53 research outputs found

    Improving Patient Care with Machine Learning: A Game-Changer for Healthcare

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    Machine learning has revolutionized the field of healthcare by offering tremendous potential to improve patient care across various domains. This research study aimed to explore the impact of machine learning in healthcare and identify key findings in several areas.Machine learning algorithms demonstrated the ability to detect diseases at an early stage and facilitate accurate diagnoses by analyzing extensive medical data, including patient records, lab results, imaging scans, and genetic information. This capability holds the potential to improve patient outcomes and increase survival rates.The study highlighted that machine learning can generate personalized treatment plans by analyzing individual patient data, considering factors such as medical history, genetic information, and treatment outcomes. This personalized approach enhances treatment effectiveness, reduces adverse events, and contributes to improved patient outcomes.Predictive analytics utilizing machine learning techniques showed promise in patient monitoring by leveraging real-time data such as vital signs, physiological information, and electronic health records. By providing early warnings, healthcare providers can proactively intervene, preventing adverse events and enhancing patient safety.Machine learning played a significant role in precision medicine and drug discovery. By analyzing vast biomedical datasets, including genomics, proteomics, and clinical trial information, machine learning algorithms identified novel drug targets, predicted drug efficacy and toxicity, and optimized treatment regimens. This accelerated drug discovery process holds the potential to provide more effective and personalized treatment options.The study also emphasized the value of machine learning in pharmacovigilance and adverse event detection. By analyzing the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) big data, machine learning algorithms uncovered hidden associations between drugs, medical products, and adverse events, aiding in early detection and monitoring of drug-related safety issues. This finding contributes to improved patient safety and reduced occurrences of adverse events.The research demonstrated the remarkable potential of machine learning in medical imaging analysis. Deep learning algorithms trained on large datasets were able to detect abnormalities in various medical images, facilitating faster and more accurate diagnoses. This technology reduces human error and ultimately leads to improved patient outcomes.While machine learning offers immense benefits, ethical considerations such as patient privacy, algorithm bias, and transparency must be addressed for responsible implementation. Healthcare professionals should remain central to decision-making processes, utilizing machine learning as a tool to enhance their expertise rather than replace it. This study showcases the transformative potential of machine learning in revolutionizing healthcare and improving patient care

    A study of English teachers and students’ perception about the differences between annual and semester system of education at postgraduate level in Mardan

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    AbstractThis research study tried to seek the perception of English teachers and students’ about the differences between Annual and Semester system in terms of students’ learning strategies at postgraduate level. A public sector university in Mardan (established in February 2009) provided the researchers a population who were new to Semester system and who had been seeking education in Annual system before joining it. In order to achieve the objective of the study, a questionnaire was distributed among a randomly selected 120 students having experience of both the educational systems, and interviews with 10 teachers were conducted to record their perception towards both systems of education.The analysis of the data got from both the tools showed that there was found a significant difference between Annual and Semester system in terms of students learning strategies. In Annual system students used to get ample time to master the target subjects, whereas in Semester system, the students had to synthesize the subjects and were not only made to undergo rigorous evaluation in terms of both intellectual and emotional growth

    Operation Geronimo: Assassination of Osama Bin Ladin and its implications on the US-Pakistan relations, War on Terror, Pakistan and Al-Qaeda

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    The month of May 2011 witnessed the killing of the world’s most wanted man, Osama Bin Laden (OBL) inside Pakistan. It has been reported that Osama was living in Abbottabad for the last five years, near a Pakistan military academy. The US Navy Seal team, in a commando action called “Operation Geronimo” killed him and took his body with them. As the operation was conducted without prior information to the government of Pakistan, it has brought the two countries relations to an all-time low. There have also been reports that the US troops will be deployed in Pakistan if the nation’s nuclear installations come under threat from terrorists out to avenge the killing of OBL (Sunday Express, 15 May, 2011). This has further increased tension between the US and Pakistan. In this paper, an effort has been made to give a brief background of Al-Qaeda as an organization and to find out implications of the death of Osama Bin Ladin on the Pak-US relations, War on Terror (WOT), Pakistan and Al-Qaeda


