3 research outputs found


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    Lake Ciburuy area is highly impacted by a wide range of human activities, including residential areas, rice fields, animal husbandry, plantations, dense vehicular traffic, and various industries, leading to the accumulation of pollutants. Particulates generated by the anthropogenic activities will be carried away and settle with the eroded soil to become sediment in the lake. This could cause serious problems in the aquatic environment if there is no monitoring study. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the anthropogenic material produced by human activities using physical and chemical properties analyses and pollution index calculations. The analysis of physical properties showed that Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), and magnetic susceptibility were within the range of 30 – 790 µS/cm, 29 – 555 mg/L, 7.310 – 3431.956 ×10-8 m3/kg, respectively. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the hysteresis parameter indicated that the samples contain ferrimagnetic materials, particularly magnetite with a mixture of Pseudo-Single Domain (PSD) and Multi-Domain (MD). The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) identified the morphology of the magnetic mineral with different shapes, such as octahedral and spherule. Furthermore, the spherule shape indicated the presence of anthropogenic materials in the sample. In terms of chemical properties, this study measured the pH and Potential Toxic Elements (PTEs) in the sediments. The pH ranged from 7.2-8.9, while the PTEs showed moderate to very severe levels of contamination by Mn, Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cu, which exceeded the sediment quality standard. The PCA reveals the interconnection between physical and chemical properties, which can identify pollutants derived from anthropogenic materials, as well as indicate low, medium, and high levels of pollution in the lake area.Područje jezera Ciburuy pod velikim je utjecajem širokoga spektra ljudskih aktivnosti, uključujući stambena područja, rižina polja, stočarstvo, plantaže, gust promet vozila i razne industrije, što dovodi do nakupljanja zagađivača. Čestice nastale antropogenim aktivnostima odnijet će se i taložiti s erodiranim tlom i postati sediment u jezeru. To bi moglo stvoriti ozbiljne probleme u vodenome okolišu ako ne postoji studija praćenja. Stoga je cilj ove studije bio identificirati antropogeni materijal proizveden ljudskim aktivnostima korištenjem analize fizičkih i kemijskih svojstava i izračuna indeksa onečišćenja. Analiza fizičkih svojstava pokazala je da su električna vodljivost (EC), ukupna otopljena krutina (TDS) i magnetska osjetljivost po redu unutar raspona 30 – 790 μS/cm, 29 – 555 mg/L, 7,310 – 3431,956 ×10-8 m3/kg. Difrakcija rendgenskih zraka (XRD) i parametar histereze pokazali su da uzorci sadržavaju ferimagnetske materijale, posebno magnetit s pseudojednodomenskom (PSD) i višedomenskom (MD) mješavinom. Skenirajući elektronski mikroskop (SEM) i energetska disperzivna spektroskopija (EDS) identificirali su morfologiju magnetskoga minerala s različitim oblicima, kao što su oktaedar i sferula. Nadalje, oblik sferule upućuje na prisutnost antropogenih materijala u uzorku. Što se tiče kemijskih svojstava, ova studija mjeri pH i potencijalno toksične elemente (PTE) u sedimentima. pH je bio u rasponu 7,2 – 8,9, dok su PTE pokazivali umjerenu do vrlo jaku razinu kontaminacije Mn, Pb, Zn, Cd i Cu, što je premašilo standard kvalitete sedimenta. PCA otkriva međusobnu vezu između fizičkih i kemijskih svojstava, koja mogu identificirati zagađivače koji potječu od antropogenih materijala, kao i uputiti na niske, srednje i visoke razine onečišćenja u području jezera

    Physical Properties of Orange Peels Eco-enzyme: One way to Reduce and Recycle Waste and Environmental Problem

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    A high quantity of organic waste without proper waste management can endanger public health and environmental sustainability. To reduce the risk that can be caused by organic waste pollution, then there should be a solution. One of them is to make eco-enzyme. Eco-enzyme is a fermented solution from organic waste that can be used as floor cleaner, plant disinfectant, hand sanitiser, plant fertilizer, etc. A good eco-enzyme solution has special properties. One of them is the low-value power of Hydrogen (pH). In this study, other physical properties of eco-enzyme are analyzed. Eco-enzyme was produced from organic waste. Here, Sunkist orange peel and various mixtures of orange peel were used as the main materials of eco-enzyme. The eco-enzyme solutions were carried out for 33 days, accompanied by routine monitoring by reviewing physical parameters such as pH, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), and Electrical Conductivity (EC) values. The results showed the characteristics of the eco-enzyme product by physical properties are the eco-enzyme has an acidic with a low pH value (1000 ppm) and EC (>1500mS/cm). The finding is TDS and EC have high value whereas usually high EC and TDS are owned by polluted liquids