19 research outputs found

    Flocculation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii with Different Phenotypic Traits by Metal Cations and High pH

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    Concentrating algal cells by flocculation as a prelude to centrifugation could significantly reduce the energy and cost of harvesting the algae. However, how variation in phenotypic traits such as cell surface features, cell size and motility alter the efficiency of metal cation and pH-induced flocculation is not well understood. Our results demonstrate that both wild-type and cell wall-deficient strains of the green unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii efficiently flocculate (>90%) at an elevated pH of the medium (pH 11) upon the addition of divalent cations such as calcium and magnesium (>5 mM). The trivalent ferric cation (at 10 mM) proved to be essential for promoting flocculation under weak alkaline conditions (pH ∼8.5), with a maximum efficiency that exceeded 95 and 85% for wild-type CC1690 and the cell wall-deficient sta6 mutant, respectively. Near complete flocculation could be achieved using a combination of 5 mM calcium and a pH >11, while the medium recovered following cell removal could be re-cycled without affecting algal growth rates. Moreover, the absence of starch in the cell had little overall impact on flocculation efficiency. These findings contribute to our understanding of flocculation in different Chlamydomonas strains and have implications with respect to inexpensive methods for harvesting algae with different phenotypic traits. Additional research on the conditions (e.g., pH and metal ions) used for efficient flocculation of diverse algal groups with diverse characteristics, at both small and large scale, will help establish inexpensive procedures for harvesting cell biomass

    Structure and Flexibility of the C-Ring in the Electromotor of Rotary F<sub>o</sub>F<sub>1</sub>-ATPase of Pea Chloroplasts

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    <div><p>A ring of 8–15 identical c-subunits is essential for ion-translocation by the rotary electromotor of the ubiquitous F<sub>O</sub>F<sub>1</sub>-ATPase. Here we present the crystal structure at 3.4Γ… resolution of the c-ring from chloroplasts of a higher plant (<em>Pisum sativum</em>), determined using a native preparation. The crystal structure was found to resemble that of an (ancestral) cyanobacterium. Using elastic network modeling to investigate the ring's eigen-modes, we found five dominant modes of motion that fell into three classes. They revealed the following deformations of the ring: (I) ellipsoidal, (II) opposite twisting of the luminal circular surface of the ring against the stromal surface, and (III) kinking of the hairpin-shaped monomers in the middle, resulting in bending/stretching of the ring. Extension of the elastic network analysis to rings of different c<em><sub>n</sub></em>-symmetry revealed the same classes of dominant modes as in <em>P. sativum</em> (c<sub>14</sub>). We suggest the following functional roles for these classes: The first and third classes of modes affect the interaction of the c-ring with its counterparts in F<sub>O</sub>, namely subunits a and bb'. These modes are likely to be involved in ion-translocation and torque generation. The second class of deformation, along with deformations of subunits Ξ³ and Ξ΅ might serve to elastically buffer the torque transmission between F<sub>O</sub> and F<sub>1</sub>.</p> </div

    Architecture of the chloroplast ATP synthase subunit-c.

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    <p><b>A&B</b> Side (<b>A</b>) and stroma (<b>B</b>) views of the ring, with differently colored monomers. The ring dimensions are marked, and blue arrows indicate the narrowest ring region. <b>C.</b> Side view of the structure in surface presentation, colored according to the hydrophobicity scale below. Left: the membrane boundaries according to the hydrophobicity profile are marked, mapped to Leu54 and Phe76. The hydrophilic residues reside at the ring edges, corresponding to extra-membrane regions, as well as at the membrane center, at the proton-binding site. Right: slab view, displaying the interior of the ring. <b>D.</b> The structure is viewed as in panel C and colored according to evolutionary conservation as calculated by the ConSurf webserver (<a href="http://consurf.tau.ac.il" target="_blank">http://consurf.tau.ac.il</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0043045#pone.0043045-Ashkenazy1" target="_blank">[49]</a>), with cyan-to-maroon indicating variable-to-conserved positions, according to the color bar. Left: the hydrophilic proton-binding site at the membrane center is highly conserved, as are the stroma-facing loops. Right: a slab view reveals that residues lining the interior of the ring are highly variable. Indeed, this region is not expected to possess a functional or structural role.</p

    Motion Type III.

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    <p><b>A.</b> The c-ring structure is colored according to the GNM-derived dynamical correlation, with positive-to-negative correlation colored according to the red-to-blue scale. Four main dynamical elements are identified, mapped to the lumen- and stroma-facing halves of the monomers at opposing sides of the ring (marked by red and blue shading). It is apparent that the stroma-facing halves are negatively correlated with their lumen-facing halves, while positively correlated with the lumen-facing halves of monomers situated at the opposing side of the ring. The left-hand side shows a side view, while the right-hand side displays stroma and lumen views. <b>B.</b> The deformations of the corresponding ANM motion (ANM6). The structure is colored according to the correlation of the four main dynamical elements identified in panel <b>A.</b> Left: ANM deformations, ranging from white to red or from white to blue, with the direction of motion marked. Right: the two extreme deformations, corresponding to the two potential directions of this type of motion, with the main dynamical elements colored red or blue according to their correlation. These deformations describe a bending and stretching motion originating from the hinge at the ring center, with bending of the helices occurring at one side of the ring, while stretching takes place at the opposing side.</p

    Motion Type I.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Dynamical correlation between all residues in motion type I, derived from GNM. The correlation values range from blue to red, indicating negative and positive dynamical correlation, respectively, according to the scale. The different chains are marked on the matrix. <b>B.</b> The GNM dynamical correlation is mapped onto the c-ring. The c-ring is shown in cartoon representation and is viewed from the stroma. <b>C & D.</b> The ANM modes corresponding to motion type I. ANM1 (panel C) and ANM3 (panel D) are shown as cartoons and viewed from the lumen and stroma, respectively. The deformations are colored from gray to blue; arrows indicate the direction of motion and dotted circles mark the extreme deformations. In both modes, the c-ring expands and contracts, with oppositely correlated monomers moving towards the ring center, while the rest of the monomers move outwards. This results in an elliptic conformation.</p