2 research outputs found

    Penghapusan Praktik Penjualan Bersyarat oleh Google Sebagai Bentuk Persaingan Usaha Sehat di Indonesia

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    This writing is intended to find out the prohibition on the use of alternative payment methods made by Google for users of digital services in Indonesia. Against the background of the KPPU investigation against Google for alleged conditional sales practices, which was followed by a change in settings on Google Support Android Developer that allowed alternative payment methods. Therefore, an assessment to further analyze this paper is essential because there is no research on monopolistic practices in digital market share in Indonesia so this research can be a renewal of existing laws for Indonesia. This writing is included in normative with the approach methods used in this writing are statute, comparative, and case. The results of the analysis also found that Google has eliminated the practice of conditional sales through changes in settings by allowing the use of alternative payment methods and compliance with the fulfillment of the responsibility and role of KPPU as a business supervisory authority in Indonesia based on the Business Competition Law. Penulisan ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui adanya larangan penggunaan metode pembayaran alternatif yang dilakukan oleh Google terhadap konsumen atau pengguna layanan digital di Indonesia. Dilatar belakangi adanya penyelidikan KPPU terhadap Google atas dugaan praktik penjualan bersyarat, yang kemudian disusul dengan dilakukannya perubahan pengaturan pada Google Support Android Developer atas diperbolehkannya penggunaan metode pembayaran alternatif selain Google Pay Billing. Maka, pengkajian untuk menganalisis lebih lanjut atas penulisan ini menjadi penting dikarenakan belum adanya penelitian terkait praktik monopoli di dalam ranah pangsa pasar digital di Indonesia sehingga penelitian ini dapat menjadi suatu pembaharuan hukum bagi Indonesia. Adapun penulisan ini termasuk ke dalam penulisan normatif dengan metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah statute approach (pendekatan perundang-undang), comparative approach (pendekatan komparasi), dan case approach (pendekatan kasus). Hasil analisisnya pun didapati bahwa Google telah menghapus adanya praktik penjualan bersyarat melalui perubahan pengaturan dengan memperbolehkan penggunaan metode pembayaran alternatif serta kesesuaian atas pemenuhan tanggung jawab dan peran KPPU sebagai lembaga pengawas persaingan usaha di Indonesia sudah berdasar pada UU Persaingan Usaha. 


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    This study discusses the enforcement of Law No. 21 of 2007 against perpetrators of child prostitution and also protects children as peddlers. cases of child prostitution in 2018 that have been recorded by the KPAI reached 93 cases spread throughout Indonesia. In 2020 there are also cases of online prostitution that ensnare children, in Kalibata City. As for then the main problem discussed in this scientific paper is how the implementation of Law No. 21 of 2007 takes action against perpetrators of child prostitution and also provides protection for children as peddlers. The research method used in this research is a normative research methodwith a statutory approach. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the lack of law enforcement in human trafficking cases involving child prostitution where we emphasize that children in prostitution cases must be seen as victims and exploitation behavior must be considered a crime by Law Number 21 of 2007 Regarding the Eradication of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons Article 5 Jo. number 8