162 research outputs found

    Comparison of Services of Public, Private and Foreign Hospitals from the Perspective of Bangladeshi Patients

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    Despite recent developments in the Bangladesh healthcare sector, there is still great concern about the quality of healthcare services in the country. This study compared the quality of healthcare services by different types of institutions, i.e. public and private hospitals, from the perspective of Bangladeshi patients to identify the relevant areas for development. A survey was conducted among Bangladeshi citizens who were in-patients in public or private hospitals in Dhaka city or in hospitals abroad within the last one year. About 400 exit-interviews were conducted using a structured questionnaire that addressed the probable factors of the quality of healthcare services in 5-point interval scales. The results gave an overview of the perspectives of Bangladeshi patients on the quality of service in three types of hospitals. The quality of service in private hospitals scored higher than that in public hospitals for nursing care, tangible hospital matters, i.e. cleanliness, supply of utilities, and availability of drugs. The overall quality of service was better in the foreign hospitals compared to that in the private hospitals in Bangladesh in all factors, even the ‘perceived cost’ factor. This paper provides insights into the specific factors of the quality of hospital services that need to be addressed to meet the needs of Bangladeshi patients

    Influence of Gibberellic Acid and Mulch Materials on Yield and Biochemical Attributes of Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) cv. Festival

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    One of the most important factors in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) cv. Festival production for achieving higher yields is the availability of strawberries with better quality. The experiment was carried out during the period from November 2020 to March 2021 to find out the responses of gibberellic acid (GA3) and mulch materials on biochemical and quality attributes related to strawberry yield characteristics. The experiment consisted of two treatments including different mulch materials: black polythene, white polythene, sawdust, and control (no mulch); and GA3 (0 and 200 mg/L) were studied. Various quality parameters, namely total soluble solids (TSS), pH, titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, total sugar, phenolic, and anthocyanin content of the strawberries were determined. The results observed in the GA3-treated plants showed more significant results than the plants not treated with GA3. Among the mulch materials, sawdust performed better than the other mulch materials in terms of yield, biochemical, and quality attributes. The highest fruit set percentage (89) and fruit yield (18.70 t/ha) were obtained from the GA3 and sawdust mulch treatments. GA3 and sawdust mulch performed best in terms of quality parameters including TSS, pH, ascorbic acid, total sugar, phenolic, and anthocyanin content. Accordingly, sawdust and GA3 are more responsive to strawberry plant quality parameters. These findings provide practical insights for sustainable strawberry cultivation practices, contributing to increased fruit availability and improved nutritional value for consumers

    Productivity of strawberry as influenced by mulch materials and gibberellin under net house condition

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    Plant growth regulators in combination with mulch materials have been shown to regulate physiological processes related to plant growth and development. The experiment was conducted to investigate the responses of different mulch materials and GA3 on plant morphological, physiological and yield attributes of strawberries during the period from November 2020 to March 2021. The experimental treatments included three different mulch materials: black polythene, white polythene, saw dust, and control (no mulch); and GA3 (0 and 200 ppm) were studied. According to the findings, strawberries grown with sawdust and GA3 had the highest chlorophyll content (SPAD value) (48.23), relative water content (76.45%), leaf area (48.23 cm2), maximum number of fruits (19.66) and fruit yield (321 g/plant). In contrast, individual fruit weight (18g) was the highest for plants grown in sawdust without GA3. Black polythene mulch showed no satisfactory improvement in the growth and yield characteristics of strawberry plants. Therefore, sawdust based mulching and GA3 may be recommended to obtain better strawberry growth and yield

    An Econometric Analysis of Human Capital Development and Economic Growth in Bangladesh

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    The paper has explored empirically the relationship between human capital development and economic growth in Bangladesh. Human capital is a significant factor employed in transferring all resources to mankind’s use and advantage. Economists studied that the development and employment of human capital is essential in a nation’s economic growth. However, the illiteracy rate in Bangladesh is 29% still high compared to others SAARC country and many workers are unskilled, leading to their low productivity; consequently, this study gives an idea about the significance of human capital development to the growth of the economy. To investigate the relationship between human capital development and economic growth in Bangladesh, this study uses the gross domestic product (GDP) as proxy for economic growth, total government expenditure on education and health, and the enrolment pattern of tertiary education, secondary and primary schools as proxy for human capital. Since the data of the variables are based on annual time series data covering the periods 1981-2014, this study is an attempt to investigate the long run, short run and casual relationship among the variables by applying recent advantages in econometric methods such as cointegration and error correction mechanism. Unit root test results show that the variables are integrated of order one and positive long run relationship between human capital development and economic growth is confirmed by cointegration test result. The short run adjustment of the variables identified from the error correction mechanism. The entire result suggest that human capital development makes a significant contribution to economic growth. Thus stakeholders need to go forward a more realistic means of developing the human capabilities, since it is seen as a vital apparatus for economic growth in Bangladesh. Keywords: Human Capital Development, Economic Growth, Cointegration, Error Correction Mechanism (ECM), Bangladesh.

    Comparison of Services of Public, Private and Foreign Hospitals from the Perspective of Bangladeshi Patients

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    Despite recent developments in the Bangladesh healthcare sector, there is still great concern about the quality of healthcare services in the country. This study compared the quality of healthcare services by different types of institutions, i.e. public and private hospitals, from the perspective of Bangladeshi patients to identify the relevant areas for development. A survey was conducted among Bangladeshi citizens who were in-patients in public or private hospitals in Dhaka city or in hospitals abroad within the last one year. About 400 exit-interviews were conducted using a structured questionnaire that addressed the probable factors of the quality of healthcare services in 5-point interval scales. The results gave an overview of the perspectives of Bangladeshi patients on the quality of service in three types of hospitals. The quality of service in private hospitals scored higher than that in public hospitals for nursing care, tangible hospital matters, i.e. cleanliness, supply of utilities, and availability of drugs. The overall quality of service was better in the foreign hospitals compared to that in the private hospitals in Bangladesh in all factors, even the 'perceived cost' factor. This paper provides insights into the specific factors of the quality of hospital services that need to be addressed to meet the needs of Bangladeshi patients
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