7 research outputs found

    Development of instrument and transformation of excellent Muslim through love of knowledge

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    Love as a motivational factor is a driving force to excellence and transformation of human capital. Starting with the call to create a reading culture, it then developed into the generation of thoughtful culture which able to critically argues and analysis. The idea also need to be translated in the form of academical writing and disseminated to the general public so that ideas can be shared. Hence, the study reported in this paper was aimed at identifying the attributes of knowledge lover that can contribute towards excellence among Muslim youths in Malaysia. We were also interested in identifying the relationship between love of knowledge and excellence. For that reason, an instrument named as “Characteristics of Knowledge Lovers,” “Excellent Muslim” and “Transformation of Human Capital through Love for Knowledge” was created. The instrument was designed in stages. First, we analysed existing theories and concepts. Second prominent academics and students were interviewed in order to construct items for the questionnaire. Third, rater reliability was performed by asking five experts in psychology to review the items. A pilot study was then conducted to test the validity and the reliability of the questionnaire items. It was found that all of the sub-constructs are positively correlated,with the grand mean of 0.70-0.96 (very high) with significant level of p<0.01. In conclusion, the correlation between the sub-constructs are high. It is hoped that other researchers could apply the different stages of the development of the instrument in other fields

    Pendidikan dan pengajaran mata pelajaran sejarah di sekolah di Malaysia = the learning and teaching of history in Malaysian schools

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    Keputusan kerajaan Malaysia menjadikan matapelajaran sejarah Malaysia sebagai mata pelajaran wajib lulus di peringkat Sijil Pengajian Malaysia menjelang 2012 mendapat reaksi positif rakyat. Semua pihak bersetuju dengan keputusan mewajibkan mata pelajaran Sejarah, tetapi terdapat banyak persoalan berkaitan dengan kandungan silabusnya. Sesetengah pihak mendesak agar kandungan silabusnya dikaji semula termasuklah, antara lain, menilai semula sejarah setiap bangsa di Malaysia dan pemimpin-pemimpinnya. Artikel ini membandingkan kejayaan dan kegagalan pendidikan sejarah di beberapa negara maju seperti di Britain, Australia dan Kanada untuk melihat sama ada Malaysia boleh belajar dari pengalaman mereka. Artikel ini juga membincangkan kandungan buku sejarah Tingkatan Lima, khususnya berkaitan dengan apa yang sepatutnya diberi keutamaan tentang sejarah Malaysia, selain membincangkan kerelevanan sejarah Malaysia dengan objektif pendidikan. Akhirnya, artikel ini membincangkan masalah berkaitan dengan pengajaran subjek Sejarah di sekolah

    Perkembangan pengangkutan marin sekitar Pantai Timur Tanah Melayu Zaman Tradisional dan Zaman Pentadbiran British (The development of marine transport around the east coast of Malaya from the early age to the period of the British administration)

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    Pantai Timur Tanah Melayu merupakan laluan penting bagi kegiatan Marin semenjak abad pertama Masehi lagi yang menghubungkan bahagian dunia di sebelah Timur dan Barat. Malahan tidak ramai yang menyedari bahawa kawasan pantai timur Tanah Melayu ini adalah merupakan laluan penting bagi kapal-kapal laut yang menghubungkan empayar-empayar ternama di Kemboja, Vietnam dan Cina dengan Alam Melayu. Apabila kedatangan penjajah British di negeri-negeri Melayu, laluan ini terus digunakan sebagai laluan penting yang menghubungkan negeri-negeri pantai Barat dengan pantai Timur. Langkah pihak British memperhebatkan eksploitasi ekonomi di pantai barat semenanjung ia turut mendatangkan kesan peningkatan jumlah penduduk, mereka juga memerlukan kawasan pantai timur untuk menyediakan bekalan makanan dan juga aktiviti sokongan kepada kawasan pantai Barat. Keadaan ini ditambah pula dengan pengenalan kapalwap (steamships) yang telah memberi kesan kerancakan kegiatan pengangkutan marin terutamanya sekitar abad ke 18. Sehubungan dengan itu, artikel ini akan menghuraikan bentuk dan perkembangan pengangkutan marin di sekitar pantai timur Tanah Melayu semenjak dari awal lagi. Ianya bertujuan membuktikan bahawa kawasan perairan pantai timur Tanah Melayu adalah merupakan kawasan kegiatan marin yang penting semenjak dahulu lagi

    The X-Factor Profile Characteristics of English Language Teachers in Non-Native Setting

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    Phrases such as ‘learning English is fun’ or ‘English is fun’ are often heard when one speaks about learning English especially in a context where English is not the mother tongue of the learners. What about when the focus shifts to English language teachers on the other hand, who are non-native speakers of English? The focus on the teacher other than the curriculum, syllabus, material and pedagogy needs considerable attention in promoting effective English language learning. What are the profile characteristics of an English teacher that can help most importantly first boost the students’ motivation and interest to learn English. Studies have explored in general the characteristics of effective language teachers but to what extent has it identified the ‘X’ factors. This paper addresses a discussion on the the profile characteristics of specifically non –native English language teachers. It focuses on the relevance of the ‘qualities’ of English language teachers’ in relations to English teacher attributes specifically.We gathered the views and opinions of English language instructors teaching English at one of the local higher institutions who are non-native and who have had twenty years’ experience in the field of ELT (English Language Teaching) on what they believe is the X factor characteristics profile of an English language teacher

    The X-Factor Profile Characteristics of English Language Teachers in Non-Native Setting

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    Phrases such as ‘learning English is fun’ or ‘English is fun’ are often heard when one speaks about learning English especially in a context where English is not the mother tongue of the learners. What about when the focus shifts to English language teachers on the other hand, who are non-native speakers of English? The focus on the teacher other than the curriculum, syllabus, material and pedagogy needs considerable attention in promoting effective English language learning. What are the profile characteristics of an English teacher that can help most importantly first boost the students’ motivation and interest to learn English. Studies have explored in general the characteristics of effective language teachers but to what extent has it identified the ‘X’ factors. This paper addresses a discussion on the the profile characteristics of specifically non –native English language teachers. It focuses on the relevance of the ‘qualities’ of English language teachers’ in relations to English teacher attributes specifically.We gathered the views and opinions of English language instructors teaching English at one of the local higher institutions who are non-native and who have had twenty years’ experience in the field of ELT (English Language Teaching) on what they believe is the X factor characteristics profile of an English language teacher