19 research outputs found
2854 High Resolution Esophageal Manometry Findings in Patients With Esophageal Symptoms After Head and Neck Radiation Therapy
Su1433 Coexisting Psychiatric Disorder Predicts Poor Outcome in Patients With Severe Gastroparesis: A 3 Year Review
Mo1616 – Cardiac Safety and Clinical Efficacy of Domperidone Use in Gastroparesis Using an Fda Approved Ind Protocol: A Prospective 6-Years Study
280 Patients With Non-Colorectal Cancers May Be at Elevated Risk of Colorectal Neoplasia
388 Endoscopic Intrapyloric Botulinum Toxin Injection With Pyloric Balloon Dilation for Delayed Gastric Emptying After Distal Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer: A 10-Year Experience
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Impact of Hepatitis B Core Antibody Seropositivity on the Outcome of Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Multiple Myeloma
Hepatitis B core antibody (HBcAb) seropositivity has been associated with a higher rate of hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation after chemotherapy, even in patients who are hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) negative. However, little is known about the risk of HBV reactivation after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (auto-HCT). We evaluated the incidence of HBV reactivation, liver toxicity, and survival in patients with multiple myeloma (MM) who received auto-HCT at our institution. We retrospectively identified 107 MM patients with resolved HBV infection (HBcAb positive, HBsAg negative) and 125 patients with negative HBV serology (control subjects) who were matched for age, timing of auto-HCT from diagnosis, cytogenetics, disease status at transplant, induction therapy, and preparative regimen. All patients underwent auto-HCT between 1991 and 2013. Primary endpoints were HBV reactivation, defined as HBsAg positivity or ≥10-fold increase in HBV DNA, and hepatotoxicity, as defined in the U.S. National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v3.0. In the resolved HBV infection group, 52 patients (49%) were HBsAb positive and 24 (22%) had detectable HBV DNA before auto-HCT. Only 1 patient with resolved HBV infection received pre-emptive antiviral therapy with lamivudine, whereas 4 patients received lamivudine (n = 3) or tenofovir (n = 1) at reactivation after auto-HCT for a median duration of 12 months. HBV reactivation occurred in 7 of 107 patients (6.5%) in the resolved HBV group. Median time to HBV reactivation from auto-HCT was 16 months. The cumulative incidence of grade 2 or greater hepatotoxicity was 30% in the resolved HBV infection group and 22% in the control group (hazard ratio, 1.3; 95% confidence interval, .7 to 2.3; P = .4). Nonrelapse mortality for the 2 groups was not statistically different at 2 years (P = .06), although it trended higher in the control group than in the resolved HBV infection group (8% versus 1%). The median progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) durations in the resolved HBV infection and control groups were 21 versus 18 months (P = .5) and 53 versus 67 months (P = .2), respectively. Our data suggest that resolved HBV infection in patients undergoing auto-HCT for MM is associated with a low risk of HBV reactivation and hepatotoxicity; these complications were reversible and did not adversely affect the PFS or OS
Detection rates of premalignant polyps during screening colonoscopy: Time to revise quality standards?
Mutational Profiles Reveal an Aberrant TGF-β-CEA Regulated Pathway in Colon Adenomas.
Mutational processes and signatures that drive early tumorigenesis are centrally important for early cancer prevention. Yet, to date, biomarkers and risk factors for polyps (adenomas) that inordinately and rapidly develop into colon cancer remain poorly defined. Here, we describe surprisingly high mutational profiles through whole-genome sequence (WGS) analysis in 2 of 4 pairs of benign colorectal adenoma tissue samples. Unsupervised hierarchical clustered transcriptomic analysis of a further 7 pairs of adenomas reveals distinct mutational signatures regardless of adenoma size. Transitional single nucleotide substitutions of C:G>T:A predominate in the adenoma mutational spectrum. Strikingly, we observe mutations in the TGF-β pathway and CEA-associated genes in 4 out of 11 adenomas, overlapping with the Wnt pathway. Immunohistochemical labeling reveals a nearly 5-fold increase in CEA levels in 23% of adenoma samples with a concomitant loss of TGF-β signaling. We also define a functional role by which the CEA B3 domain interacts with TGFBR1, potentially inactivating the tumor suppressor function of TGF-β signaling. Our study uncovers diverse mutational processes underlying the transition from early adenoma to cancer. This has broad implications for biomarker-driven targeting of CEA/TGF-β in high-risk adenomas and may lead to early detection of aggressive adenoma to CRC progression