25,068 research outputs found

    The power of neural nets

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    Implementation of the Hopfield net which is used in the image processing type of applications where only partial information about the image may be available is discussed. The image classification type of algorithm of Hopfield and other learning algorithms, such as the Boltzmann machine and the back-propagation training algorithm, have many vital applications in space

    Vendor-buyer ordering policy when demand is trapezoidal

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    A joint vendor-buyer strategy is analyzed which is beneficial to both the players in the supply chain. The demand is assumed to be trapezoidal. It is established numerically that the joint venture decreases the total cost of the supply chain when compared with the independent decision of the buyer. To entice the buyer to order more units, a permissible credit period is offered by the vendor to the buyer. A negotiation factor is incorporated to share the cost savings

    A functional description of the Buffered Telemetry Demodulator (BTD)

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    This article gives a functional description of the buffered telemetry demodulator (BTD), which operates on recorded digital samples to extract the symbols from the received signal. The key advantages of the BTD are as follows: (1) its ability to reprocess the signal to reduce acquisition time; (2) its ability to use future information about the signal and to perform smoothing on past samples; and (3) its minimum transmission bandwidth requirement as each sub carrier harmonic is processed individually. The first application of the BTD would be the Galileo S-band contingency mission, where the signal is so weak that reprocessing to reduce the acquisition time is crucial. Moreover, in the event of employing antenna arraying with full spectrum combining, only the sub carrier harmonics need to be transmitted between sites, resulting in significant reduction in data rate transmission requirements. Software implementation of the BTD is described for various general-purpose computers

    Cholera toxin mediated regulation of the expression of Gq alpha and G11 alpha GTP binding proteins

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    Previously it has been shown that persistent activation of the stimulatory adenylyl cyclase pathway with cholera toxin (CT) downregulates the Gs alpha polypeptide (80%) in a cAMP-independent manner in C6 glioma cells (Shah, 1997). This study was conducted to examine the short and long term effects of CT on the regulation of pertussis toxin-sensitive and -insensitive G proteins and their transcripts in C6 glioma cells. Treatment of C6 cells with CT (100 ng/ml) up to 16 h had no effect on either Gi or Gq/11 alpha proteins. However, prolonged exposure (24-48 h) caused increased expression of Gi (20-30%) and Gq/11 alpha proteins (40%). Urea gradient gels, which can separate Gq alpha and G11 alpha proteins, revealed that prolonged CT treatment increased the expression of both of these G proteins. The CT-mediated enhanced expression of Gq alpha and G11 alpha proteins was accompanied by increased mRNA levels of these proteins as determined by RT/PCR. Cyclic-AMP elevating agents like forskolin (10 microM) and db-cAMP (1 mM) mimicked the effect of CT on Gi but not Gq/11 alpha proteins. These studies show long term cAMP-dependent regulation of Gi and cAMP-independent expression of Gq/11 alpha proteins in C6 glioma cells

    Scaling and Formulary cross sections for ion-atom impact ionization

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    The values of ion-atom ionization cross sections are frequently needed for many applications that utilize the propagation of fast ions through matter. When experimental data and theoretical calculations are not available, approximate formulas are frequently used. This paper briefly summarizes the most important theoretical results and approaches to cross section calculations in order to place the discussion in historical perspective and offer a concise introduction to the topic. Based on experimental data and theoretical predictions, a new fit for ionization cross sections is proposed. The range of validity and accuracy of several frequently used approximations (classical trajectory, the Born approximation, and so forth) are discussed using, as examples, the ionization cross sections of hydrogen and helium atoms by various fully stripped ions.Comment: 46 pages, 8 figure

    Phylogenomic and comparative genomic studies robustly demarcate two distinct clades of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains: proposal to transfer the strains from an outlier clade to a novel species Pseudomonas paraeruginosa sp. nov

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    The strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exhibit considerable differences in their genotypic and pathogenic properties. To clarify their evolutionary/taxonomic relationships, comprehensive phylogenomic and comparative genomic studies were conducted on the genome sequences of 212 P. aeruginosa strains covering their genetic diversity. In a phylogenomic tree based on 118 conserved proteins, the analysed strains formed two distinct clades. One of these clades, Clade- 1, encompassing >70 % of the strains including the type strain DSM 50071T, represents the species P. aeruginosa sensu stricto. Clade- 2, referred to in earlier work as the outlier group, with NCTC 13628T as its type strain, constitutes a novel species level lineage. The average nucleotide identity, average amino acid identity and digital DNA–DNA hybridization values between the strains from Clade- 1 and Clade- 2 are in the range of 93.4–93.7, 95.1–95.3 and 52–53 %, respectively. The 16S rRNA gene of P. aeruginosa DSM 50071T also shows 98.3 % similarity to that of NCTC13628T. These values are lower than the suggested cut- off values for species distinction, indicating that the Clade- 2 strains (NCTC 13628T) constitute a new species. We also report the identification of 12 conserved signature indels in different proteins and 24 conserved signature proteins that are exclusively found in either Clade- 1 or Clade- 2, providing a reliable means for distinguishing these clades. Additionally, in contrast to swimming motility, twitching motility is only present in Clade- 1 strains. Based on earlier work, the strains from these two clades also differ in their pathogenic mechanisms (presence/absence of Type III secretion system), production of biosurfactants, phenazines and siderophores, and several other genomic characteristics. Based on the evidence from different studies, we propose that the Clade- 2 strains constitute a novel species for which the name Pseudomonas paraeruginosa is proposed. The type strain is NCTC 13628T (=PA7T=ATCC 9027T). The description of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is also emended to include information for different molecular markers specific for this species
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