100 research outputs found

    Development of control strategies for Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus.

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    Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, is one of the most important farmed fish globally. One of the most serious bacterial diseases constraining global tilapia production is Francisellosis caused by Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis (Fno). Although outbreaks of Fno are increasing worldwide, there are no licenced commercial vaccines to prevent the disease for use on tilapia farms. Thus, the current treatment of choice is the use of antibiotics combined with increasing water temperature up to 30C. Studies investigating the diversity of circulating Fno isolates and the immune response of tilapia elicited by vaccination against piscine francisellosis are lacking. In addition, the current conventional and molecular tools used for detection of Fno have many drawbacks, making detection of Fno a challenging process. In this study, five clinical isolates of Fno from diverse geographical locations (UK, Costa Rica, Mexico, Japan and Austria), previously characterised by morphology, genotype, antimicrobial susceptibility and virulence, were used in a proteomic study. The whole proteomic cell profile of the five isolates were homogenous by one-dimension sodium dodecyl polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1D-SDS-PAGE), while minor differences in the intensity of 15 proteins between the strains were observed by two-dimension SDS-PAGE (2DE), including some important virulence related proteins. The UK isolate was the most significantly different isolate when compared to the other Fno isolates in the current study. The Fno UK isolate had significantly higher abundance of 10/15 of the significantly expressed proteins including four of the essential pathogenicity and virulence related proteins (IglC, GroEL, DnaK, ClpB) compared to the other used Fno isolates. The antigenic profiles of the five Fno isolates were studied by 1D western blotting using tilapia hyper immune sera which recognised an immunodominant band of a molecular weight of ~ 17-28 kDa in all tested Fno isolates. Liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI/MS/MS) identified 47 proteins in this antigenic band. Some of the identified proteins are associated with Fno pathogenicity. 2D western blot analysis of the vaccine isolate (Fno UK) revealed differential antigen recognition between sera from vaccinated and non-vaccinated fish following experimental challenge (26 antigenic spots recognised by sera from vaccinated fish; 31 antigenic spots recognised by sera from vaccinated and challenged fish and 30 antigenic spots recognised by non-vaccinated and challenged fish). The identity of these proteins was determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) and some of them are known Francisella virulence related proteins. Bioinformatics analyses revealed diverse categories of proteins with high biological functions, however the vast majority of these proteins are involved in energy production and metabolic pathways of the bacteria. This detailed analysis will facilitate the development of cross-strain protective subunit Fno vaccines and antigen-targeted Fno diagnostics. The outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of the same five Fno isolates were extracted using the ionic detergent sarkosyl. The OMP fraction of the different isolates were separated via 1D-SDS PAGE and the digested peptides of the UK isolate were analysed by LC/ESI/MS/MS. High degree of similarity was observed in the OMP profile of the five Fno isolates with an abundant protein band at 17-28 kDa, which was found to be antigenic by 1D western blot using convalescent tilapia sera. LC/ESI/MS/MS analysis of the OMPs of the Fno UK isolate identified 239 proteins, including 44 proteins in the antigenic band (17-28 kDa). Comparison between the proteins identified in the immunogenic band of whole cell lysate and OMP fraction of the Fno UK isolate showed 30 common proteins between the two preparations, 17 proteins were identified only in the whole cell extract and 14 were identified only in OMP fraction. Outer membrane proteins (e.g. Omp-A), virulence related proteins such (e.g. IglC) and other stress related proteins (e.g. AhpC/TSA family peroxiredoxin) were more abundant in the OMP fraction than the whole cell lysate. In silico analysis enabled prediction of the function and location of the OMPs identified by Mass-spectrometry. The findings of this study provide preliminary data on bacterial surface proteins that exist in direct contact with the host immune defence during infection and offering an insight into their potential role as novel targets for Fno diagnostics and vaccine development. The efficacy of an injectable whole cell oil-adjuvanted vaccine was evaluated against challenge with heterologous Fno isolates in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Three duplicate groups of 130 healthy Nile tilapia (~15 g) were intraperitoneally (i.p.) injected with the vaccine, adjuvant-alone or PBS followed by an i.p. challenge with three Fno isolates from geographically distinct locations. The vaccine provided significant protection to all immunised tilapia groups with a significantly higher relative percent survival (RPS) of 82.3% against homologous challenge, compared to 69.8% and 65.9% after heterologous challenge. Protection correlated with significantly elevated specific antibody responses and western blot analysis demonstrated cross-isolate antigenicity with sera from fish post-vaccination and post-challenge. Moreover, a significantly lower bacterial burden was detected by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) in conjunction with significantly greater expression of IgM, IL-1β, TNF- and MHCII 72 hours post-vaccination (hpv) in spleen samples from vaccinated tilapia compared to those of adjuvant-alone and control fish. The latter results suggested stimulation of protective immune responses following vaccination. In addition, a whole cell formalin killed autogenous immersion vaccine against Fno was developed using the same isolate used for the injectable vaccine. Duplicate tanks of 35 tilapia fry were immersed in the vaccine or in sterile Modified Muller Hinton broth (MMHB) diluted in tank water (1:10 dilution) for 30 s and at 30 days post-vaccination (dpv), all fish groups were immersion challenged with the homologous Fno isolate and monitored for 21 days. A moderate RPS of 43.7% was provided by the vaccine. Serum IgM levels were below the threshold in 30 % of the vaccinated fry 30 dpv. Also, the IgM levels of the vaccinated fry were not significantly different from control fry 21 days-post challenge. A recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assay was developed and validated for rapid detection of Fno. The RPA reaction was performed at a constant temperature of 42C for 20 min. The RPA assay was performed using a quantitative plasmid standard containing a unique Fno gene sequence. Validation of the assay was performed not only by using DNA from Fno, closely related Francisella species and other common bacterial pathogens in fish farms, but also by screening 78 Nile tilapia and 5 water samples collected from UK and Thailand. All results were compared with those obtained by previously established real-time qPCR. The developed RPA showed high specificity in detection of Fno with no cross-detection of either the closely related Francisella spp. or the other species of bacteria tested. The Fno-RPA performance was highly comparable to the published qPCR with detection limits at 15 and 11 DNA molecules detected, respectively. The Fno-RPA was rapid, giving results in approximately 6 min in contrast to the qPCR that required approximately 90 min to reach the same detection limits. Moreover, the RPA was more tolerant to reaction inhibitors than qPCR when tested with field samples. The fast reaction, simplicity, cost-effectiveness, sensitivity and specificity make the RPA an attractive diagnostic tool that will contribute to control the infection through prompt on-site detection of Fno. The overall results of this study indicated that Fno isolates from different origins share a high degree of homology in their proteomic and antigenic profile. Proteomic characterisation data of Fno isolates has contributed to understanding the diversity of Fno isolates and assisted in identifying suitable candidates for developing an effective Fno vaccine. Moreover, this study has proven the efficacy of a cross protective Fno injection vaccine in tilapia fingerlings, with further optimisation needed for immersion vaccination of fry, and given insights into the immune response of tilapia to vaccination against francisellosis. In addition, it provided a rapid, sensitive, specific and robust molecular tool for detection of Fno that can assist surveillance and control of piscine francisellosis on tilapia farms

