314 research outputs found

    Efficient algorithms for a class of partitioning problems

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    The problem of optimally partitioning the modules of chain- or tree-like tasks over chain-structured or host-satellite multiple computer systems is addressed. This important class of problems includes many signal processing and industrial control applications. Prior research has resulted in a succession of faster exact and approximate algorithms for these problems. Polynomial exact and approximate algorithms are described for this class that are better than any of the previously reported algorithms. The approach is based on a preprocessing step that condenses the given chain or tree structured task into a monotonic chain or tree. The partitioning of this monotonic take can then be carried out using fast search techniques

    Transcranial direct current stimulation and stroke recovery: opportunities and challenges

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    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is one type of neuromodulation, which is an emerging technology that holds promise for the future studies on therapeutic and diagnosis applications in treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases. However, there is a serious question among developing countries with limited financial and human resources, about the potential returns of an investment in this field and regarding the best time to transfer this technology from controlled experimental settings to health systems in the public and private sectors. This article reviews the tDCS as tools of neuromodulation for stroke and discusses the opportunities and challenges available for clinicians and researchers interested in advancing neuromodulation therapy. The aim of this review is to highlight the usefulness of tDCS and to generate an interest that will lead to appropriate studies that assess the true clinical value of tDCS for brain diseases in developing countries. Methods: Literature review was done on PubMed from 2016 on neuromodulation in under-developed countries (UDCs) by non-invasive brain stimulation methods, using the key words “stroke”, “rehabilitation”, and “tDCS”. Results: We first identified articles and websites, of which were further selected for extensive analysis mainly based on clinical relevance, study quality and reliability, and date of publication. Conclusion: Despite the promising results obtained with tDCS in basic and clinical neuroscience, further progress has been impeded by a lack of clarity to use in mostly UDCs

    Dynamic Properties of an Aggregate Econometric Model of Pakistan's Economy

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    The use of econometric models for policy planning and decision-making is wide-spread in many developed as well as developing countries. One of the most vexing problems of such an exercise is to construct a model that could adequately reproduce the dynamic behaviour of an economy. The recent experience in modelling has shown that policy objectives could be achieved only by recognising the complex relationship between real and monetary variables. Such an integrated framework .could be used not only to compute impact and dynamic multipliers and to determine the stability of the model, but also to evaluate the relative importance offiscal and monetary policies. In the present paper, this objective is achieved by constructing a linear yet dynamic macro-econometric model of Pakistan's economy.' This model although has a Keynesian structure, but it could easily and meaningfully be solved to determine the values of endogenous variables especially income in terms of pure exogenous variables. In order to establish the dynamic stability of the model, we seek to present the "necessary conditions" that will depend not only on the structure of the model, but also on the estimated paramters of structural equations. After establishing the stability of the model, the next step is policy evaluation. In this regard the impact and the dynamic multipliers will be computed. These multipliers will then be used to assess the relative importance of fiscal and monetary policy variables on income and other dependent variables such as consumption and investment. The time period under consideration ranges between 1959-60 and 1987-88 which includes dramatic events like two wars with India, nationalisation, the oil price hike, recession and floods

    Calidad y seguridad microbiológica de aceites extraídos de semillas de almendras (Prunus dulcis Mill.) sometidas a radiación gamma

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    The physicochemical attributes and microbial decontamination of oils extracted from gamma-irradiated almond (Mission and Price varieties) seeds, to the absorbed doses of 2-10 kGy, have been evaluated. Gamma irradiation exerted no considerable effect on the proximate seed composition. The physicochemical properties such as density and refractive index of the oils, extracted from gammairradieted seeds, were almost unaffected; the iodine value decreased while saponification value, unsaponifiable matter and free fatty acids increased. The oxidative status and tocopherol content of almond oils were negatively affected while the fatty acid profile slightly changed due to irradiation stress. Interestingly, these effects on the oil quality attributes were more pronounced at higher irradiation doses (> 6 kGy). Besides, microbial contamination was completely eliminated in the oils irradiated to an absorbed dose of 6.0 kGy. It could be concluded from the present findings that irradiation has a considerably positive or negative effect on some attributes of the almond oil. Therefore, an appropriate magnitude of gamma irradiation should be exercised to treat almond seeds in order to retain maximum nutritive benefits.Se ha evaluado las caracteristicas fisico-químicas y la descontaminación microbiana de aceites extraídos de semillas de almendras (variedades Misión y Price) gamma-irradiadas a dosis absorbidas de 2-10 kGy. La radiación gamma no ejerce ningún efecto considerable en la composición próximal de las semillas. Las características fisico-químicas tales como la densidad y el índice de refracción de los aceites, extraídos a partir de semillas gamma-irradiadas, permanecieron casi sin afectar; el índice de yodo disminuye mientras que el valor de saponificación, la materia insaponificable y los ácidos grasos libres aumentan. El estado oxidativo y el contenido de tocoferoles de los aceites de almendra se vieron afectados negativamente, mientras que el perfil de ácidos grasos se modifica ligeramente debido al estrés de la radiación. Curiosamente, los efectos sobre los atributos de calidad del aceite fueron más pronunciados a dosis de radiación más altas (> 6 kGy). Además, la contaminación microbiana se eliminó por completo en los aceites irradiados a una dosis absorbida de 6,0 kGy. Se puede concluir a partir de los presentes hallazgos que la radiación tiene un efecto positivo o negativo considerable en algunos atributos de la aceite de almendras. Por lo tanto, se debe aplicar una magnitud apropiada de radiación gamma para el tratamiento de semillas de almendra con el fin de retener los máximos beneficios nutritivos


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    A pot experiment was carried out to monitor the growth characteristics of wheat Blue Silver and rice KS 282 during reclamation of a saline-sodic soil (pHs 8.6, EC 21 dS m-l, SAR 183.7, GR 5.6 me 100 g-l) using brackish waser (EC 2 dS mol SAR 12, RSC 3 meL-I) having Ca:Mg ratios of 1:4 and 1:6. The soil received ph osphogypsum @ 50 and 100% of soil GR or FYM @ 10 and 20 tons per acre. Canal water alone served as the control. The results showed that high Mg in irrigation water tended to adversely affect the growth components of wheat and rice. Application of phosphogypsum at both the rates and with both the Ca:Mg ratio waters counteracted the ill-effects of Mg in water better than [he FYM~Concentnltlon of Na, Mg and Cl increased but that of Ca decreased with irrigation water having Ca:Mg ratio of 1:6 in both grain and straw of wheat and rice. The application of phosphogypsum antagonized the assimilation of the ions by plants in a better way than . the I FYM. These ions were in much higher concentration in the straw than that in grain or paddy but remained lower than their critical levels in both the plant organs