4 research outputs found

    Interactive Da’wah Medium during Crisis in Malaysia

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    The COVID-19 pandemic and floods have become a challenge to Malaysia's conventional Islamic da'wah efforts. Thus, this qualitative case study was conducted in a semi-structured interview with the selected Malaysian da'wah experts to identify the concept and usage of interactive da'wah medium and the suitability of infographics during the crisis. The findings demonstrated that interactive da'wah mediums are two-way (between the da'i/data and mad'u), with static information transformed into dynamic visuals through infographics and videography, making it suitable during a crisis. It is easily accessible through modern gadgets, easy to understand and remember, and attractive to the general public

    Infographics as an alternative da’wah medium during Covid-19 crisis

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    Infographics are visual representations of complex information or data created by combining elements such as symbols, graphics, shapes, pictures, texts and illustrations to present information in a simple, concise and easy to understand manner that piques the reader’s or viewer’s interest. Based on these criteria, infographics are deemed highly suitable for use as a medium for contemporary da’wah in an age of media centralization, particularly among the young. The current COVID-19 pandemic has severely harmed traditional preaching and learning through lectures and talks in mosques and suraus, particularly in our country, Malaysia. This is due to the strict enforcement of the Movement Control Order (MCO), which limits movement and mass gathering with strict Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and suspends all religious activities. In order to overcome obstacles to preaching, we must creatively diversify the method of da’wah based on the concept of murunah (flexibility), which is the foundation of Islamic tasawwur in implementing Shariah. Thus, the objectives of this study are to (i) explain the idea of ICT-based da’wah, (ii) analyse the concept of infographics and multimedia in da’wah, and (iii) summarise the community’s perspective of infographics as an interactive da’wah medium. This study employed exploratory sequential mixed methods, beginning with a qualitative literature review using content analysis, followed by quantitative perception questionnaire, analyzed using descriptive analysis. The findings of the study finds that an average of 91.3% of the respondents agreed that infographics represent a significantly suitable form of visual information through social media for most people, especially during the COVID-19 crisis for the continuity of Islamic da’wah

    A Study on awareness of product placement in malaysian movies / Mohd Amir Syafiq Mohd Nordin & Dr. Shahrel Nizar Baharom

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    Product placement in movies is a strategy to advertise the products and services. This strategy is generally used in international movies and become a trend for Malaysian movies. However, its effectiveness is still questionable especially for the local people. This research aims to discuss about how far the awareness of Malaysian people towards product placement in local movies for the brand recall. By using the qualitative method, the researcher randomly interviewed five participants through in-depth interview. The result shows that most of the participants are aware about the product placement in Malaysian movies and lead to the viewers' brand recall. Therefore, this will give a great potential for advertisers in Malaysia to use the product placement in movies as one of the key strategies for the brand awarenes