    Larva of greater wax moth Galleria mellonella is a suitable alternative host for the fish pathogen Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis

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    Background Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis (Fno) is the etiological agent of francisellosis in cultured warm water fish, such as tilapia. Antibiotics are administered to treat the disease but a better understanding of Fno infection biology will inform improved treatment and prevention measures. However, studies with native hosts are costly and considerable benefits would derive from access to a practical alternative host. Here, larvae of Galleria mellonella were assessed for suitability to study Fno virulence. Results Larvae were killed by Fno in a dose-dependent manner but the insects could be rescued from lethal doses of bacteria by antibiotic therapy. Infection progression was assessed by histopathology (haematoxylin and eosin staining, Gram Twort and immunohistochemistry) and enumeration of bacteria recovered from the larval haemolymph on selective agar. Fno was phagocytosed and could survive intracellularly, which is consistent with observations in fish. Virulence of five Fno isolates showed strong agreement between G. mellonella and red Nile tilapia hosts. Conclusions This study shows that an alternative host, G. mellonella, can be applied to understand Fno infections, which will assist efforts to identify solutions to piscine francisellosis thus securing the livelihoods of tilapia farmers worldwide and ensuring the production of this important food source

    Skin mucus proteins of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in response to mucosal vaccination and challenge with Flavobacterium psychrophilum

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    First paragraph: Flavobacterium psychrophilum is one of the most important pathogens affecting rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) worldwide at the fry stage of their life cycle. Studies have shown disruption of the fish's skin mucus to be a critical element in the establishment of F. psychrophilum infection in rainbow trout (Henriksen et al., 2013; Madetoja et al., 2000; Martínez et al., 2004). Mucus is the first barrier (biochemical and physical) of the fish, playing a vital role in the protection against pathogens, and contains various antibacterial and inflammatory factors such as lysozyme, immunoglobulin, complement, lectins, acute-phase proteins and proteases (Shunsuke, 2016; Subramanian et al., 2007). Furthermore, the study of external fish mucus provides non-lethal alternatives for the early detection of infections

    Efficacy of an inactivated whole-cell injection vaccine for nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L), against multiple isolates of Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis from diverse geographical regions

