21 research outputs found

    Effects of intratracheal suctioning on hemodynamic parameters and arterial oxygen

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    Background and Aim: Intratracheal suctioning is a standard method of nursing care for intubated patients with the aim of cleaning airway for good oxygenation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of intratracheal suctioning on blood pressure, heart rate, and arterial oxygen saturation. Materials and Methods: This was a semi-experimental research in which the patients admitted to intensive care unit of Kashani teaching center of Shahr-e-kord University in 2005. The data were collected by a questionnaire form 35 patient by observation and measurement of blood pressure, heart rate and arterial oxygen saturation. Results: The findings showed that during suctioning, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, and heart rate increased and arterial oxygen saturation decreased significantly, when compared with pre-suctioning period. The same occurred when these parameters were compared between pre-suctioning period and 1 minute post-suction, except for arterial oxygen saturation that had not statistically significant decline, 1 minute after suctioning. The parameters under study remained increased (including arterial oxygen saturation that decreased during suctioning) 3 minutes after suctioning, but this increase was not statistically significant when compared with pre-suctioning period. The study showed that parameters in 1 and 3 minutes after suctioning were also significantly different from those of suctioning period. Conclusion: The finding of this research showed that the maximum changes of blood pressure and heart rate (increase) and arterial oxygen saturation (decrease) occurs during suctioning and maximum changes of blood pressure and heart rate (decrease) and arterial oxygen saturation (increase) occurs 3 minutes after suctioning. Therefore, hyper oxygenation, hemodynamic and SpO2 monitoring before, during and after suctioning are recommended

    Comparative Study of Research Performance and Innovation-Industry Indicators in National and International University Ranking Systems

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    Introduction: There are different national and international university ranking systems in the world which rank universities in terms of numerous metrics. Previous studies have investigated some educational and research indicators, but research and innovation metrics have not yet been compared. The present study aimed to compare research performance and innovation-industry indicators in the national and international university ranking systems based on measured dimensions, data extraction sources, and find the highest innovational and research-oriented ranking systems than others. Methods: This cross-sectional study covered the 2020 edition of each ranking, and the data were collected in January 2021. According to the inclusion criteria, 20 national and international university rankings were selected among 75 ranking systems. This study used a thematic method for data analysis. Results: Among 20 included university rankings in the study, 17 were international and three national university rankings that all have research performance indicators, and seven of them applied innovation-industry indicators. The highest research-oriented rankings were CWTS, NTU, U.S. News, URAP, and Research Excellence Framework. The highest innovative-industrial-oriented rankings were U-Multilink and Scivision. The U-Multilink and the Scivision were the most research and innovative-industry-oriented rankings, among others. Conclusion: The international university rankings are more innovational and research-oriented than national rankings. So, the national university rankings must introduce new national research and innovation-industry indicators for their universities' performance evaluation

    Flexural-slip folding in buckling phases of orogenic belts: Insight into the tectonic evolution of fault splays in the East Iran orogen

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    Introduction: The East Iran orogen has experienced multiple buckling phases resulting in the formation of strike-slip fault splays. The geometric and kinematic characteristics of these splays are influenced by folding mechanisms. This study focuses on investigating the structural characteristics and tectonic evolution model of the Khousf splay, located in the northern terminus of the Nehbandan right-lateral strike-slip fault system. Methods: Field visits and geometrical properties from map views were used to analyze the structural features of the Khousf splay. The splay was found to consist of a multi-plunging anticline and syncline, referred to as the Khousf anticline and Khousf syncline, respectively. Flexural slip was identified as a significant mechanism for the formation of these structures. Structural evidence, including parasitic folds, active folds, and strike-slip duplexes, suggested that flexural slip occurred on discrete movement horizons among the rock units. Results: Analysis of the parasitic folds in the cores and limbs of the Khousf anticline and syncline revealed M, W, Z, and S shapes, with complex slicken-line patterns observed on faults parallel to the beds at the limbs. The analysis results indicated strain partitioning and inclined left- and right-lateral transpressional zones. Shortening estimates obtained from profiles in the Shekarab inclined transpressional zone were approximately 33%, 65%, and 68% for NE-SW, N-S, and NW-SE profiles, respectively. In the Arc area, which is the core of the anticline, shortening estimates from NE-SW and N-S profiles ranged from 14% to 10%. Structural analysis of the folds in this area revealed broad, close, semi-elliptical, and parabolic shapes, suggesting that secondary folds with NW-SE axis directions have been superimposed on the first-generation folds with E-W axis directions in the Khousf refolded splay. Discussion: The findings of this study highlight the structural characteristics and tectonic evolution model of the Khousf splay in the northern terminus of the Nehbandan right-lateral strike-slip fault system. The results suggest that flexural slip played a crucial role in the formation of the multi-plunging anticline and syncline in the Khousf splay. The presence of parasitic folds and complex slicken-line patterns on faults indicate the complexity of deformation processes. The observed strain partitioning and inclined transpressional zones suggest a complex tectonic history in the study area. The superimposition of secondary folds with different axis directions on first-generation folds adds further complexity to the structural evolution of the Khousf refolded splay. Overall, this study provides new insights into the structural characteristics and tectonic evolution of the Khousf splay in the East Iran orogen

