2N,N-dialkylamino-5,6-benzo(4,7-dihydro)-1,3,2-dioxaphosphepine during extensive variation of their temperature, aggregate state, and medium indicates the existence of a structure-dependent ability of the molecules to participate in different conformations. 2. Under the above-described experimental conditions, in 5,6-benzo-1,3,2-dioxaphosphepines with a tetracoordinated phosphorus atom and in the 4,7-dihydro derivatives studied, the conformational equilibrium is preferentially shifted in one direction. In the case of 5,6-benzo derivatives of trivalent phosphorus, in a liquid phase an equilibrium is observed of comparable amounts of the two forms of the molecules. 3. The quantitatively dominating, energetically more convenient, and the only remaining in the crystal form in the molecules of 5,6-benzo-1,3,2-phosphepines is the chair conformation with an equatorial P-N bond. © 1985 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Exact 2-point function in Hermitian matrix model

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    J. Harer and D. Zagier have found a strikingly simple generating function for exact (all-genera) 1-point correlators in the Gaussian Hermitian matrix model. In this paper we generalize their result to 2-point correlators, using Toda integrability of the model. Remarkably, this exact 2-point correlation function turns out to be an elementary function - arctangent. Relation to the standard 2-point resolvents is pointed out. Some attempts of generalization to 3-point and higher functions are described.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur

    Introduction to Integral Discriminants

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    The simplest partition function, associated with homogeneous symmetric forms S of degree r in n variables, is integral discriminant J_{n|r}(S) = \int e^{-S(x_1 ... x_n)} dx_1 ... dx_n. Actually, S-dependence remains the same if e^{-S} in the integrand is substituted by arbitrary function f(S), i.e. integral discriminant is a characteristic of the form S itself, and not of the averaging procedure. The aim of the present paper is to calculate J_{n|r} in a number of non-Gaussian cases. Using Ward identities -- linear differential equations, satisfied by integral discriminants -- we calculate J_{2|3}, J_{2|4}, J_{2|5} and J_{3|3}. In all these examples, integral discriminant appears to be a generalized hypergeometric function. It depends on several SL(n) invariants of S, with essential singularities controlled by the ordinary algebraic discriminant of S.Comment: 36 pages, 19 figure