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    This is a case report of Pneumatosis intestinalis (PI), which has traditionally been associated with immediate operative intervention and a high mortality rate. We present a case of ulcerative colitis that developed Pneumatosis intestinalis and was managed at our hospital. A 29 year old male with known history of ulcerative colitis presented with an acute exacerbation. A week into his treatment, PI developed. Emergency total colectomy with end ileostomy was performed. Postoperatively, he remained critically ill and expired during same hospitalization after 45 days.Key words: Pneumatosis intestinalis, Ulcerative Colitis, Adalumima

    The Characteristic Traits of Terrorism and Interpretation of Jihad by Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in the Pak-Afghan Society

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    Counterinsurgency description is attaining impetus, as Pakhtun territory in Afghanistan and Pakistan remains engulfed in conflict. The War on Terror announced in the US just after 9/11 is fought in the region with full force and might. However, the use of excessive military force has yet not mustered positive results. Operation Geronimo (killing of Osama Bin Ladin) could not gain any sympathies for the allies; rather Pakhtuns are angry over the violation of their territorial integrity. Focusing upon them (Al Qaeda and the Taliban), it will become clear how the two perceive terrorism and Jihad with their varying attitudes towards one another vis-a-vis Pakhtun society. Terrorism does not have static characteristics; tactics employed and targets adopted have evolved over time. The Taliban and Al Qaeda’s interpretation of jihad, and the conviction and tactics of their undertakings command similar influence over the Pakhtun society in particular and the international community in general.&nbsp

    Overhead Based Cluster Scheduling of Mixed Criticality Systems on Multicore Platform

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    The cluster-based technique is gaining focus for scheduling tasks of mixed-criticality (MC) real-time multicore systems. In this technique, the cores of the MC system are distributed in groups known as clusters. When all cores are distributed in clusters, the tasks are partitioned into clusters, which are scheduled on the cores within each cluster using a global approach. In this study, a cluster-based technique is adopted for scheduling tasks of real-time mixed-criticality systems (MCS). The Decreasing Criticality Decreasing Utilization with the worst-fit (DCDU-WF) technique is used for partitioning of tasks to clusters, whereas a novel mixed-criticality cluster-based boundary fair (MC-Bfair) scheduling approach is used for scheduling tasks on cores within clusters. The MC-Bfair scheduling algorithm reduces the number context switches and migration of tasks, which minimizes the overhead of mixed-criticality tasks. The migration and context switch overhead time is added at the time of each migration and context switch respectively for a task. In low critical mode, the low mode context switch and migration overhead time is added to task execution time, while the high mode overhead time of migration and context switch is added to the execution time of a task in high critical mode. The results obtained from experiments show the better schedulablity performance of proposed cluster-based technique as compared to cluster-based fixed priority (CB-FP), MC-EKG-VD-1, global and partitioned scheduling techniques e.g., for target utilization U=0.6, the proposed technique schedule 66.7% task sets while MC-EKG-VD-1, CB-FP, partitioned and global techniques schedule 50%, 33.3%, 16.7% and 0% task sets respectively

    Surgical Outcome of Organised Chronic Subdural Hematoma With Internal Septae in a Tertiary Care Hospital

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    Objective: This study presented the surgical outcome of craniotomy and membranectomy (outer membrane excision) for the organized Chronic Subdural Hematoma (OCSDH) which have already developed thick internal septations.Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed a series of consecutive patients operated via.craniotomy method for OCSDH in Neurosurgery Department Hayat Abad Medical Complex. Patients with both genders and all ages diagnosed as OCSDH with septae either diagnosed preoperatively via imaging CT/MRI or intraoperatively while getting operated by single burhole drain or two burhole wash method were enrolled in the study and operated via craniotomy/outer membranectomy method.  All data was recorded in pre-formed Performa and demographics, clinical data analysed to quantify outcomes statistically.Results: Total 30 patients were operated in the 3 years study duration. Post-operative Recurrence of symptomatic hematoma was seen in only one patient, i.e. 3.33% and hence 29 (96.66%) had excellent outcome and remained symptom free at 6month followup visit. Out of 30 cases, we operated 27 (90%) were males and 3 (10%) were females, most of the cases were in the elderly age group (sixty five years was the mean age). Six cases (20%) had postoperative new onset seizures, all these patients were seizures free at 1month follow-up. Our three patients (10%) had a superficial wound infection.Conclusion: Craniotomy and outer membranectomy is a safe procedure for the management of OCSDH offering good results and fewer/no recurrence, unless the adherent inner (cortical) membrane removal is attempted, which may result in new onset seizures and neurological deficits
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