14 research outputs found


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    The importance of textbooks in the learning processes has been indicated among others in the wide attention from various parties, including the government and private sector. This study examined two English textbooks which are written for the 2013 curriculum. It particularly aims to investigate whether the content of the two English textbooks for eleventh grade of Senior High School, which are written for the 2013 Curriculum, i.e. the official English textbook published by the government and a commercial English textbook published by a private publisher, fulfilling textbook evaluation criteria proposed by the experts. This study also aims to investigate the differences found between these English textbooks. This study is in general qualitative. It bases its analysis on the textbook evaluation criteria proposed by Cunningsworth (1995), Harmer (2007b), and BSNP. The results show that both textbooks meet the criteria of a good EFL textbook in terms of aims, sequence, grammar content, topics, clarity of instructions, as well as durability and appearance. However, some weaknesses are found in both textbooks in terms of approach and technique in presenting new items, lack of vocabulary content, and the absence of recycling and revision processes. Moreover, this study also reveals some differences between these two English textbooks with regard to skills treatment, practical considerations, and topic selection. The findings lead to the conclusion that in general the two English textbooks meet the criteria of good EFL textbooks and they are also relevant to the 2013 curriculum. Therefore, it is recommended that these two English textbooks be used as teaching resources but efforts should be made to compensate for some weaknesses found.;---- Pentingnya buku teks telah dalam proses pembelajaran telah menjadi perhatian besar diantara berbagai pihak, termasuk pemerintah dan pihak swasta. Penelitian ini meneliti dua buku teks bahasa Inggris yang ditulis untuk kurikulum 2013. Penelitian ini khususnya bertujuan untuk meneliti isi dari dua buku teks bahasa Inggris untuk kelas XI SMA, yang ditulis untuk kurikulum 2013, yaitu buku teks bahasa inggris resmi yang diterbitkan oleh pemerintah dan buku teks bahasa inggris komersial yang diterbitkan oleh swasta, memenuhi kriteria penilaian buku teks berdasarkan para ahli. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk meneliti perbedaan yang ditemukan diantara kedua buku teks bahasa Inggris tersebut. Penelitian ini termasuk kedalam penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini berbasis pada kriteria penilaian buku teks yang dikemukakan oleh Cunningsworth (1995), Harmer (2007b), and BSNP. Hasil dari penilitian menunjukan bahwa kedua buku teks ini memenuhi kriteria buku teks EFL yang baik dalam hal tujuan, urutan, isi dari grammar, topic, kejelasan instruksi, juga keawetan dan penampilan. Namun, beberapa kelemahan juga ditemukan pada kedua buku ini dalam hal pendekatan dan teknik dalam menyajikan informasi baru, kurangnya materi vocabulary, dan tidak adanya proses recycling ada revision. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini juga menemukan beberapa perbedaan diantar kedua buku teks ini dalam hal penyajian skill, pertimbangan praktis, dan pemilihan topic. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengacu pada sebuah kesimpulan bahwa pada umumnya kedua buku teks Bahasa Inggris ini memenuhi kriteria dari buku teks EFL yang baik serta mereka juga relevan dengan kurikulum 2013. Oleh karena itu, kedua buku ini direkomendasikan untuk digunakan sebagai sumber pembelajaran namun beberapa usaha harus dilakukan untuk mengkompensasi kelemahan yang ditemukan

    The effect of using pronunciation applications on students' pronunciation abilities

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    ABSTRACTAs part of speaking skill, pronunciation has an important factor in learning English as a foreign language, especially in communication. In English communication, if our pronunciation is wrong or inappropriate the result will be miscommunication, even to the point of not conveying the purpose of communication in a conversation because the meaning of a word or sentence is not conveyed properly. So far, the steps for learning and modeling pronunciation in English are done directly or face-to-face. Lecturers and students also need appropriate learning media and support online learning to carry out this Pronunciation course. Regarding applications, the benefits of many applications that are suitable for learning English are; students can watch videos related to the topic, are able to save examples of learning materials, and are able to save the exercises they have done as learning evaluation material for teachers and students later. Applications which are appropriate are the methods which are not only support online learning but can also improve students' pronunciation skills. This study aims to determine whether or not using the pronunciation application have an significant effect on students' pronunciation abilities. This study is used one group pretest-posttest. This design analyzes the results of students' pronunciation abilities at the beginning and at the end of the lesson. The subjects of this study were undergraduate students of the English Education Study Program, FKIP University of Lampung. One class consists of 31 students who take pronunciation courses. Based on the data analysis, the researcher concludes that there is no significant difference of students pronunciation ability before and after taught using pronunciation applications. Meanwhile, we can say that there is slightly significant improvement between pretest of posttest of pronunciation test.Keywords: Application, Pronunciation, Pronunciation Abilitiesdoi: https://dx.doi.org/10.23960/UJET.v11.i1.20228