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    Francisellosis, induced by Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis (Fno), is an emerging bacterial disease representing a major threat to the global tilapia industry. There are no commercialised vaccines presently available against francisellosis for use in farmed tilapia, and the only available therapeutic practices used in the field are either the prolonged use of antibiotics or increasing water temperature. Recently, an autogenous whole cell-adjuvanted injectable vaccine was developed that gave 100% relative percent survival (RPS) in tilapia challenged with a homologous isolate of Fno. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of this vaccine against challenge with heterologous Fno isolates. Healthy Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (∼15 g) were injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with the vaccine, adjuvant-alone or phosphate buffer saline (PBS) followed by an i.p. challenge with three Fno isolates from geographically distinct locations. The vaccine provided significant protection in all groups of vaccinated tilapia, with a significantly higher RPS of 82.3% obtained against homologous challenge, compared to 69.8% and 65.9% with the heterologous challenges. Protection correlated with significantly higher specific antibody responses, and western blot analysis demonstrated cross-isolate antigenicity with fish sera post-vaccination and post-challenge. Moreover, a significantly lower bacterial burden was detected by qPCR in conjunction with significantly greater expression of IgM, IL-1 β, TNF-α and MHCII, 72 h post-vaccination (hpv) in spleen samples from vaccinated tilapia compared to fish injected with adjuvant-alone and PBS. The Fno vaccine described in this study may provide a starting point for development a broad-spectrum highly protective vaccine against francisellosis in tilapia

    A Polyphasic Approach for Phenotypic and Genetic Characterization of the Fastidious Aquatic Pathogen Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis

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    Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis (Fno) is the causative agent of piscine francisellosis, an emerging infectious disease in Asia and Latin America. In this study two outbreaks of francisellosis were diagnosed in the UK on the basis of histopathology, electron microscopy, PCR, bacterial isolation and fulfilment of Koch’s postulates. Furthermore, a phenotypic fingerprint based on biochemical analyses, metabolic activity, chemotaxonomic composition and antimicrobial assays was generated for the novel isolates, the Fno type strain Ehime-1 from Asia and other Fno from Latin America. The genetic relatedness between the novel Fno and other Francisellaceae species was investigated by sequencing and comparing 8 housekeeping genes and the 16S rRNA-ITS-23S rRNA sequence. The phenotypic profiling indicated a high degree of similarity between the Fno taxon as all were able to metabolise dextrin, N-acetyl-D glucosamine, D-fructose, α-D-glucose, D-mannose, methyl pyruvate, acetic acid, α-keto butyric acid, L-alaninamide, L-alanine, L-alanylglycine, L-asparagine, L-glutamic acid, L-proline, L-serine, L-threonine, inosine, uridine, glycerol, D L-α-glycerol phosphate, glucose-1-phosphate and glucose-6-phosphate. The chemotaxonomic analyses indicated that 24:1 (20.3%), 18:1n-9 (16.9%), 24:0 (13.1%) 14:0 (10.9%), 22:0 (7.8%), 16:0 (7.6%) and 18:0 (5.5%) were the predominant structural fatty acids in Fno. The antimicrobial assays showed little variation between the isolates and high susceptibility to enrofloxacin, gentamicin, neomycin, streptomycin, amikacin, ciprofloxacin, gatifloxacin, nitrofurantoin, tobramycin, kanamycin, tetracycline, oxytetracycline, florfenicol, oxolinic acid and streptomycin in all the Fno analysed. In all the phylogenetic trees the Fno strains clustered together in independent branches confirming a high degree of homogeneity. Interestingly in five of the individual trees i.e mutS, putA, rpoB, the concatenated sequence and 16S rRNA-ITS-23S rRNA genes the two Francisella noatunensis ssp. diverged more from each other than from the closely related human pathogen Francisella philomiragia (Fp). The phenotypic and genetic characterisation confirmed the Fno isolates represent a solid phylo-phenetic taxon that in the current context of the genus seems to be misplaced within the species Fn. We propose the use of the present polyphasic approach in future studies to characterise strains of Fnn and Fp and verify their current taxonomic rank of Fno

    Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Pathology and 2-Year Postsurgical Recurrence of Breast Cancer in Kenyan Women

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    Purpose: The goal of this study was to describe the pathologic findings and early follow-up experience of patients who underwent a sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) at Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH) between 2008 and 2017. Patients and Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of women with breast cancer who underwent an SLNB at AKUH between 2008 and 2017. The SLNB was performed on patients with stage I and stage II breast cancer, and identification of the sentinel lymph node was made by radioactive tracer, blue dye, or both, per availability and surgeon preference. Demographic, surgical, and pathologic data, including immunohistochemistry of the surgical sample for estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, were abstracted from the patient records. Follow-up data were available for a subset of patients. Results: Between 2008 and 2017, six surgeons performed SLNBs on 138 women, 129 of whom had complete records and were included in the study. Thirty-one of 129 (24%) had a positive SLNB, including 10 of 73 (14%) with stage I and 21 of 56 (38%) with stage II disease. Seventy-eight patients (60%) received systemic adjuvant chemotherapy and 79 (62%) received radiation therapy, and of the 102 patients who were estrogen receptor positive, 86 (85%) received endocrine therapy. Seventy-nine patients were observed for \u3e 2 years, and, of these, four (5.1%) had a regional recurrence. Conclusion: The SLNB positivity rates were similar to those of high-income country (HIC) cohorts. However, preliminary data suggest that recurrence rates are elevated at AKUH as compared with those of HIC cohorts, perhaps because of a lower use of radiotherapy and chemotherapy at AKUH compared with HIC cohorts or because of differences in the characteristics of the primary tumor in patients at AKUH as compared with those in HICs

