99 research outputs found


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    This article applies the event study approach to assess the immediate impact of Euro on intra-regional trade among the European Union (EU) members. Here, the post-Euro intra-regional trade has been compared with the pre-Euro intra-regional trade, while the implementation of Euro has been considered as the event. The results show that the trade enhancement at the immediate post-event period is 1.2 times of the immediate pre-event period for France, Germany, Italy and Spain, while immediate trade enhancement for all Euro-members is 1.14 times. The estimation has been statistically justified by using the gravity model. This study thus provides the first empirical evidence on the assessment of currency union impact on intra-regional trade by using the alternative method, the event study approach.Currency Union, Intra-Regional Trade, Event Study, Trade Deepening

    Analysis of Bilateral Trade Between Bangladesh and China

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    Bilateral trades between Bangladesh and China have stretched significantly in the recent years. Trade relationship in between these two countries is increasing with time again connection of Silk Road will give more boost to the economy of both the countries. In this paper our objective is to examine and compare the international trade between the two countries, especially, the changes in the bilateral trade and identifying major trends of trade. To elaborate the trade pattern, we use trade intensity, intra-industry trade (IIT) and revealed comparative advantages (RCA). Our findings have been use to locate the strong sectors of future cooperation between these two countries to make the economy stronger and also policy implications for future trade and economical progress. Keywords: Bangladesh and China; Trade intensity; Intra-industry trade (IIT); Revealed comparative advantages (RCA

    Parallel Integration and ASEAN-EU Trade Potential: an Empirical Analysis

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    This paper empirically assesses the integration of ASEAN with the European Union (EU) from an ASEAN-European Union trade model, and investigates their untapped trade potential. For the observation period of 1996 to 2008, the ASEAN-EU trade gap between the potential trade and the actual trade appears quite substantial. This study opens up the scope for future study on the ASEAN-EU regional integration

    Is ASEAN trade pattern complementary to AFTA and TAc?

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    This paper investigates the impact of the ongoing process of ASEAN trade liberalization on trade patterns of the ASEAN members. A modified gravity model incorporating exchange rate volatility and regional integration is estimated for each of the seven major ASEAN economies for the period of 1994 to 2009. The result observes substantial amount of heterogeneity among the members’ trade pattern

    Sino–Bangla Bilateral Trade (Trade Analysis and Future Development)

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    Association between Bangladesh and China started long time ago but it get a pace when both the countries started bilateral relationships and trading. In 2010, the leaders from two countries declared to make closer comprehensive partnership of cooperation. The bilateral relationship between Bangladesh and China has maintained a good momentum of development since 2013. This paper analyzed the effect of current trade patterns, regional scenario and trade relations between China and Bangladesh and proposed the counter measures for improving further development. It also describes the strong products and sectors of trade in between these two countries which indicates the future of development sectors too. Keywords: SINO-BANGLA trade statistics, Trade effect, Trade Developmen

    A Survey on Antimicrobial Sensitivity Pattern of Different Antibiotics on Clinical Isolates of Escherichia coli Collected from Dhaka City, Bangladesh

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    A study of antimicrobial sensitivity of Escherichia coli isolated from clinical sources of Medinova Diagnostic Center and Popular Diagnostic Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh was carried out to facilitate the preference of drug in the management of Escherichia coli induced symptoms. Very low sensitivity of E. coli towards ampicillin (4%), aztreonam (4%), cloxacillin (5%), nalidixic acid (5%), ciprofloxacin (7.5%), ceftriaxone (12.5%), doxycycline (12.5%), ceftazidime (16.25%), co-trimoxazole (20%), chloramphenicol (22.51%), tetracycline (25%), and netilmicin (35%) was observed. Higher sensitivity pattern was observed for gentamicin (56%) and only imipenem (95%) has shown sensitivity pattern possibly susceptible enough to consider for the management of E. coli induced cases in the area under study. The low sensitivity to different antimicrobial could be attributed to their prevailing usage and abuse in the area under study

    A data warehouse-oriented methodology for qualitative semi-structured web information and social networking sites' user status search

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    Finding most desired and useful information from the diverse information and content embedded on webpages has become more challenging due to the rapid growth of websites and webpages, dynamic changes and updates of information and content on webpages, the lack of well-formed structure of webpage content and so on. Information search seems a trivial task when plain text, hyperlink texts, embedded images, videos that all make up webpage content remain in semistructured form. Semi-structured webpage content do not have predefined structure and remains in hierarchically nested HTML tags of a webpage body. Unlike structured webpage content, heterogeneous semi-structured webpage content can’t be neatly formatted, organized and modeled directly into relational database. One of the most important information types on the web is web user’s emotion expressed in user-posted status on Social Networking Sites like Facebook, Twitter. Publicly posted user status is informative enough to know user’s daily thoughts, feelings, emotions through textual self-description. The data warehouse-oriented methodology of semi-structured webpage content extraction and modeling into database introduces a simplified and less labor intensive XML-based semi-structured webpage content extraction technique that overcomes the limitations of existing pre-defined specification file and Wrapper-based techniques to adapt rapid changes of webpage content and to extract same piece of information on different webpages having differentiated nested HTML structure. This methodology also introduces Multidimensional Fact data modeling technique for semi-structured webpage content storage into relational database. Our implemented methodology ensures qualitative search result in terms of hyperlinks to most desired webpages appearing first with a relatively very low fractional amount of minute. [...

    Technical appraisal of solar home systems in Bangladesh: a field investigation

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    Solar Home System (SHS) based rural electrification has experienced a considerable growth in Bangladesh since the start of the Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development Project (REREDP) in 2003. The initial target of 50,000 SHS installations in off-grid areas was achieved within 2.5 years, 3 years ahead of schedule. After achieving a revised target of 200,000 SHSs, ahead of schedule in early 2009, a new target of 1 million SHS installations by 2012 was set. The installation of about 0.5 million systems by March 2010 indicates that the current target may well be achieved before the deadline. The size of the SHS market and its impact on the regeneration of the rural economy make it necessary to investigate the quality and reliability of the installed SHSs, if the continued success of the initiative is to be maintained. This paper reports on the findings from a field-based technical appraisal of SHS installations in Bangladesh. Sixty geographically dispersed installation sites were visited. Physical characteristics of the SHSs and their system components were tested to ascertain compliance with and deviations from the approved specifications. Despite the overwhelming success of the REREDP project, the study revealed various shortcomings. Notable among these are: incompatible and sub-optimal component configurations, faulty installations and a lack of effective quality assurance mechanism. The findings are contextualized and the ways to address the identified shortcomings are discussed