    Machine Learning-Based Assessment of Watershed Morphometry in Makran

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    This study proposes an artificial intelligence approach to assess watershed morphometry in the Makran subduction zones of South Iran and Pakistan. The approach integrates machine learning algorithms, including artificial neural networks (ANN), support vector regression (SVR), and multivariate linear regression (MLR), on a single platform. The study area was analyzed by extracting watersheds from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and calculating eight morphometric indices. The morphometric parameters were normalized using fuzzy membership functions to improve accuracy. The performance of the machine learning algorithms is evaluated by mean squared error (MSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and correlation coefficient (R2) between the output of the method and the actual dataset. The ANN model demonstrated high accuracy with an R2 value of 0.974, MSE of 4.14 × 10−6, and MAE of 0.0015. The results of the machine learning algorithms were compared to the tectonic characteristics of the area, indicating the potential for utilizing the ANN algorithm in similar investigations. This approach offers a novel way to assess watershed morphometry using ML techniques, which may have advantages over other approaches

    Seismic Risk in Alborz: Insights from Geological Moment Rate Estimation and Fault Activity Analysis

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    The Alborz mountain range in northern Iran is part of the active and seismic Alpide belt, where assessing seismic hazards is crucial due to the region’s history of large instrumental earthquakes and destructive seismic background. Moment rate estimation, which quantifies tectonic activity, offers a novel approach to understanding the energy potential of active tectonic regions. In this study, a regional perspective is employed to investigate the maximum horizontal acceleration for Tehran, the major city in Alborz, resulting from the Sorkh-e Hesar and Ghasr-e-Firuzeh faults located approximately 7.5 km southeast of Tehran. These faults have a seismic potential of Mw 6.5 and a gravity of ~0.5723. While previous studies have identified faults in northern Tehran as the greatest seismic risk, our findings suggest otherwise. The calculated geological moment was 5.18218 × 1017 Nm/y, with a seismic moment rate of 1.83375 × 1014 Nm/y, providing valuable insights into fault activity and seismic potential in the study area

    Paleostress Analysis in the Northern Birjand, East of Iran: Insights from Inversion of Fault-Slip Data

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    This research assessed stress regimes and fields in eastern Iran using fault-slip data and the tectonic events associated with these changes. Our stress analysis of the brittle structures in the Shekarab Mountains revealed significant changes in stress regimes from the late Cretaceous to the Quaternary. Reconstructing stress fields using the age and sense of fault movements showed that during the late Cretaceous, the direction of the maximum horizontal stress axes (σ1) under a compressional stress regime was ~N290°. This stress regime led to the uplifting of ophiolites and peridotites in eastern Iran. During the Eocene, the σ1 direction was NE-SW. The late Eocene and Oligocene stress states showed two distinct transpression and transtension stress regimes. This transition from transpression to transtension in the eastern Shekarab Mountains was the consequence of regional variations in stress regimes. The Quaternary stress state indicates that the tectonic regime in the Quaternary is strike-slip and the σ1 direction is ~N046°, which coincides with the current convergence direction of the Arabia–Eurasia plates. Our paleostress analysis revealed that four distinct stress regimes have been recognized in the area, including compressional, transtensional, transpressional, and strike-slip regimes. Our findings indicated that the diversity of the tectonic regimes was responsible for the formation of a variety of geological structures, including folds with different axes, faults with different mechanisms, and the current configuration of the Sistan suture zone

    Health information prescription system for non communicable diseases: a systematic review and thematic analysis

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    Objective ― Prescribing health information is very important to empower informed patients. The goal of present study is to recognize challenges for developing health information prescription on non-communicable diseases. Material and Methods ― Six data bases related to health information prescription were investigated. They included Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar, Ovid and EMBASE. The investigated studies were published from 2000 to 2019. The language of the articles was English and the access to full text was one of the inclusion criteria. The research was evaluated by Prisma checklist and critical apprising. Different dimensions of health Information prescription system were recognized by thematic analysis. Results ― 54 studies were recognized based on the inclusion criteria. The results showed that there were three main concepts related to primary dimensions of the system in designing health information prescription system: determination of system functional goals, recognition of implementation barriers and recognition of developmental sub-structures. There were 16 subcategories including primary goals for accessibility, the concerns related to patients information confidentiality, individual differences and interests and personalizing the process of information prescription, the lack of integrity in health Information system for providing pattern of health Information system related to diabetic patients. Conclusion ― The goals, implementing barriers and functional substructures of health information prescription system should be recognized in order to improve self-care behaviors of diabetic patients in clinic. It is recommended that the future investigations focus on research gaps in personalizing health information prescription and integration of health information prescription process in health care system