    Development of a Recombinase Polymerase Amplification Assay for Rapid Detection of Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis

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    Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis (Fno) is the causative agent of piscine francisellosis in warm water fish including tilapia. The disease induces chronic granulomatous inflammation with high morbidity and can result in high mortality. Early and accurate detection of Fno is crucial to set appropriate outbreak control measures in tilapia farms. Laboratory detection of Fno mainly depends on bacterial culture and molecular techniques. Recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) is a novel isothermal technology that has been widely used for the molecular diagnosis of various infectious diseases. In this study, a recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assay for rapid detection of Fno was developed and validated. The RPA reaction was performed at a constant temperature of 42 degreesC for 20 min. The RPA assay was performed using a quantitative plasmid standard containing a unique Fno gene sequence. Validation of the assay was performed not only by using DNA from Fno, closely related Francisella species and other common bacterial pathogens in tilapia farms, but also by screening 78 Nile tilapia and 5 water samples. All results were compared with those obtained by previously established real-time qPCR. The developed RPA showed high specificity in detection of Fno with no cross-detection of either the closely related Francisella spp. or the other tested bacteria. The Fno-RPA performance was highly comparable to the published qPCR with detection limits at 15 and 11 DNA molecules detected, respectively. The RPA gave quicker results in approximately 6 min in contrast to the qPCR that needed about 90 min to reach the same detection limit, taking only 2.7- 3 min to determine Fno in clinical samples. Moreover, RPA was more tolerant to reaction inhibitors than qPCR when tested with field samples. The fast reaction, simplicity, cost-effectiveness, sensitivity and specificity make the RPA an attractive diagnostic 41 tool that will contribute to controlling the infection through prompt on-site detection of Fno

    Pathology, microbiology, and genetic diversity associated with Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae and novel Erysipelothrix spp. infections in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis)

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    Erysipelothrix spp., including E. rhusiopathiae, are zoonotic bacterial pathogens that can cause morbidity and mortality in mammals, fish, reptiles, birds, and humans. The southern sea otter (SSO; Enhydra lutris nereis) is a federally-listed threatened species for which infectious disease is a major cause of mortality. We estimated the frequency of detection of these opportunistic pathogens in dead SSOs, described pathology associated with Erysipelothrix infections in SSOs, characterized the genetic diversity and antimicrobial susceptibility of SSO isolates, and evaluated the virulence of two novel Erysipelothrix isolates from SSOs using an in vivo fish model. From 1998 to 2021 Erysipelothrix spp. were isolated from six of >500 necropsied SSOs. Erysipelothrix spp. were isolated in pure culture from three cases, while the other three were mixed cultures. Bacterial septicemia was a primary or contributing cause of death in five of the six cases. Other pathology observed included suppurative lymphadenopathy, fibrinosuppurative arteritis with thrombosis and infarction, bilateral uveitis and endophthalmitis, hypopyon, petechia and ecchymoses, mucosal infarction, and suppurative meningoencephalitis and ventriculitis. Short to long slender Gram-positive or Gram-variable bacterial rods were identified within lesions, alone or with other opportunistic bacteria. All six SSO isolates had the spaA genotype–four isolates clustered with spaA E. rhusiopathiae strains from various terrestrial and marine animal hosts. Two isolates did not cluster with any known Erysipelothrix spp.; whole genome sequencing revealed a novel Erysipelothrix species and a novel E. rhusiopathiae subspecies. We propose the names Erysipelothrix enhydrae sp. nov. and Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae ohloneorum ssp. nov. respectively. The type strains are E. enhydrae UCD-4322-04 and E. rhusiopathiae ohloneorum UCD-4724-06, respectively. Experimental injection of tiger barbs (Puntigrus tetrazona) resulted in infection and mortality from the two novel Erysipelothrix spp. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Erysipelothrix isolates from SSOs shows similar susceptibility profiles to isolates from other terrestrial and aquatic animals. This is the first description of the pathology, microbial characteristics, and genetic diversity of Erysipelothrix isolates recovered from diseased SSOs. Methods presented here can facilitate case recognition, aid characterization of Erysipelothrix isolates, and illustrate assessment of virulence using fish models
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