9 research outputs found

    Use of L-arginine immobilised on activated carbon for pharmacological correction of endothelial disfunction

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    For the first time a complex of L-arginine sodium salt of sulfate of cellulose acetate on activated carbon. To investigate the processes of sorption-desorption of L-arginine in a model environmen


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    The mechanism of deposition of a poly-L-lactide film from the active gas phase has been shown to be associated with destructing a macromolecule into large fragments rather than with depolymerizing a poly-L-lactide film to a monomer followed by its polycondensation on substrate. The transformation of the initial polymer powder into a thin film under the great energetic effect is accompanied by decreasing the molecule mass, while the D-isomer content increases from 4 to 12 %. In so doing, not only the phase state of the polymer changes from semi-crystalline to amorphous one, but the poly-L-lactide relaxation state is transformed from glass to rubber one; these changes could promote an accelerated release of different biocide additives from the film.Методами спектроскопии ЯМР 1 H и 13С и поляриметрии установлено, что при формировании тонких пленок поли-L-лактида путем осаждения из активной газовой фазы происходит деструкция исходного полимера до крупных фрагментов с сохранением полимерного состояния вещества. Одновременно конфигурационные превращения макромолекулы приводят к увеличению содержания в ней D-звеньев с 4 до 12 мол. %, в результате чего исходный аморфно-кристаллический полимер превращается в аморфный. Переход поли-L-лактида в тонкопленочное состояние сопровождается изменением не только фазового, но и релаксационного состояния полимера, что является дополнительной причиной ускорения высвобождения из пленки биоцидных добавок

    New Dosage Form of L-arginine based on its complex with cellulose acetate sulfate and activated carbon

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    To obtain a new dosage form of L-arginine by complexation with sodium salt of cellulose sulfate acetate (Na-CSA) followed by immobilization on activated carbon, and to evaluate its endothelial, cardioprotective and antihypertensive activit

    Use of L-arginine immobilised on activated carbon for pharmacological correction of endothelial disfunction

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    For the first time a complex of L-arginine sodium salt of sulfate of cellulose acetate on activated carbon. To investigate the processes of sorption-desorption of L-arginine in a model environmen


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