4,464 research outputs found

    Applicability of the control configured design approach to advanced earth orbital transportation systems

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    The applicability of the control configured design approach (CCV) to advanced earth orbital transportation systems was studied. The baseline system investigated was fully reusable vertical take-off/horizontal landing single-stage-to-orbit vehicle and had mission requirements similar to the space shuttle orbiter. Technical analyses were made to determine aerodynamic, flight control and subsystem design characteristics. Figures of merit were assessed on vehicle dry weight and orbital payload. The results indicated that the major parameters for CCV designs are hypersonic trim, aft center of gravity, and control surface heating. Optimized CCV designs can be controllable and provide substantial payload gains over conventional non-CCV design vertical take-off vehicles

    Critical Workforce Skills for Bachelor-Level Geoscientists: An Analysis of Geoscience Job Advertisements

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    Understanding the skills bachelor-level geoscientists need to enter the workforce is critical to their success. The goal of this study was to identify the workforce skills that are most requested from a broad range of geoscience employers. We collected 3668 job advertisements for bachelor-level geoscientists and used a case-insensitive, code-matching function in Matlab to determine the skills geoscience employers seek. Written communication (67%), field skills (63%), planning (53%), and driving (51%) were most frequently requested. Field skills and data collection were frequently found together in the ads. Written communication skills were common regardless of occupation. Quantitative skills were requested less frequently (23%) but were usually mentioned several times in the ads that did request them, signaling their importance for certain jobs. Some geoscience-specific skills were rarely found, such as temporal understanding (5%) and systems thinking (0%). We also subdivided field skills into individual tasks and ranked them by employer demand. Site assessments and evaluations, unspecified field tasks, and monitoring were the most frequently requested field skills. This study presents the geoscience community with a picture of the skills sought by employers of bachelor-level geoscientists and provides departments and programs with data they can use to assess their curricula for workforce preparation

    The Future is Hera! Analyzing Astronomical Over the Internet

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    Hera is the data processing facility provided by the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for analyzing astronomical data. Hera provides all the pre-installed software packages, local disk space, and computing resources need to do general processing of FITS format data files residing on the users local computer, and to do research using the publicly available data from the High ENergy Astrophysics Division. Qualified students, educators and researchers may freely use the Hera services over the internet of research and educational purposes

    Evaluating Aspen Responses to Changes in Elk Abundance, Distribution and Behavior Following Wolf Reestablishment in West-Central Yellowstone National Park

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    The reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park created a unique “natural experiment” to study trophic interactions in a large-scale terrestrial system among wolves, elk, and aspen. This study utilized data from a long-term elk demography study that was established prior to wolf reintroduction. Significant changes in the abundance and distribution of the Madison headwaters elk herd were observed following wolf reestablishment. The spatial arrangement of these changes made it possible to directly test for the occurrence of a density-mediated trophic cascade. The objectives of this study were to answer the following questions: 1) was there a marked decrease in browsing pressure on aspen where elk densities declined, and 2) was there a corresponding plant-growth response indicating that aspen were released from browsing pressure? Historical browsing conditions and aspen height were observed for 31 aspen stands to assess the occurrence of a density-mediated trophic cascade following wolf reintroduction. Browse conditions and aspen morphology in stands where elk densities declined dramatically following wolf reintroduction were compared to stands that experienced persistent heavy browsing throughout this period. A major decline in browsing pressure along with a modest increase in aspen height and leader longevity was detected, supporting the hypothesis of a density-mediated trophic cascade. However, the magnitude of the growth response was weak, suggesting that browsing was not the dominant limiting factor to aspen growth in the study area and that aspen may be more strongly limited by bottom-up regulation

    Interface-engineered hole doping in Sr2IrO4/LaNiO3 heterostructure

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    The relativistic Mott insulator Sr2IrO4 driven by large spin-orbit interaction is known for the Jeff = 1/2 antiferromagnetic state which closely resembles the electronic structure of parent compounds of superconducting cuprates. Here, we report the realization of hole-doped Sr2IrO4 by means of interfacial charge transfer in Sr2IrO4/LaNiO3 heterostructures. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy on Ir 4f edge along with the X-ray absorption spectroscopy at Ni L2 edge confirmed that 5d electrons from Ir sites are transferred onto Ni sites, leading to markedly electronic reconstruction at the interface. Although the Sr2IrO4/LaNiO3 heterostructure remains non-metallic, we reveal that the transport behavior is no longer described by the Mott variable range hopping mode, but by the Efros-Shklovskii model. These findings highlight a powerful utility of interfaces to realize emerging electronic states of the Ruddlesden-Popper phases of Ir-based oxides.Comment: 9 pages including 3 figures and reference