    Decreasing the emissions of a partially premixed gasoline fueled compression ignition engine by means of injection characteristics and EGR

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    This paper is presented in order to elucidate some numerical investigations related to a partially premixed gasoline fuelled engine by means of three dimensional CFD code. Comparing with the diesel fuel, gasoline has lower soot emission because of its higher ignition delay. The application of double injection strategy reduces the maximum heat release rate and leads to the reduction of NOx emission. For validation of the model, the results for the mean in-cylinder pressure, H.R.R., NOx and soot emissions are compared with the corresponding experimental data and show good levels of agreement. The effects of injection characteristics such as, injection duration, spray angle, nozzle hole diameter, injected fuel temperature and EGR rate on combustion process and emission formation are investigated yielding the determination of the optimal point thereafter. The results indicated that optimization of injection characteristics leads to simultaneous reduction of NOx and soot emissions with negligible change in IMEP

    Structure and Kinematics of Active Faulting in the Northern Domain of Western and Central Alborz, Iran and Interpretation in Terms of Tectonic Evolution of the Region

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    Field evidence, seismicity, and geodetic data are combined to define the tectonic evolution along the northern domain of the Western and Central Alborz ranges, which have experienced significant earthquakes. One of our main focuses is to present the geometric-kinematic characteristics of active fault planes in the North Alborz fault zone and its subsidiary faults as a basis for seismic hazard assessment. To evaluate the seismotectonics in the region, three active segments of the seismic zone are identified. These segments primarily exhibit reverse mechanisms and left-lateral strike-slip components and act as the boundaries of neotectonic stress domains around the transition zone between Alborz and the South Caspian Basin. The spatial distribution of the strike-slip and dip-slip faulting over the Western and Central Alborz range supports our understanding of the geodynamic processes of the region. Our map of local active faults reveals five main systems with N–S, NE–SW, ENE–WSW, E–W, and NW–SE directions. Field studies indicate that strike-slip movements predominate and are consistent with a ∼WNW-ESE-oriented left-lateral wrench system. Pure left-lateral strike-slip faults trending E-W, extensional faults trending NE–SW, and compressional faults trending NW-SE are identified. Regional field investigations reveal spatial variations in the fault zone width of the northern domain of the Western and Central Alborz. The findings demonstrate that fault zone structures and their spatial distribution along the width of the area are strongly affected by the strain partitioning process in the transpressional zone. A spectacular well-exposed transpressional zone from the Western and Central Alborz region is described in detail, where outer domains are faults with a dominant reverse mechanism, and the inner domain is a wrench zone that includes faults with a dominant strike-slip mechanism. The seismic activity in the Northern Alborz region is mainly concentrated along the North Alborz fault zone and its subsidiary fault planes, of which some are identified for the first time in this research. Significant seismic events have occurred at locations where these newly identified fault planes interact. The maximum values of the geodetic strain axes in Western and Central Alborz are consistent with the area of high seismicity

    Iranian researchers’ perspective about concept and effect of open science on research publication

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    Abstract Background Sharing research outputs with open science methods for different stakeholders causes better access to different studies to solve problems in diverse fields, which leads to equal access conditions to research resources, as well as greater scientific productivity. Therefore, the aim of this study was to perceive the concept of openness in research among Iranian health researchers. Methods From the beginning of August to the middle of November 2021, twenty semi-structured interviews were held with Iranian health researchers from different fields using purposeful, snowball, and convenience sampling. The interviews continued until data saturation. Data analysis was performed with thematic analysis using MAXQDA 20. Finally, seven main issues related to open science were identified. Results Through analysis of the interviews, 235 primary codes and 173 main codes were extracted in 22 subclasses. After careful evaluation and integration of subclasses and classes, they were finally classified into nine categories and three main themes. Analysis showed that openness in research was related to three main themes: researchers’ understanding of open science, the impact of open science on publication and sharing of research, concerns and reluctance to open research. Conclusion The conditions of access to research output should be specified given the diversity of studies conducted in the field of health; issues like privacy as an important topic of access to data and information in the health system should also be specified. Our analysis indicated that the conditions of publication and sharing of research processes should be stated according to different scopes of health fields. The concept of open science was related to access to findings and other research items regardless of cost, political, social, or racial barriers, which could create collective wisdom in the development of knowledge. The process of publication and sharing of research related to open access applies to all types of outputs, conditions of access, increasing trust in research, creation of diverse publication paths, and broader participation of citizens in research. Open science practices should be promoted to increase the circulation and exploitation rates of knowledge while adjusting and respecting the limits of privacy, intellectual property and national security rights of countries