71 research outputs found

    Use of Unlabeled Samples for Mitigating the Hughes Phenomenon

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    The use of unlabeled samples in improving the performance of classifiers is studied. When the number of training samples is fixed and small, additional feature measurements may reduce the performance of a statistical classifier. It is shown that by using unlabeled samples, estimates of the parameters can be improved and therefore this phenomenon may be mitigated. Various methods for using unlabeled samples are reviewed and experimental results are provided

    Comparison of long-pulsed alexandrite laser and topical tretinoin-ammonium lactate in axillary acanthosis nigricans: A case series of patients in a before-after trial

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    Background: Acanthosis nigricans (AN) is a brown to black, velvety hyperpigmentation of the skin that usually involves cutaneous folds. Treatment of AN is important regarding cosmetic reasons and various therapeutic modalities have been used for these purposes. The goal of this study was to compare the effectiveness of long-pulsed alexandrite laser and topical tretinoin-ammonium lactate for treatment of axillary-AN. Methods: Fifteen patients with bilateral axillary-AN were studied in Razi Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Diagnosis was confirmed by two independent dermatologists. Each side skin lesion was randomly allocated to either topical mixed cream of tretinoin 0.05- ammonium lactate 12 or long-pulsed alexandrite laser. Duration of treatment was 14 weeks. At endpoint, the mean percent reduction from baseline in pigmentation area was compared between the two groups. Results: The study population consisted of 15 patients three males and 12, females. The mean age of patients was 28.5±4.9 years. The mean percent reduction was 18.3±10.6, in tretinoin/ammonium lactate group and 25.7±11.8 in laser group (P=0.004). Conclusion: These findings indicate that the application of alexandrite laser is a relative effective method for treatment of axillary-AN. However, this issue requires further studies with prolonged follow-up period

    Working in the Public Interest Law Conference

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    The two-day conference included a variety of panel discussions and roundtables on such topics as: civil liberties; race and the criminal justice system; decriminalizing mental illness; funding public defender systems; the media\u27s role in the law; immigration; lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered youth in state sponsored institutions; environmental justice; and women\u27s reproductive rights

    An All-Digital Spike-Based Ultra-Low-Power IR-UWB Dynamic Average Threshold Crossing Scheme for Muscle Force Wireless Transmission

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    We introduce an Impulse Radio Ultra-Wide Band (IR-UWB) radio transmission scheme for miniaturized biomed-ical applications based on a dynamic and adaptive voltage thresholding of surface Electro Myo Graphy (sEMG) signals. The amplified sEMG signal is compared to a DAC-generated threshold computed from the previous 1-bit history by custom digital control logic running at 2kHz clock and implementing an ad-hoc algorithm (Dynamic Average Threshold Crossing, D-ATC). The resulting events and the associated digitized voltage level can be both asynchronously radiated through IR-UWB. Analyzes show that the scheme is robust w.r.t. the sEMG signal variability and correlates by ~96% with regard to raw muscle force information after signal is recomputed at the RX. This paper compares D-ATC with regard to a fixed threshold system and an Average Threshold Crossing (ATC) demonstrating improved robustness, and introduces the thresholding algorithm verified on a dataset of 190 sEMG recorded signals. The applied threshold resolution has been optimized to both minimize the size of transmitted data and to guarantee good correlation performance. The paper concludes with post-synthesis results of the D-ATC compact digital control logic in a 0.18μm CMOS process, demonstrating an extremely low power consumption at very low active area expense

    Panel 3: Access to Higher Education for Immigrants

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    Panel discusses access to higher education for immigrants. Moderated by Jason Cade

    Current Issues and Pro Bono Opportunities in Immigration Law: Asylum, Due Process and Enforcement Concerns

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    Immigration courts must handle a large number of cases, including asylum cases, with extremely limited resources. Adequate legal representation is not always available, giving rise to concerns about the integrity of the deportation process and the treatment of persons subject to U.S. immigration law. This panel discussed the nature of the due process problems, the practical consequences faced by people moving through the system, deportation and incarceration issues, and the services attorneys can provide to vulnerable individuals

    Current Issues and Pro Bono Opportunities in Immigration Law: Asylum, Due Process and Enforcement Concerns

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    Immigration courts must handle a large number of cases, including asylum cases, with extremely limited resources. Adequate legal representation is not always available, giving rise to concerns about the integrity of the deportation process and the treatment of persons subject to U.S. immigration law. This panel discussed the nature of the due process problems, the practical consequences faced by people moving through the system, deportation and incarceration issues, and the services attorneys can provide to vulnerable individuals