    Overexpression of the MtrC-MtrD-MtrE Efflux Pump Due to an mtrR Mutation Is Required for Chromosomally Mediated Penicillin Resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae

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    The importance of the mtrCDE-encoded efflux pump in conferring chromosomally mediated penicillin resistance on certain strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae was determined by using genetic derivatives of penicillin-sensitive strain FA19 bearing defined mutations (mtrR, penA, and penB) donated by a clinical isolate (FA6140) expressing high-level resistance to penicillin and antimicrobial hydrophobic agents (HAs). When introduced into strain FA19 by transformation, a single base pair deletion in the mtrR promoter sequence from strain FA6140 was sufficient to provide high-level resistance to HAs (e.g., erythromycin and Triton X-100) but only a twofold increase in resistance to penicillin. When subsequent mutations in penA and porIB were introduced from strain FA6140 into strain WV30 (FA19 mtrR) by transformation, resistance to penicillin increased incrementally up to a MIC of 1.0 ÎĽg/ml. Insertional inactivation of the gene (mtrD) encoding the membrane transporter component of the Mtr efflux pump in these transformant strains and in strain FA6140 decreased the MIC of penicillin by 16-fold. Genetic analyses revealed that mtrR mutations, such as the single base pair deletion in its promoter, are needed for phenotypic expression of penicillin and tetracycline resistance afforded by the penB mutation. As penB represents amino acid substitutions within the third loop of the outer membrane PorIB protein that modulate entry of penicillin and tetracycline, the results presented herein suggest that PorIB and the MtrC-MtrD-MtrE efflux pump act synergistically to confer resistance to these antibiotics

    Geoscience Job Advertisements as a Barrier to Employment for People With Disabilities

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    Individuals with physical disabilities are largely underrepresented in the geoscience workforce. In this study, we analyzed over 2,500 job advertisements (ads) for entry-level geoscience positions across 19 industries to assess how inclusive the United States job market is for people with physical disabilities. We evaluated each ad’s Equal Opportunity Employer (EEO) and accommodation statements to create a measure of geoscience employers’ inclusive practices for people with disabilities. We coded each ad for instances where physical abilities (e.g., traversing rough terrain, driving a vehicle, lifting heavy objects) were listed as required or preferred qualifications and whether these abilities matched the core job function. A significant proportion of job ads (44%) did not include EEO statements, and of those that did, the language used was minimal or abbreviated. Additionally, only 18% of ads mentioned accommodations for people with disabilities. Of the ads that required physical abilities, only 19% requested physical abilities that matched the core job function. Students exploring their career options or applying for entry-level jobs may feel disadvantaged, restrict their applications, or dismiss geoscience careers if they have physical limitations, or if they perceive that the work environment is not inclusive. Overall, online geoscience ads could benefit from adding or modifying equal opportunity employment and accommodations statements to reflect a more inclusive workplace and could explicitly link requested physical abilities to the job description. These results could help employers consider possible modifications to their job advertisements and explore alternative strategies to promote a more inclusive geoscience workforce

    Is sexual risk taking behaviour changing in rural south-west Uganda? Behaviour trends in a rural population cohort 1993–2006

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe sexual behaviour trends in a rural Ugandan cohort in the context of an evolving HIV epidemic, 1993-2006. METHODS: Sexual behaviour data were collected annually from a population cohort in which HIV serological surveys were also conducted. Behaviour trends were determined using survival analysis and logistic regression. Trends are reported based on the years in which the respective indicators were collected. RESULTS: Between 1993 and 2006, median age at first sex increased from 16.7 years to 18.2 years among 17-20-year-old girls and from 18.5 years to 19.9 years among boys. Both sexes reported a dip in age at sexual debut between 1998 and 2001. One or more casual partners in the past 12 months among men rose from 11.6% in 1997 to 12.7% in 2004 and then declined to 10.2% in 2006. Among women it increased from 1.4% in 1997 to 3.7% in 2004 and then reduced to 1.4% in 2006. The rise in casual partners between 1997 and 2004 was driven mainly by older age groups. Trends in condom use with casual partners varied by age, increasing among those aged 35+ years, declining in the middle age groups and presenting a dip and then a rise in the youngest aged group (13-19 years). CONCLUSION: Among youth, risky behaviour declined but increased in the late 1990s/early 2000s. Among those aged 35+ years, condom use rose but casual partners also rose. Several indicators portrayed a temporary increase in risk taking behaviour from 1998 to 2002
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