    The use of Wattpad media to increase students’ reading narrative text comprehension at SMK Miftahul Huda Cilegon

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    This research aims to find out i) the significant difference in students’ reading comprehension of narrative text after being taught by using Wattpad media ii) the students’ response in relation to the use of Wattpad. The subjects of the research were 21 students of SMK Miftahul Huda in the first-grade level as a sample by employing quantitative research with reading tests and questionnaires for the data collection. After analyzing the data, the results showed that the pre-test mean score reached 54.45 and the post-test mean score reached 73.27 with the gain is 18.82. In which, the data were analyzed both statistically through a Paired Samples T-test and also descriptively through a descriptive analysis. Based on the statistical analysis, it indicates that the increase is significant because the t-value is 8.883 and the t-table score is 2.069, t-value is higher than t-table. In summary, the result of study found that Wattpad is significant to improve reading particularly in identifying reference. Furthermore, the students showed positive response after doing the treatments. The improvement was shown in all aspects of reading, especially aspect of identifying reference. From the results, it can be concluded that reading through Wattpad can improve reading narrative text comprehension among the students in the first grade of Vocational High School.Keywords: reading, Wattpad media, narrative tex

    Improving students’ listening comprehension using song at SMA N 1 Way Jepara

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    The objectives of this research were to investigate if there was any improvement in students’ listening comprehension after the implementation of songs and to find out students’ responses toward the use of songs at SMAN 1 Way Jepara. The sample of this research was XI science two, which consisted of 24 students. The data were obtained through a pre-test and post-test and the results were analyzed by using Paired Sample T-Test. The first results of the research showed that the average post-test score (76.04) was higher that of the pre-test (60.83), it increased 15.20. The significant value is less than 5% (0.000.05). It means there was a significant improvement in students’ reading comprehension. In addition, the second result of the research showed students’ responses toward the implementation of songs. The respond is measured through 4 likert scale started from strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. Most student’s responses was positive. The mean of the questionnaire was 75.53. It means the majority of the students agreed that the strategy was effectively applied in the process of teaching listening.From the result It could be concluded that using songs is effective for teaching listening comprehensio

    Using silent demonstration to increase students’ writing in procedure text at the second grade students of SMK-SMTI Bandar Lampung

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    This research was aimed to find out whether there is a significant improvement of students’ writing ability before and after being taught through Silent Demonstration. By applying quantitative approach, the researcher intended to discuss the difference of students’ procedure text writing. The researcher chose XI APL 2 at SMK-SMTI  Bandar Lampung students as a sample, which the number of students reached 37 people using purposive sampling.  This study employed one-group pre-test and post-test design by comparing the mean score of the tests. The result showed that the mean of post-test, which is 79.49 is higher than the mean of pre-test at 64.03. In addition, the significance of the test is 0.000 lower than 0.05. It can be also supported by the evidence that verifies the statement was the t-value which showed higher number than t-table by having the result 19.407 2.0281

    The effect of using YouTube tutorial videos in English vocabulary learning at junior high school

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    The objectives of the research are to find the significant difference on students’ vocabulary understanding after using YouTube Tutorial videos and students response toward the use of YouTube Tutorial videos. The population of this research was the third grade of students of SMP Negeri 4 Bandar Lampung in the academic year 2022/2023. The sample was class IXA which consisted of 30 students. The method of this research was quantitative with the research design One Group Pre-test and Post-test Design. The researcher used vocabulary test consisted 30 questions pre-test post-test to measure the significant difference and the questionnaire to find students response in the process of data collection. The researcher used SPSS and MS.Excel to analyze the data after those data has been collected. The result showed that there is a significant difference on students vocabulary understanding. The increase from the mean score was 13,6 where Post-test is 75,3 while the pre-test 61,7. The questionnaire distributed to students draw positive response where students who answered positive 25 students and negative 5 students, and the total of students response reached 64,26. The significant difference score demonstrates that using Youtube Tutorial video in the classroom has affect students ability to comprehend the vocabulary better. The result from the questionnaire percentage showed that students felt happy and enjoy the learning process using YouTube Tutorial video